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Kao kod ZDNK? [huh]

hehehehehehehe…to je nekako atipično [lol]

 I m a g i n a t i o n * a t * w o r k 

15 Companies That Might Not Survive 2009

Rite Aid. (RAD); about 100,000 employees; 1-year stock-price decline: 92%). This drugstore chain tried to boost its performance by acquiring competitors Brooks and Eckerd in 2007. But there have been some nasty side effects, like a huge debt load that makes it the most leveraged drugstore chain in the U.S., according to Zacks Equity Research. That big retail investment came just as megadiscounter Wal-Mart (WMT) was starting to sell prescription drugs, and consumers were starting to cut back on spending. Management has twice lowered its outlook for 2009. Prognosis: Mounting losses, with no turnaround in sight.
Claire’s Stores. (Privately owned; about 18,000 employees.) Leon Black’s once-renowned private-equity firm, the Apollo Group, paid $3.1 billion for this trendy teen-focused accessory store in 2007, when buyout funds were bulging. But cash flow has been negative for much of the past year and analysts believe Claire’s is close to defaulting on its debt. A horrible retail outlook for 2009 offers no relief, suggesting Claire’s could follow Linens ‘n Things – another Apollo purchase – and declare Chapter 11, possibly shuttering all of its 3,000-plus stores.
Chrysler. (Privately owned; about 55,000 employees). It’s never a good sign when management insists the company is not going out of business, which is what CEO Bob Nardelli has been doing lately. Of the three Detroit automakers, Chrysler is the most endangered, with a product portfolio that’s overreliant on gas-guzzling trucks and SUVs and almost totally devoid of compelling small cars. A recent deal with Fiat (FIATY.PK) seems dubious, since the Italian automaker doesn’t have to pony up any money, and Chrysler desperately needs cash. The company is quickly burning through $4 billion in government bailout money, and with car sales down 40 percent from recent peaks, Chrysler may be the weakling that can’t cut it in tough times.
Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group. (DTG); about 7,000 employees; stock down 95%). This car-rental company is a small player compared to Enterprise, Hertz (HTZ), and Avis Budget (CAR). It’s also more reliant on leisure travelers, and therefore more susceptible to a downturn as consumers cut spending. Dollar Thrifty is also closely tied to Chrysler, which supplies 80 percent of its fleet. Moody’s predicts that if Chrysler declares Chapter 11, Dollar Thrifty would suffer deeply as well.
Realogy Corp. (Privately owned; about 13,000 employees). It’s the biggest real-estate brokerage firm in the country, but that’s a bad thing when there are double-digit declines in both sales and prices, as there were in 2009. Realogy, which includes the Coldwell Banker, ERA, and Sotheby’s (BID) franchises, also carries a high debt load, dating to its purchase by the Apollo Group in 2007 – the very moment when the housing market was starting to invert from a soaring ride into a sickening nosedive. Realogy has been trying to refinance much of its debt, prompting lawsuits. One deal was denied by a judge in December, reducing the firm’s already tight wiggle room.
Station Casinos. (Privately owned, about 14,000 employees). Las Vegas has already been creamed by a biblical real-estate bust, and now it may face the loss of its home-grown gambling joints, too. Station – which runs 15 casinos off the strip that cater to locals – recently failed to make a key interest payment, which is often one of the last steps before a Chapter 11 filing. For once, the house seems likely to lose.
Loehmann’s Capital Corp. (Privately owned; about 1,500 employees). This clothing chain has the right formula for lean times, offering women’s clothing at discount prices. But the consumer pullback is hitting just about every retailer, and Loehmann’s has a lot less cash to ride out a drought than competitors like Nordstrom Rack (JWN) and TJ Maxx. If Loehmann’s doesn’t get additional financing in 2009 – a dicey proposition, gi


Sbarro. (Privately owned; about 5,500 employees). It’s not the pizza that’s the problem. Many of this chain’s 1,100 storefronts are in malls, which is a double whammy: Traffic is down, since consumers have put away their wallets. Sbarro can’t really boost revenue by adding a breakfast or late-night menu, like other chains have done. And competitors like Domino’s (DPZ) and Pizza Hut have less debt and stronger cash flow, which could intensify pressure on Sbarro as key debt payments come due in 2009.
Six Flags. (SIX); about 30,000 employees; stock down 84%. This theme-park operator has been losing money for several years, and selling off properties to try to pay down debt and get back into the black. But the ride may end prematurely. Moody’s expects cash flow to be negative in 2009, and if consumers aren’t spending during the peak summer season, that could imperil the company’s ability to pay debts coming due later this year and in 2010.
Blockbuster. (BBI); about 60,000 employees; stock down 57%. The video-rental chain has burned cash while trying to figure out how to maximize fees without alienating customers. Its operating income has started to improve just as consumers are cutting back, even on movies. Video stores in general are under pressure as they compete with cable and Internet operators offering the same titles. A key test of Blockbuster’s viability will come when two credit lines expire in August. One possible outcome, according to Valueline, is that investors take the company private and then go public again when market conditions are better.
Krispy Kreme. (KKD); about 4,000 employees; stock down 50%. The donuts might be good, but Krispy Kreme overestimated Americans’ appetite – and that’s saying something. This chain overexpanded during the donut heyday of the 1990s – taking on a lot of debt – and now requires high volumes to meet expenses and interest payments. The company has cut costs and closed underperforming stores, but still hasn’t earned an operating profit in three years. And now that consumers are cutting back on everything, such improvements may fail to offset top-line declines, leading Krispy Kreme to seek some kind of relief from lenders over the next year.
Landry’s Restaurants. (LNY); about 17,000 employees; stock down 66%. This restaurant chain, which operates Chart House, Rainforest Café, and other eateries, needs $400 million in new financing to finalize a buyout deal dating to last June. If lenders come through, the company should have enough cash to ride out the recession.
[EDITOR’S NOTE 2/9/09: Landry’s did manage to sell $295.5 million in senior secured notes on Thursday, February 5.]
Sirius Satellite Radio. (SIRI) – parent company; about 1,000 employees; stock down 96%. The music rocks, but satellite radio has yet to be profitable, and huge contracts for performers like Howard Stern are looking unsustainable. Sirius is one of two satellite-radio services owned by parent company Sirius XM, which was formed when Sirius and XM merged last year. So far, the merger hasn’t generated the savings needed to make the company profitable, and Moody’s thinks there’s a "high likelihood" that Sirius will fail to repay or refinance its debt in 2009. One outcome could be a takeover, at distressed prices, by other firms active in the satellite business.
Trump Entertainment Resorts Holdings. (TRMP); about 9,500 employees; stock down 94%. The casino company made famous by The Donald has received several extensions on interest payments, while it tries to sell at least one of its Atlantic City properties and pay down a stack of debt. But with casino buyers scarce, competition circling, and gamblers nursing their losses from the recession, Trump
BearingPoint. (BGPT.OB); about 16,000 employees; stock down 21%.
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s obzirom da sutra ameri ne rade,kakav će nam sutra biti dan.ako ćemo se ravnati po ovoj truloj evropi tobože nekakva unija,a svi gledaju samo na sebe,nemamo se ćemu nadati.Zanima me po ćemu će se oni sutra ravnati,jer neće moći jednim okom gledati preko atlantika.Mislim da bi sutra mogli oboriti rekord po prometu.

China to stick with US bonds

China will continue to buy US Treasury bonds even though it knows the dollar will depreciate because such investments remain its “only option” in a perilous world, a senior Chinese banking regulator said on Wednesday.
Luo Ping, a director-general at the China Banking Regulatory Commission, said after a speech in New York that China would continue to buy Treasuries in spite of its misgivings about US finances.
Luo, speaking at the Global Association of Risk Management’s 10th Annual Risk Management Convention, said: “Except for US Treasuries, what can you hold?” he asked. “Gold? You don’t hold Japanese government bonds or UK bonds. US Treasuries are the safe haven. For everyone, including China, it is the only option.”
Mr Luo, whose English tends toward the colloquial, added: “We hate you guys. Once you start issuing $1 trillion-$2 trillion [$1,000bn-$2,000bn] . . .we know the dollar is going to depreciate, so we hate you guys but there is nothing much we can do.”



Mr Luo, whose English tends toward the colloquial, added: “We hate you guys. Once you start issuing $1 trillion-$2 trillion [$1,000bn-$2,000bn] . . .we know the dollar is going to depreciate, so we hate you guys but there is nothing much we can do.”
[lol] [lol]

"ne vrijedi se raspravljati sa budalom, jer te spusti na svoj nivo, i onda te pobjedi na iskustvo" Mreich

s obzirom da sutra ameri ne rade,kakav će nam sutra biti dan.ako ćemo se ravnati po ovoj truloj evropi tobože nekakva unija,a svi gledaju samo na sebe,nemamo se ćemu nadati.Zanima me po ćemu će se oni sutra ravnati,jer neće moći jednim okom gledati preko atlantika.Mislim da bi sutra mogli oboriti rekord po prometu.

Ako će se ravnati prema zadnjem trgovinskom danu Amera, ipak su zadnji zatvorili, a zatvorili su u negativnom teritoriju …

s obzirom da sutra ameri ne rade,kakav će nam sutra biti dan.ako ćemo se ravnati po ovoj truloj evropi tobože nekakva unija,a svi gledaju samo na sebe,nemamo se ćemu nadati.Zanima me po ćemu će se oni sutra ravnati,jer neće moći jednim okom gledati preko atlantika.Mislim da bi sutra mogli oboriti rekord po prometu.

Možda po ovome:

Ulagače su zabrinuli preliminarni podaci Eurostata koji su pokazali pad gospodarskih aktivnosti u eurozoni u četvrtom tromjesečju lani za rekordnih 1,5 posto u odnosu na ranije tromjesečje. To je treće uzastopno tromjesečje pada BDP-a za 15 članica eurozone, te više od 1,3-postotnog pada koji su prognozirali analitičari.

U 27-članom EU pad BDP-a iznosio je također 1,5 posto, što je taj blok pogurnulo u recesiju, definiranu kao dva tromjesečja pada gospodarskih aktivnosti zaredom, nakon što je ranije izbjegao formalno proglašenje recesije zahvaljujući nultoj stopi rasta u drugome tromjesečju 2008.

Dirty Sanchez is a term for a sex act when a man, after the anal sex, takes his penis and rubs it on the girls upper lip leaving a moustache.

Europa tjedan počinje u Crvenom.


Evo malo dobrih vijesti, jer se spominju 80-te.

U.K. Economy to Shrink 3.3% in Worst Slump Since 1980, CBI Says

Feb. 16 (Bloomberg) — The U.K. economy will shrink at almost twice the pace previously forecast this year as the credit famine plunges the nation deeper into the worst recession in almost 30 years, the Confederation of British Industry said.
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Azija u minusu, optimizam oko trajanja krize

Azijske dionice pale su, predvođene dionicama financijskog sektora i proizvođačima osnovnih materijala, kako se japansko gospodarstvo stegnulo najoštrije od 1974. godine, a Grupa sedam priopćila da će recesija globalnog gospodarstva trajati veći dio ove godine.


Usprkos oporavku u petak, Crobex je ukupno za cijeli tjedan pao 5,35%, pa nakon skromnog rasta prethodnog tjedna, trgovanje na Zagrebačkoj burzi danas opet počinje s nižom razinom dioničkog indeksa nego sedam dana prije, kao i u većem dijelu proteklog mjeseca. Crobex se spustio na samo bod iznad psihološke granice od 1600 bodova, a u četvrtak je, nakon šoka oko moguće promjene pravila u drugom stupu mirovinske reforme, bio na najnižoj razini od 5. prosinca. Redovni promet bio je 146,5 mil. kuna, što je novi rast od 12,5 mil. kuna, nakon skoka od 50% u prethodnom tjednu.(Briefing)

Zanimljivo je da se povećavaju prometi na ZSE, što je dobar znak jer upućuje na to da su ulagači ocijenili trenutne cijene kao povoljne za ulaz. Da nije bilo šoka zbog Sanaderovih izjava oko 2. stupa, vjerojatno bi crobex prošli tjedan završio bez neke veće promjene. Danas bi prometi mogli biti nešto manji, bez nekih značajnijih promjena crobexa.

Hrvatska ulazi u EU glasovima 30% biračkog tijela. 70% birača nije dalo svoj glas za ulazak u EU!

New Report
