zaboravio reči bitnu stvar…lol
u utorak ili srijedu će kongres glasovati za onih 815 mlrd..tako da bi to dodatno moglo pomoći…jer će sigurno biti izglasan
Procjena je 5,4%, sorry
A što ako0 bude 6-7%?? [bye] [bye]
Jedno je sigurno
oni koji
jednostavno NITKO NIŠTA NE ZNA [thumbsup]
Izglasavanje tek tijekom polovice 2. mjeseca.
Ja ZNAM da idemo dolje iz trenutnog stanja. A to da li to netko ZNA, ja NE ZNAM.
Lele Kuku [bye]
Futures Lower on GDP Pessimism, P&G Miss
Topics:Economy (U.S.) | Earnings | Barack Obama | Stock Market
Companies:Procter & Gamble Co | Honeywell International Inc | Chevron Corp | Exxon Mobil Corp | Inc
By: | 30 Jan 2009 | 07:30 AM ET
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US stock index futures pointed to a slightly lower open Friday as bank shares continued to come under pressure ahead of the latest figures on gross domestic product.
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# Pre-Markets/Futures Data
The growing unemployment rate and slumping consumer spending is expected to drag the government’s first economic snapshot from the fourth quarter to a 26-year low, according to economists polled by Reuters. The GDP data is released at 8:30 am New York time.
zaboravio reči bitnu stvar…lol
u utorak ili srijedu će kongres glasovati za onih 815 mlrd..tako da bi to dodatno moglo pomoći…jer će sigurno biti izglasan
Kongres je izglaso, slijedi senat…bolje se fokusiraj na nezaposlenost….
The cost of hedging against losses on Ireland’s government debt climbed to the highest in the euro region, surpassing Greece’s sovereign bonds, according to credit- default swaps.
Contracts on Ireland rose 2 basis points to 262.5, compared with 255 for Greece, according to CMA Datavision.
Credit-default swaps on Ireland also cost more than contracts on the debt of Chile, the Czech Republic, Israel, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and China, CMA prices showed.
Credit-default swaps, contracts conceived to protect bondholders against default, pay the buyer face value in exchange for the underlying securities or the cash equivalent should a company or country fail to adhere to its debt agreements.
Soros: Euro možda neće preživjeti krizu, stvari su gore nego što sam mislio
Jedan od najbogatijih ulagača na svijetu George Soros u razgovoru za austrijski Der Standard ustvrdio je kako postoji mogućnost da europska valuta ne preživi financijsku globalnu krizu.
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Điiiiizzzzzz [bye]
3,8% pad GDP u SADu
hehhe odlično