Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

pa s obzirom da čitate gomilu pisanog materijala radi se o krivom materijalu, jer da zbilja ulažete u znanje znali bi da ništa ne znate. još se nije rodio taj koji može prognozirati kako će se kretati burzovni indeks sve do 2018. a vi mislite da ste vi taj. evo vidite ja recimo znam da ništa ne znam jer ekonomiju studiram. [bye]

onda milovane pročitaj cijeli outlook koji sam postao…to što studiraš znači da još uvijek nisi kompetentan donositi zaključke o tuđem znanju i kompetenciji!


Bank bailout could cost $4 trillion

NEW YORK (Fortune) — The cost of the bank bailout is likely to be much higher than $700 billion.
While the Obama administration hasn’t asked Congress for more money yet, some experts warn that government spending on support for struggling financial services companies will ultimately reach into the trillions of dollars.
"The amount of working capital you’d expect the government to take into this would be around $3 trillion to $4 trillion," said Simon Johnson, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and author of its Baseline Scenario financial crisis blog.
Johnson, who until last year was the chief economist at the International Monetary Fund, said that banks will need more rounds of capital from the government because their cushion against losses is too thin. He also said that there is a need to get rid of some of the toxic assets weighing on financial institutions before they can recover."




na baš najbolja analiza iz RBA


Bank bailout could cost $4 trillion

NEW YORK (Fortune) — The cost of the bank bailout is likely to be much higher than $700 billion.
While the Obama administration hasn’t asked Congress for more money yet, some experts warn that government spending on support for struggling financial services companies will ultimately reach into the trillions of dollars.
"The amount of working capital you’d expect the government to take into this would be around $3 trillion to $4 trillion," said Simon Johnson, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and author of its Baseline Scenario financial crisis blog.
Johnson, who until last year was the chief economist at the International Monetary Fund, said that banks will need more rounds of capital from the government because their cushion against losses is too thin. He also said that there is a need to get rid of some of the toxic assets weighing on financial institutions before they can recover."

Neka košta kolko košta…kolko god treba…al ja nisam čuo da je netko smislio neku bolju instituciju od banke…tak da do daljnjega…pa i ak vlastitu zemlju treba prodat…upumpavat lovu u banke…jer od gubitka par posto tu i tam…gore je samo revolucija i rat…a to se sad događa čak i u najravijenijim europskim zemljama koje nisu bile u radu stoljećima… ne treba se zekati s time…

pa s obzirom da čitate gomilu pisanog materijala radi se o krivom materijalu, jer da zbilja ulažete u znanje znali bi da ništa ne znate. još se nije rodio taj koji može prognozirati kako će se kretati burzovni indeks sve do 2018. a vi mislite da ste vi taj. evo vidite ja recimo znam da ništa ne znam jer ekonomiju studiram. [bye]

onda milovane pročitaj cijeli outlook koji sam postao…to što studiraš znači da još uvijek nisi kompetentan donositi zaključke o tuđem znanju i kompetenciji!



ooooo…itekako sam kompetentan, studiram još od 1983. kad sam morao naprasito prekinuti…ali
teško se nosim sa ovim kapitalsitičkim ekonomskim žbrljotinama…zato sam svojevremeno najbolje znao od sviju na faksu nabrojati sve ovce u SFRJ [thumbsup]

Moja zemlja se ne zadužuje bez velike nužde.

kolega milovane, niste stigli pročitati tako brzo!

Stocks seen opening higher; earnings in focus

(Reuters) – Dow Jones futures were up 0.8 percent at 1032 GMT, S&P 500 futures up 0.9 percent, Nasdaq futures up 0.2 percent, pointing to rising stock markets on Tuesday.

S&P 500 .SPX companies due to report quarterly results include technology bellwethers Sun Microsystems (JAVA.O) and Yahoo (YHOO.O) as well as drug maker Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMY.N), chemical maker DuPont (DD.N) and telecoms group Verizon (VZ.N).

On Monday, American Express (AXP.N), Texas Instruments (TXN.N) and Netflix (NFLX.O) reported better than expected results.

Economic data due on Tuesday include the S&P Case/Shiller Home Price Index for November at 1400 GMT, the Richmond Fed’s manufacturing and services indexes for January at 1500 GMT and consumer confidence for January, also at 1500 GMT.

The Federal Reserve’s monetary policy setting Federal Open Market Committee begins its two-day meeting on interest rates.


When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. ~Billy Graham


Stani malo da ti uzmem dimenzije, Lucky!!!

Premješteno iz teme: Komentari trgovanja na hrvatskom tržištu kapitala

Tko je ugasio zeleno??? [shocked]
Ameri u plusu, europa u plusu, Azija u plusu, mi u plu.. ovaj minusu.
Belosvetska zavera. [angry]

Evo prešli su Europčani na našu stranu u pravom europskom duhu


Futuresi polako rastu, EU smanjuje minus, a mi ne reagiramo…

Premješteno iz teme: Komentari trgovanja na hrvatskom tržištu kapitala

Tko je ugasio zeleno??? [shocked]
Ameri u plusu, europa u plusu, Azija u plusu, mi u plu.. ovaj minusu.
Belosvetska zavera. [angry]

Evo prešli su Europčani na našu stranu u pravom europskom duhu


Samo da uskoro ne bi za Crobex pričali…"I njegov duh je još s nama"


New Report
