Europa tone u recesiju a društvo s Titanika veselo pjeva.
Kuku Lele [bye]
Da,nazalost smo propustili onaj rally na burzama jucer. Ne vjerujem da cemo ga zato naknadno danas imat (suprotno zeljama pa cak i mojim), jos s obzirom da je EU u laganom minusu.
euro u naletu,35920.html
a stvari na WS-u lagano optimistične,35919.html
eu se vraca….
Dividends being cut at fastest pace in 50 years
Tuesday January 27, 12:09 am ET
By Rachel Beck, AP Business Writer
Dividends being cut at fastest pace in 50 years; Pfizer slashes its dividend in half
NEW YORK (AP) — Dividends are being cut at the fastest pace in at least 50 years, and many of the reductions are coming from U.S. companies investors have been relying on to provide income during the recession.
Already this year, seven companies in the Standard & Poor’s 500 index have decreased their dividends, removing some $12 billion from shareholders’ pockets in the coming months. On Monday, Pfizer became the latest blue-chip company to do so.
These cuts serve up another hit to shareholders who have already been battered by the steep declines in the stock market. That is especially true of retirees, who tend to be attracted to so-called "widows and orphans" stocks that provide them with a steady cash flow.
If the trend continues, this will be the worst year for dividend cuts since 1958, when annual payments fell by 8.4 percent, according to new research from S&P.
"It is easy to say this is going to be the worst in 50 years, but the bigger question is whether it is going to be much worse than that," said Howard Silverblatt, senior index analyst at S&P.
Kuku Lele [bye]
"MMF predlaže da se konkurentnost ekonomije podigne na drugi način, kroz veliko rezanje javne potrošnje. U Latviji, primjerice, kako navodi Škreb, vlasti su smanjile plaće i bonuse u javnom sektoru za čak 25 posto. Možda ne tako drastično, ali sličan smjer rada Vladi predlažu HNB, Ekonomsko vijeće, HUP, bankari… Vlada, međutim, niti želi sama nešto učiniti niti želi pomoć MMF-a."
EU se opet vraća u zelene boje, usprkos rastu jučer od cca +3%. Futuresi također odlično izgledaju i ovo bi mogao biti dobar dan/tjedan i za ZSE [smiley]
Dečki idemo probati nešto jače za staviti, ovo ne pali. [thumbsup]
Tesko, zar ne vidis predtrgovanje!? Vise se dogada u napretku hrvatskog polo sporta nego tu…
Dečki idemo probati nešto jače za staviti, ovo ne pali. [thumbsup]
Koliko loših vijesti. Europa i Amerika stagniraju, nakon pada, i nema odbijanca i pravog trenda prema
Opet ode dolje Europa. [bye] Pametnom dosta.