Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

…, onda Vam je Grobi na 2.700, a ne na 3.200!

Jel to onaj od Spielberga?

da, genijalan film prema stvarnim događajima.
a mahmud neće ni znat šta ga snašlo, a kamoli da to javno iznese…probilo bi mu crvenilo i kroz onu gustu bradu….a ak je di lako prerušit se u ženu onda u iranu [lol]

Dobro kolega oćete mi više reći šta se dogodilo u sceni, majku mu staru.
Ili moram po dvd?
Jel film samo o Olimpijadi ili i o lovu poslije?


Ostavit ću vas sa:

"Iranian missile tests. Reports of covert U.S. operations inside the country. Israeli military exercises designed to simulate an attack on Iran.
The signs are unmistakable: Tensions in the oil-rich Persian Gulf are heating up."

"The likelihood of an attack is the highest it’s ever been," said Christopher Ruppel, an energy analyst at Execution LLC, a broker and research firm for institutional investors like hedge and mutual funds, who puts the chances of an attack at 50%. "Right away prices would go above $200 a barrel.
With signs that the violence in Iraq may be abating, the Bush administration would not want to face a new escalation, said Matthee, who thinks there is just a 10% chance that the bluster with Iran will actually turn into a shooting war"


Dobro kolega oćete mi više reći šta se dogodilo u sceni, majku mu staru.
Ili moram po dvd?
Jel film samo o Olimpijadi ili i o lovu poslije?

ma obavezno po dvd neću vam kvarit doživljaj.
o lovu poslije…scena nije tolko bitna za film kolko je čovjek koji se predstavi u njoj…..i javite mi na čijoj ste starni bili tijekom filma.
trebo bi ga i Ađo pogledat prije neg napravi neku glupost opet, da vidim s kim će posla imat.

Ostavit ću vas sa:

"Iranian missile tests. Reports of covert U.S. operations inside the country. Israeli military exercises designed to simulate an attack on Iran.
The signs are unmistakable: Tensions in the oil-rich Persian Gulf are heating up."

"The likelihood of an attack is the highest it’s ever been," said Christopher Ruppel, an energy analyst at Execution LLC, a broker and research firm for institutional investors like hedge and mutual funds, who puts the chances of an attack at 50%. "Right away prices would go above $200 a barrel.
With signs that the violence in Iraq may be abating, the Bush administration would not want to face a new escalation, said Matthee, who thinks there is just a 10% chance that the bluster with Iran will actually turn into a shooting war"

Jako je tužno da se netko ratu veseli.

US took freewheeling capitalism to the limits and the wheels came off

Investment firms didn’t draw emergency Fed loans for first time since program started
"WASHINGTON (AP) — In a sign of some improvement in the credit crisis, Wall Street firms for the first time didn’t borrow from the Federal Reserve’s emergency lending program and commercial banks also scaled back."

Mean people suck and nice people swallow!

Ostavit ću vas sa:

"Iranian missile tests. Reports of covert U.S. operations inside the country. Israeli military exercises designed to simulate an attack on Iran.
The signs are unmistakable: Tensions in the oil-rich Persian Gulf are heating up."

"The likelihood of an attack is the highest it’s ever been," said Christopher Ruppel, an energy analyst at Execution LLC, a broker and research firm for institutional investors like hedge and mutual funds, who puts the chances of an attack at 50%. "Right away prices would go above $200 a barrel.
With signs that the violence in Iraq may be abating, the Bush administration would not want to face a new escalation, said Matthee, who thinks there is just a 10% chance that the bluster with Iran will actually turn into a shooting war"

Jako je tužno da se netko ratu veseli.

E, svašta, vi ste kolega totalno pukli


Haha, on je pukao, pogle sebe, u ponoć, u jedan sat, u osam ujutro, stalno si na forumu, a on pukao, pukli samo svi pomalce…

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

Haha, on je pukao, pogle sebe, u ponoć, u jedan sat, u osam ujutro, stalno si na forumu, a on pukao, pukli samo svi pomalce…

100 posto!

dan je pametniji od noći

Haha, on je pukao, pogle sebe, u ponoć, u jedan sat, u osam ujutro, stalno si na forumu, a on pukao, pukli samo svi pomalce…

A vi kao niste na forumu


Što sam napisao?

citiram: pukli samo svi pomalce…

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

New Report
