Vidim da su mnogi još uvijek puni optimizma i to mi je drago jer će mi omogućiti još koji rally.
No ne zaboravite, 1929. godine nije bilo dno, već 1933. godine, dakle četiri godine kasnije.
Što se tiče analitičara oni će kao i Rohatinski, imati još pregršt prilika za korekciju svojih stavova prije nego što ova kriza epskih proporcija završi.
Vidim da su već mnogi financijski analitičari korigirali svoje procjene na niže, a to je tek početak.
Zadnja nada im je bila KIna, no nakon najnovijeg izvještaja o padu kineskog izvoza za preko 11 posto i ona se pokazala kao mjehur od sapunice.
Teška vremena tek dolaze nakon što počne masovno dijeljenje otkaza.
Najcrnji scenarij većina vas ne može niti zamisliti pa Vam ga neću pisati.
Ipak vidim da ima par pojedinaca koji bi ga mogli zamisliti.
kao prvo, prouci povijest malo bolje, kad je bilo dno, kolika je bila nezaposlenost, koliko su bile kamate itd, a kao drugo ti si sve prodao, tako da ce svaki rally u tebi izazvati tjeskobu i skrgut zubi! [lol] [lol]
uzivaj! [thumbsup]
Ma poštovani kolega Bero je ljut. Još je tamo na 1500 crobexa trubio svima kako će on na 1200, a kad je krenulo gore naljutio se na sve i zamolio moderatora da ga isključi. Drago mi je da je tu sa nama, samo me zanima gdje će nakon još jednog fijaska pisati?
Pa ovi Ameri će još u plusu završiti.
Stock Market’s Next Bounce May Be Lower, Not Higher
Topics:Energy | Technology | Stock Market
Companies:Conocophillips | IBM | Intel Corp | Clorox Co | McDonalds Corp
By: Jeff Cox, | 23 Jan 2009 | 03:29 PM ET
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Whether the number is 8,000 on the Dow or 800 on the S&P, the stock market has found something of a comfort level from which it refuses to deviate very far.
False bottom
False bottom
As they have several times in recent weeks, the averages tested their support levels Friday and managed to bounce back—even in the face of bad news. So while investors have shown little inclination to stage a broad rally, they’ve also eased off the sell trigger once the psychological numbers have been breached.
"Every time we get to 805, 804 in the S&P it bounces. It could be in anticipation of us holding 800 on the S&P," says Dave Rovelli, managing director of US equity trading at Canaccord Adams. "I think what happens when we get there is the shorts start to cover and the day traders jump in along with them."
While it makes for predictable market movements in the short term, there is a sense of doubt about what happens should the market fall through the support levels and retest the November lows, when the Dow hit 7,552 and the S&P saw 752.
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Still, there are some glimmers of hope. Technology stocks have often helped to turn the tide against negative market momentum, and many analysts are placing their bets squarely in the sector, which easily outperformed the rest of the market Friday. They’re also looking for consumer staples and exchange-traded funds that make broad moves on market sectors as the averages dip above and below key levels.
A torrent of earnings and economic news next week—including the first report on fourth-quarter gross domestic product—will provide stern tests for the market’s backbone.
"Most technicians say you want to go down and test the bottom, then we get a double-bottom and move higher," Rovelli says. "I have this gut feeling that if we retest it we’re going to go through it because the world economy is in shambles."
Indeed, the quest to find a low in this market has been a largely futile endeavor since the credit crisis hit and the economy entered recession.
Current DateTime: 12:30:59 23 Jan 2009
LinksList Documentid: 28814988
* Why Banks Scare Investors
* TARP ETFs: Cash In On Bailout
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* Check Dow 30 Stocks–in Real Time
"Let’s be honest, it’s a gloomy outlook to have but it’s one we have at my firm and it’s right," says Mike Larson, an analyst with the Weiss Group and editor for its Money and Markets online newsletter. "We have to work through this. It’s going to be a tough slog and you have to be defensive. You don’t want to be overloaded on equities right now."
"All of the bottom calls have been premature," Larson adds, "and if you want to be less polite, dead wrong."
Search for Strength
For bears, playing the market entails a lot of exchange-traded funds that pay investors for moves downward in the various sectors and indexes.
Among those Larson favors are the ProShares Short Russell 2000 [RWM 72.20 -0.08 (-0.11%) ], which bets against the small-cap index, and the ProShares Short S&P 500 [SH 77.37 -0.41 (-0.52%) ], a move against the entire index.
But even someone as cautious as Rovelli is finding positions in various stocks, though as a trader he’s nimble and is carefully watching support and resistance levels for the various stocks he’s buying.
For Investors:
* Thr
Jel znate kakva je situacija kad je General Electric GE -10.53%, u tolikom minusu.
Čak i Obama piše kući, propalo je. [bye]
Ma kolega nemojte to stavljati neke će srce izdati. [lol] [thumbsup]
Šta se dogodilo u međuvremenu?Vjerojatno i ovo nešto govori.Kada je kolega valentine ovo postavio u 20.09. svi su bili u debelom minusu 20-50%,a završilo je kontra u plusu.Ne vjerujem da bi banke napravile takav rally bez razloga.Da li vam ovo govori nešto za idući tjedan.
Ma kolega nemojte to stavljati neke će srce izdati. [lol] [thumbsup]
Pa kakva je to firmica taj Mylan Inc kad je rastao danas 922% [shocked] Kao da je dio Crobexa 2007. [lol]
P.S. Nije ni čudo da Amerima index ne pada kad im Poppy Harlow vodi emisiju o financijama [tongue]
P.P.S Pitam se koja bi kod nas mogla napraviti da naš index stoji a ne pada
Nije ni cudno da su im se digli… indeksi.
Šta se dogodilo u međuvremenu?Vjerojatno i ovo nešto govori.Kada je kolega valentine ovo postavio u 20.09. svi su bili u debelom minusu 20-50%,a završilo je kontra u plusu.Ne vjerujem da bi banke napravile takav rally bez razloga.Da li vam ovo govori nešto za idući tjedan.
Govori nam da ako več nisi dobio morsku bolest, slijedaći tjedan ti ne gine [lol]
Simptome, vjerujem, svi poznaju [lol]
Belex bio na 3300 bodova, sad je na 541.
Ekvivalent Crobexu ispod 1000 bodova.
O tome ti ja pričam, ali vidim da ne ide ti u glavu.
Ekvivalent crobexa od 853 [bye]
Dow -2,15% na otvaranju. [bye] ispod 8000 kako sam i rekao.
Tone ko sekirće
Zgasili su svijetlo ekipa poput tebe i opet se zahebala.
S&P 500831.954.45+0.54
Stvarno su potunuli kao sjekire nema kaj.
Opet je jadna ekipa sa crobexa podimila.
moja prva poruka