Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Vidim samo da nismo u skladu sa ostatkom svijeta na koji se pozivamo, prvenstveno mislim na E.U., koja je oko -2,20% u minusu, a i Ameri vrludaju oko – 2% minusa u futuresima, što li će biti kada počne trgovanje ….!?
Gledajući Crobi, moram priznati da se u odnosu na E.U. i Amere drži iznimno dobro, samo se pitam slijedeće, a to je: Što ako E.U. i Ameri nastave sa ozbiljnijim padom!!!????, Crobi izgleda štiti formaciju (1685-1710) čekajući da se situacija vani stabilizira i okrene trend tako da se može opravdano poći u završetak formacije na 2xxx, ako ovi u međuvremenu potonu i povuku nas za sobom ispod linije potpore, što onda!?

Europa se ne odbija, što je loše.
Dalje tone.


Google bolji rezultat od očekivanja i od prošle godine


The cure for low price is low price. Demand goes up, supply comes down, the price goes up.

Google bolji rezultat od očekivanja i od prošle godine


Prespavao si jučerašnji dan

bit će bolje................


If I go there will be trouble, an' if I stay it will be double, so you got to let me know, should I stay or should I go

Wall Street headed for sharply lower opening
Wall Street poised to open sharply lower Friday amid continuing earnings weakness

* Stephen Bernard, AP Business Writer
* Friday January 23, 2009, 9:10 am EST

* Yahoo! Buzz
* Print


* Advanced Micro Devices Inc.
* , Capital One Financial Corp.
* , General Electric Co.

NEW YORK (AP) — Investors are set for a big sell-off Friday on Wall Street as many corporate earnings reports are falling short of estimates and the British economy has been officially declared in recession. Stock futures pointed to a sharply lower opening.

Related Quotes
Symbol Price Change
AMD 2.02 0.00
Chart for Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
COF 21.94 0.00
Chart for Capital One Financial Corp
GE 13.48 0.00
Chart for General Electric Co
GOOG 306.50 0.00
Chart for Google Inc.
INTC 12.82 0.00
Chart for Intel Corporation
{"s" : "amd,cof,ge,goog,intc","k" : "c10,l10,p20,t10","o" : "","j" : ""}

The economic slowdown continues to wear on economies worldwide. The British government released data Friday showing the country’s economy shrank 1.5 percent in the fourth quarter, after contracting 0.6 percent during the third quarter. The fourth-quarter decline was the worst in Britain since 1980.

And the biggest maker of flat-screen TVs, Samsung Electronics, posted its first-ever quarterly loss. The South Korean electronics manufacturer lost 20 billion won, or $14.4 million. Samsung’s report comes a day after Sony Corp. projected its first annual loss in 14 years and LG Electronics Inc. reported a record quarterly loss.

Dow Jones industrial average futures fell 202, or 2.50 percent, to 7,890. Standard & Poor’s 500 index futures declined 25.20, or 3.05 percent, to 800.30, while Nasdaq 100 index futures fell 28.75, or 2.45 percent, to 1,143.50.

If I go there will be trouble, an' if I stay it will be double, so you got to let me know, should I stay or should I go

ako ovi u međuvremenu potonu i povuku nas za sobom ispod linije potpore, što onda!?

Do onda se nadam da će biti ignore funkcija na forumu kako bi selekcija izbora za čitanje bila što strožija. [thumbsup]

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

ako ovi u međuvremenu potonu i povuku nas za sobom ispod linije potpore, što onda!?

Do onda se nadam da će biti ignore funkcija na forumu kako bi selekcija izbora za čitanje bila što strožija. [thumbsup]


Kolega Valentine, nisam znao da ste u tolikoj mjeri samokritični!


Dow -2,15% na otvaranju. [bye] ispod 8000 kako sam i rekao.

Tone ko sekirće


S&P se prekjučer odbio prema gore od 805 bodova, prije par minuta ista stvar…

The cure for low price is low price. Demand goes up, supply comes down, the price goes up.

A S&P 800, DOW 8.000 su supporti… A moze biti volatilno kad se bitka vodi oko cvrstih supporta.

"Stocks have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau."

Jao, pa sada će i plus, pa to je zapoluditi koje igre i igrice. BTW Čujem daje Soroš bogatiji za milijardu dolara, hm??

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

New Report
