Analyst reaction to Citi split: "It’s the first major step towards the dismantling of the empire. We have for the first time in a long time some reason to think positively."
Intelu pala dobit
Biti će veselo večeras u Jamerici
RiB [bye]
Intelu dobit pala 90 posto
16.01.2009 12:05
Proizvođač čipova Intel izvijestio je u četvrtak o 90-postotnom padu dobiti i 23-postotnom padu prihoda u četvrtom tromjesečju u odnosu na odgovarajuće tromjesečje prethodne godine.
Kompanija iz Silicijske doline izvijestila je o neto dobiti od 234 milijuna dolara ili četiri centa po dionici, u odnosu na 2,27 milijardi dolara ili 38 centi po dionici u odgovarajućem razdoblju prethodne godine. Prihodi su u posljednjem tromjesečju 2008. dosegnuli 8,2 milijarde dolara, u odnosu na 10,7 milijardi dolara u istom razdoblju 2007.
"Usporavanje gospodarstva diljem svijeta rezultiralo je slabim četvrtim tromjesečjem", zaključila je Stacy Smith, voditeljica financija, u konferencijskom telefonskom razgovoru s analitičarima i ulagačima.
I jesi li se ukakio radi toga?
ja vidim da ameri nisu, ali isto vidim da te cash ubija.
Nije lagano moraš priznat…heheh
kolega danas ameri lete 3-4-5% gore bez obzira koliko ti ovdje plačeš.
Baci oko na futurse.
BTW promet u zadnja 3 dana u USA nešto govori, barem meni, vidim da tebi ne govori baš niš.
Ali eto vidimo se u ponedjeljak ili već danas kada ameri otvore, a ti shvatiš koliko je sati skupa sa ententitosm
BoA uzela još 20 mrd $ iz TARPane.
Citi gubitak iznad očekivanja i ipsod očekivanja, šta god to značilo…i cijepa se kompanija na 2 djela.
futuresi +2%.
The Baltic countries of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are facing unrest and street protests over government austerity measures that may make political leaders casualties of the worst economic collapse in the European Union.
Protesters broke windows at the Parliament building during a an anti-government demonstration in the capital of Vilnius today, held three days after a riot erupted on Jan. 13 in Riga, Latvia’s biggest city, during a similar rally that lead to 106 arrests. Lithuanian Prime Minister Andrius Kubilius called for calm.
Disruptions in the former communist nations just west of Russia contrast with 2006, when the economies of the three grew faster than any others in the 27-member EU. Now, leaders are facing calls to step down over painful spending and wage cuts, enacted more than a year after the International Monetary Fund warned that an economic meltdown was looming.
“The frustration of people can have political ramifications for all the Baltic countries,” said Lars Christensen, chief analyst at Danske Bank AS, in a phone interview from Copenhagen. “Politicians are very restricted in what they can do now and that is very hard to explain to people.”
After 40 years as Soviet satellites, the three Baltic states founded free-market democracies that culminated in their entry into the EU in 2004. The resulting aid and foreign direct investment of more than $21.5 billion helped housing prices and wages to more than double and economic growth to soar.
‘Shame on You’
About 7,000 people took part in the Vilnius demonstration today, spokeswoman Danute Daunoraviciute said. Authorities pulled some intoxicated protesters out of the crowd, which was leading to “unrest,” though no one was arrested.
People chanting “Shame on You” and carrying signs “Stop Impoverishment and Unemployment” marched from the parliament to the government building, calling for the government to reverse tax reform and public wage cuts.
“We want firm, but well-considered, decisions that aren’t done overnight,” protester Aldona Balsiene said. “We demand a stop to the nation’s impoverishment policy, a reduction in the tax burden.”
The frustration of citizens was felt more in Latvia, which has had the biggest economic reversal. In 2006, gross domestic product expanded 12.2 percent, the highest rate in the EU. In the third quarter, GDP contracted 4.6 percent, the EU’s steepest dive.
Estonian, Lithuanian GDP
Estonia followed, with a 3.5 percent contraction, and Lithuania is expected to slip into recession this year, with the Finance Ministry predicting the economy to shrink 4.8 percent. Third-quarter growth for the 16-member euro region was 0.6 percent and the European Central Bank forecasts a 2009 contraction of 0.5 percent.
The troubles may infect the economies of other former eastern-bloc nations and the Nordic states, whose companies, including banks Swedbank AB and SEB AB and phone operator TeliaSonera AB, are the biggest in the three countries.
“There is a risk that a financial crisis in Latvia could spread and create unease on the financial markets in Sweden and our neighboring countries,” Swedish central bank Governor Stefan Ingves said in a statement on Dec. 16.
Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s Investors Service and Fitch Ratings, like the IMF, have been issuing warnings about the Baltic economies since 2006.
In Latvia, resentment toward the government of Prime Minister Ivars Godmanis prompted a Riga street demonstration on Jan. 13 that drew as many as 10,000 protesters.
New Elections Sought
They called on President Valdis Zatlers to allow a referendum for new elections. The Riga demonstration became the first protest to turn violent since the country gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, after some in the crowd began throwing stones.
“If we want to get out this crisis, we need different people who didn’t get us to this place,” said Eriks Dreibans, a 36-year- old Riga c
To u Hrvatskoj ne bumo gledali. Mi smo budale.
Ma što mi imamo sa tim američkim sranjem. Ništa
Naše firme su u odličnom stanju [thumbsup]
To u Hrvatskoj ne bumo gledali. Mi smo budale.
Istina. Jedini problem je sto i budale znaju kad su gladne ili da li im je hladno.
Istina. Jedini problem je sto i budale znaju kad su gladne ili da li im je hladno.
Da, tim je budalama hladno jedino na kromplacu a glad lako riješe negdje na pola crvene staze u nekim od koliba. Ovoj drugoj vrsti budala je hladno jer su lijeni otići na prosvjede ali eto stisli su gumb na fejsu kojim podržavaju one prave budale koje su išle prosvjedovat i pobrali upalu pluća kao npr.ja. Četvrtim je već toliko hladno da su si popili mirogojček i doživjeli bijelu smrt te su sad na teret hrvatskim grobarima kojima će bit hladno jer moraju na -10 sahranjivati pijance.
Tko je promijenio svijetlo na semaforu? [shocked]
Dow 8,170.91 -41.58 (-0.51%)
S&P 500 837.32 -6.42 (-0.76%)
Nasdaq 1,501.54 -10.30 (-0.68%)
i za moje prijatelje moreplovce
DRYS 14.00 -0.60 (-4.11%)
DSX 11.84 -0.12 (-1.00%)
SBLK 2.77 -0.12 (-4.15%)
Ali nemojte se brinuti, sada će ameri u plus , ovo je samo igra da se otresu drhtavih ručica[lol]
Amerikanci opet u banani. E stvarno ne znaju gdje bi.
A i Europa je dobila PULL back, koliko vidim.
Citigroup se smirio, ali Bank of Amerika nastavlja propad , trenutno -9%