Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Daj Bože da se sruše do kraja, ali to je ono što se neće dogoditi, nego killing me softly. Nažalost, ovo je samo dobro prilika za kupnju, kod njih, ali i kod nas.

Naprotiv, ja mislim da će sve ovo u 3PM i da će mnogi izgubiti ne samo novce na burzi nego i daleko više. Razlog? Pa evo ga a već mi dugo smrdi na depresiju:

Depression Ahead, Prepare for Stock Rout: SocGen

Societe Generale said on Thursday that the United States’ economy looks likely to enter a depression and China’s could implode.

In a highly bearish note, veteran cross asset strategist Albert Edwards said investors should now cut equity exposure after a turn-of-the-year rally and prepare for a rout.

He predicted that the S&P 500 index of U.S. stocks could be set for a fall of around 40 percent from recent levels.

Edwards also raised the danger of a global trade war with China.

"While economic data in developed economies increasingly reflects depression rather than a deep recession, the real surprise in 2009 may lie elsewhere," Edwards wrote.


Keš je trenutno princ, do kraja godine biti će kralj a u 2010 car ili diktator!

CITIGROUP -23%. Isuse dragi kako pada.

Pogledajte promete kod DOW-a. (plavi stupac) maximalan promet.

Veliki pad na velikom prometu.

Da nisi ukazao na promet, ne bi ga niti primjetio do 22h[thumbsup]
Ovo je sada za ozbiljno, izgleda da si ameri u grdoj situaciji!
Toliko o optimizmu uslijed Obaminog preuzimanja!

DAX Down 115.22 (2.61%)
FTSE Down 77.19 (1.85%)

" Povjerenje američkog naroda u predsjednika jedan je od najvažnijih elemenata za povoljnu atmosferu na Wall Streetu. " – Andre Kostolany.

Na vama je " samo " da procjenite ima li narod povjerenje u Obamu. [proud]

Periculum in mora.

Citi, BofA Problems Seen Spreading to Other Banks
Topics:Economy (U.S.) | Economy (Global) | Stock Market | Banking
Sectors:Financial Services | Banks

The selloff in Bank of America and Citigroup may just be the beginning. Analysts now are predicting that the same problems hitting those two big banks will soon spread to the entire industry.

"There’s certainly going to be more bank failures in 2009 as the economic backdrop continues to deteriorate and the smaller banks start to feel the pain," said Christopher Mustascio, managing director at Stifel Nicolaus. "Now you’ve got a full-fledged recession…Some of these banks are not going to be able to deal with that, and you’re going to see failures."

Bank of America [BAC 8.12 -2.08 (-20.39%) ] plunged to 18-year lows on Thursday, while Citigroup [C 3.74 -0.79 (-17.44%) ] tumbled below $4 as investors worried about the financial health of both banking giants.

While JPMorgan Chase [JPM 25.85 -0.06 (-0.23%) ] reported earnings Thursday that actually were better than Wall Street’s diminished expectations, there was little other solace for an industry that seems headed for a year that could be even worse than 2008.

"If you look at the banking sector as a whole just in terms of price action in the group and what the market might be saying, I think one would have to conclude that there’s more trouble that lies ahead," said Todd Salamone, analyst at Schaeffer’s Investment Research in Cincinnati.

Bank of America’s problems stepped to the forefront of the mess as the company said it would need still more government bailout money from the Troubled Asset Relief Program, as it appears to have overpaid when it took over Merrill Lynch and all its toxic paper last year.

While some analysts were taking a wait-and-see approach on BofA’s problems, investors dumped the stock in droves, with a stunning 200 million shares changing hands just in the first hour or so of trading.

"I’d really like to see what the facts are. We’re dealing with a whole lot of shadows," said Anton Schutz, portfolio manager for the Burnham Financial Services Fund. "If there’s TARP money, how much is it? If it’s guaranteed, how much is it? The stock’s getting destroyed, but the stock was getting destroyed before this news came out."

Schutz’s funds include Bank of America, JPMorgan and Citi, and he said he’s keeping the stocks with the notion that the worst of the news is coming to an end.

"The real question is, do these companies’ valuations reflect the risk that’s there?" he said. "I’m thinking we’re a whole lot closer to reflecting the risk because many of them are trading well below book value."

Banks Will Fail–By the Hundreds

Whether the risk truly is reflected adequately remains to be seen as earnings season kicks into full fear.

JPMorgan reported Thursday, while Citi posts what are expected to be dismal numbers–as much as a $10 billion loss–Friday. Bank of America reports Tuesday.

The $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program, which banks can access to bolster their capital positions, will help ease some of the damage as will Federal Reserve moves to ease monetary policy. The liquidity moves of 2008 have lagging effects that should take root in the coming months.

But banks will fail, and at numbers large enough to cause alarm.

"I do think some of th

If I go there will be trouble, an' if I stay it will be double, so you got to let me know, should I stay or should I go

Depression Ahead, Prepare for Stock Rout: SocGen
Topics:Economy (U.S.) | Economy (Global) | Banking
Sectors:Financial Services | Banks
By: Reuters | 15 Jan 2009 | 09:43 AM ET
Text Size

Societe Generale said on Thursday that the United States’ economy looks likely to enter a depression and China’s could implode.

In a highly bearish note, veteran cross asset strategist Albert Edwards said investors should now cut equity exposure after a turn-of-the-year rally and prepare for a rout.

He predicted that the S&P 500 index of U.S. stocks could be set for a fall of around 40 percent from recent levels.

Edwards also raised the danger of a global trade war with China.

"While economic data in developed economies increasingly reflects depression rather than a deep recession, the real surprise in 2009 may lie elsewhere," Edwards wrote.

"It is becoming clear that the Chinese economy is imploding and this raises the possibility of regime change. To prevent this, the authorities would likely devalue the yuan. A subsequent trade war could see a re-run of the Great Depression."

Edwards has long been one of the most bearish analysts in London, first with Dresdner Kleinwort and then with SocGen.

But he called in October for clients to increase their exposure to equities, which he said were due a rebound.

"We believe that the market is (now) set to quickly slide sharply toward our 500 target for the S&P," he said.

The S&P 500 stock index is currently at 842, up about 14 percent since hitting a low in November.

If I go there will be trouble, an' if I stay it will be double, so you got to let me know, should I stay or should I go

CITIGROUP -23%. Isuse dragi kako pada.

Pogledajte promete kod DOW-a. (plavi stupac) maximalan promet.

Veliki pad na velikom prometu.

Da nisi ukazao na promet, ne bi ga niti primjetio do 22h[thumbsup]
Ovo je sada za ozbiljno, izgleda da si ameri u grdoj situaciji!
Toliko o optimizmu uslijed Obaminog preuzimanja!

DAX Down 115.22 (2.61%)
FTSE Down 77.19 (1.85%)

" Povjerenje američkog naroda u predsjednika jedan je od najvažnijih elemenata za povoljnu atmosferu na Wall Streetu. " – Andre Kostolany.

Na vama je " samo " da procjenite ima li narod povjerenje u Obamu. [proud]

Ameri su vjerovali i Bushu, pa pogledaj gdje ih je to dovelo. [bye]


Premješteno iz teme: Tehnička Analiza – grafovi, savjeti i analize

Jučer prije početka trgovanja slušam odlikaše na bloombergu ,kažu da pad s&p ispod 860 vodi prema 750.


Nafta pala na 33,88 usd

If I go there will be trouble, an' if I stay it will be double, so you got to let me know, should I stay or should I go

Nafta pala na 33,88 usd

Je**š dionice, da mogu sada bih kupio naftu… [lol]


If I go there will be trouble, an' if I stay it will be double, so you got to let me know, should I stay or should I go

15.1.2009 17:35:14
Vrijeme zadnje promjene
15.1.2009 17:35:14

OPEC opet snizio prognozu potražnje za naftom u 2009.

Potražnja bi tako u 2009. trebala pasti za 180 tisuća barela nafte dnevno, što je 30 tisuća barela više nego što se ranije prognoziralo


Svjetska potražnja za naftom u ovoj će godini oslabjeti snažnije nego što se ranije očekivalo, a daljnje gospodarsko usporavanje moglo bi dodatno nagristi potrošnju, priopćila je u četvrtak Organizacija zemalja izvoznica nafte (OPEC), signalizirajući mogućnost dodatnih smanjenja opskrbe.

Potražnja bi tako u 2009. trebala pasti za 180 tisuća barela nafte dnevno, što je 30 tisuća barela više nego što se ranije prognoziralo, ističe se u mjesečnom OPEC-ovom izvješću o naftnim tržištima. Nakon 2008. potrošnja nafte trebala bi tako slabiti i u 2009., po prvi puta u preko 20 godina.

Najnovija je revizija odgovor na učestale dokaze da je svjetsko gospodarstvo u daleko lošijem stanju nego što se ranije mislilo, što nagriza potražnju za naftom i ruši cijene, koje su s rekordnih preko 147 dolara za barel, dosegnutih sredinom prošlogodišnjeg srpnja, skliznule na sadašnjih oko 38 dolara za barel.

No, OPEC-ova je prognoza ipak nešto umjerenija od one američke vlade, koja je u utorak prognozirala pad svjetske potražnje za 810 tisuća barela nafte dnevno u 2009.

OPEC je od rujna snizio proizvodnju za 4,2 milijuna barela dnevno kako bi kontrirao padu potražnje, a neki članovi kartela spremni su ići čak i dalje kako bi se dalo poticaja tržištu. Saudijski ministar za naftu Ali al-Naimi u utorak je potvrdio da taj najveći svjetski izvoznik od 1. siječnja proizvodi osam milijuna barela nafte dnevno, u skladu s dogovorenom ciljanom razinom, te da će u veljači dodatno srezati proizvodnju.

If I go there will be trouble, an' if I stay it will be double, so you got to let me know, should I stay or should I go

Ekonomska minimalna cijena nafte iznad koje se može zaraditi je 35$.

Nafta je trenutno na 33,55$.


E moj lampadina toliko druka a ameri okreću u zeleno i sutra i mi.
Pogledaj pa javi.
Napiši štogod.

New Report
