ULPL (Uljanik plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ULPL (Uljanik plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Promet nešto preko 600 tisuća, nije loše. Do 16 sati možda i 700. Tisuća. Ako tako i nastavimo možda idući tjedan i cijena na 700 i više. [rolleyes] [thumbsup]

Lijepo je vidjeti kada nema onog velikog gapa izmedju kupnje i prodaje [wink]
Do 2015 od 12 do 15 brodova [tongue]


Do 2015 od 12 do 15 brodova [tongue]

pa dobro, bogumu, nitko bas nista da napise, jel ovo pauleticeva adria otisla latinosima ili cija ? [tongue]


Do 2015 od 12 do 15 brodova [tongue]

pa dobro, bogumu, nitko bas nista da napise, jel ovo pauleticeva adria otisla latinosima ili cija ? [tongue]


Izgleda da je… Uz preostala 4 tankera i jedan u gradnji, te tri za suhe terete i dva u gradnji, ce vec 2012 imati 10 brodova (ako ne prodaju nista)… Taj cilj se ne cini neostvariv…

Do 2015 od 12 do 15 brodova [tongue]

pa dobro, bogumu, nitko bas nista da napise, jel ovo pauleticeva adria otisla latinosima ili cija ? [tongue]

Ode Adria,kod mene piše da su Grci kupili

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. ~Billy Graham

Do 2015 od 12 do 15 brodova [tongue]

pa dobro, bogumu, nitko bas nista da napise, jel ovo pauleticeva adria otisla latinosima ili cija ? [tongue]


čuj, pa došel je Verige a otišla Adria, to ti je akcija staro za novo a s obzirom na njihovu sklonost trejdanju ništa čudno

Evo drukeri da pomognem , nemam ULPL [cool]

Clean tanker demand rising on industrial output and consumer spending
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Product tanker demand is reviving swiftly, hot on the heels of the latest months of 2009, in sheer contrast to the recessionary effects in the market during the beginning of the previous year. Indicative of this trend was the fact that, as a whole, last year saw the increase of global demand for clean petroleum products (CPP) by 1.51% from 2008 to a total of 437 million tons. This development was triggered by a moderate increase of industrial output, coupled with a resume of consumer spending among the OECD countries, while at the same time, healthy gains were also the norm in most non-OECD economies. As a result, the translated ton-mile demand on product tankers rose by a healthy 5.6% on a yearly basis, with developing economies steadily increasing imports of clean products from refiners overseas.
According to a relevant report prepared by US-based Mcquilling Services LLC, “the Far East posted the largest gains in clean tanker demand in 2009, sourcing 22% and 23% more trade from the Middle East and Northern Europe, respectively. Likewise, the Baltic / Northern Europe boosted its ton-mile demand from Asia by 24%.
Against impressive gains in long-haul demand during 2009, regional product tanker trade within Asia and the Americas fell year-on-year by 9% and 7% as inter-regional plays produced more profitable options. Specifically, a growing volume of gas oil from the Far East and India was seen moving to Europe, while the latter joined the Middle East in selling naphtha back to Asia. This allowed for some attractive backhaul opportunities for the CPP tankers.
In the Atlantic, US refinery output of gasoline proved substantial enough to curb tanker demand ex-Europe by 35%, while maintaining the arbitrage for US diesel exports to the Euro-zone which grew by over 10% year-on-year” said Mcquilling. But despite the overall growth of demand for product tankers, the separate segments of the market (based on ship type) didn’t yield the same results. For instance, the 75,000-120,000 Dwt LR2 sector lost nearly 16% of its ton-mile demand in 2009, while 55,000-75,000 Dwt LR1 tankers gained over 23% of business according to the report. Similarly, the MR2 tankers saw an increase in demand by 14%, while MR1’s lost 13%. With an increased supply of MR2 tankers, traders have introduced them on different routes where their economies of scale can be realized without compromising the flexibility inherent to smaller parcel sizes.
Meanwhile, despite a loss in demand for the LR2 sector last year for a relatively healthy one for rates, especially when compared to the dirty Aframax counterpart sector. “Demand for for storage absorbed nearly a third of the LR2 fleet last year as contango conditions took hold of the product markets. As a result, the 16% loss in ton-mile demand on LR2’s was largely outweighed by a simultaneous 30% reduction in available supply. Furthermore, this demand was not necessarily lost in 2009, but rather shifted to LR1’s and MR2’s who picked up the slack. As such, the AG/Far East trade was seen swapping a lot of the standard 75,000 ton LR2 cargoes for smaller MR2-LR1 parcels, thereby boosting their demand” said Mcquilling.
But, bears could be heading back to the market, as tonnage supply of product tankers is steadily increasing as a result of newbuilding deliveries. Also, the relatively young age of the LR2 fleet, it is highly unlikely that scrapping can offset the overall growth of tonnage supply of these vessels. On the bulls front, one could argue that global refinery throughput is at 72.5 million barrels per day (mbd) for the first quarter of the year, something which hasn’t happened since the second quarter of 2008. “Refineries in China, India and Russia posted record high utilization rates in February, while European throughput fell to its lowest level in 17 years. Wo

26,5 miliona doloresa za Adriu………

puno ili malo…??

Do 2015 od 12 do 15 brodova [tongue]

pa dobro, bogumu, nitko bas nista da napise, jel ovo pauleticeva adria otisla latinosima ili cija ? [tongue]


čuj, pa došel je Verige a otišla Adria, to ti je akcija staro za novo a s obzirom na njihovu sklonost trejdanju ništa čudno

…Direktor Uljanik plovidbe Dragutin Pavletić istaknuo je kako je jedan od bitnih razloga za uvrštenje u Službeno tržište bila još veća transparentnost…" [lol] [thumbsup]

http://www.poslovni.hr/145619.aspx neki su govorili da ova firma ne valja ništa! a i neki su poskidali vrhove,vrhova na ovoj dionici,osobno ih znam-nadam se da ce sad doci na svoje…

Uljanik plovidba uskoro u emisiju zapisa od 150 milijuna kuna

Pavletić je kazao i kako imaju visoku učinkovitost u korištenju brodova čija je razina 355 dana u godini vrlo visoka i u okviru svjetski poznatih brodara. Nosioci su titule hrvatskog brodara s najmlađom flotom prosječne starosti četiri godine, što ih svrstava i u red ‘najmlađih’ brodara i u svjetskim razmjerima. Od 2004. u gradnju novih brodova investirali su 350 milijuna dolara, a brodove grade u Hrvatskoj, odnosno svi su im brodovi izgrađeni u riječkom "3. maju". Do 2015. planiraju povećati flotu brodova (na 12 do 15 brodova), ali cilj im je i zadržati trend mlade flote, kazao je Pavletić.


Samo mali ispravak navoda: naime, nisu svi brodovi izgrađeni u 3Maju već samo tankerići. Što se tiče 3 broda za rasute terete, koje ulpl posjeduje, rađeni su vani.
Da ne bude najpatriotska firma [tongue]
To mjesto uvjerljivo pripada Jadroplovu [thumbsup]

Prvi dan na Službenom tržištu [thumbsup] Ugodno polijetanje [wink]

New Report
