ULPL (Uljanik plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ULPL (Uljanik plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Još ništa od odobrenja prospekta dokapitalizacije???
Kad će više???

"Da ne mrzin,i buden pošten, iskren i odan, a razliku između zla i dobra, nisan naučija ni od fratra, ni hodže, ni popa "

Koliko ima ugovorenih novogradnji ? ima li netko spoznaju….

AFAIK, 4 tankera u 3. maju. Isporuke od 2008 – 2010.

No respect

A gle ovo:

No respect

A gle ovo:

Dobro jel to idemo u stečaj ili…?!
Pa kupnje ni nema osim tog jednog naloga na 300[smiley10]

gledam i ja….

Gledam ja, gledaš ti, gledamo svi… 😉 Ali gdje god da danas pogledaš, boli glava.

A vec sam navikao da je kupnja cesto slaba na ovoj dionici.. bez obzira na to, cijena ne oscilira previse (ne sjecam se da je toliko trzala ranijih razdoblja), a onda se desi pometanje… i dizanje razine za parsto kuna.. pa odrzavanje s laganim oscilacijama.. pa opet stampedo i tako s ponavljanjima (uz naravno, svako-malo dokapitalizacije)

Blago siromašnima duhom...

Iz danasnjeg Lloyd’s List:

Weak tanker rates hit Frontline profits
Thursday 15 November 2007

Frontline: Hit by low rates

FRONTLINE today reported a drop in third-quarter operating profit, citing low tanker rates as the reason.

Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) at the Oslo-listed group dropped to $67m in the three months to the end of September from $188m a year earlier.

Frontline’s shares were down 2.7% at NKr210.75 at 0821 GMT, underperfoming the Oslo bourse, which was down 0.3%.

Frontline said that the spot tanker market had been hit by several factors in the third and fourth quarters including crude inventory drawdown instead of stock building and lower imports of crude oil due to reduced inventory margins.

“These factors and others, combined with the high availability of tonnage, have led to low rates for crude tankers,” it said, adding that bunker fuel costs had risen considerably in the third and fourth quarters.

The company’s VLCCs earned average daily time charter rates of $36,000 in the third quarter, down from $51,500 in the second quarter, Frontline said.

“The tanker market is still weak also in the fourth quarter of 2007,” it warned.

Average time charter rates for modern VLCCs have been around $27,100 so far in the fourth quarter, according Clarkson shipbrokers, compared with $47,100 in the fourth quarter of 2006, Frontline said.

“We expect a net result from operations in the fourth quarter, based on today’s market, which is in line with the third quarter,” Frontline said.

But it said net income for the fourth quarter would be higher than in the third due to a sales gain. – Reuters

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

Hvala Techmanu.
Računam da nam trenutno tri tankera rade oko 30-35% prihoda a ostatak 3 bulkera.

Evo i k/p na zatvaranju:

No respect

Evo i izvjrsca za Dry. Sve zajedno signalizira optimizam. Zadnji kvartal tankera u porastu a dry jos uvjek rastura.

Dry Bulk

Panamaxes head into doldrums after strong week
Jamie Dale – Wednesday 14 November 2007

AFTER a confident start on Monday, it looks as if the wind was taken out of the sails of the panamax market yesterday, and rates could remain flat for the rest of the week, writes Jamie Dale.

The Baltic Panamax Index made further gains on Monday, with brokers bullish at the beginning of the week. However, this positive sentiment had fallen away by Tuesday, with the outlook steady at best. The BPI had fallen to 11,221 yesterday, down 147 points from the previous day.

One Oslo broker, who asked not to be named, said: “It is difficult to navigate this market. There has been a lot of tonnage in the second half of this year and currently no support from the paper market.”

Rates in the Atlantic started last week in a downward trend, with both routes moving towards low $80,000s per day. However, a buoyant capesize market has led to a number of cargo splits, which helped to lift panamax rates. This pushed rates back towards the $90,000 per day mark, with further gains expected this week.

However, news began to circulate among brokers on Monday that some Brazilian ports were looking to limit or even stop capesize cargoes being split to reduce queues. “Ports in Brazil have according to market sources limited, or even prohibited, the opportunity for charterers to split capesize cargoes of iron ore,” said DnB Nor Markets in a recent market report.

“Ports apparently want to reduce panamax queues, which means that more panamaxes would become open in the market, this could explain the fall in forward freight agreement contracts today.”

Another broker, who also wished not to be named, noted that he had not yet seen any result of this extra tonnage and that the news had not created any panic.

However, such a move by the South American ports would likely tighten the available capesize tonnage as demand rises. “The net impact on dry bulk shipping would most likely be positive, as the capesize market tends to lead the smaller segments over time,” added DnB Nor.

“We believe the fundamental outlook for dry bulk shipping remains very strong and see additional rate support over the coming four-six month period.”

Australian port congestion appears to be raising its ugly head once again as queues continued to rise last week, with 43 ships now queuing outside Newcastle.

With spot coal prices reaching new highs last week, the NEWC Index, which measures spot coal prices from the Australian port, hit $83.51 per tonne, according to GlobalCoal. Expectations are now growing that contract coal prices for next year may jump more than 25%. “This could induce buyers, such as Japanese power utilities, to boost imports over the next few months, which would put further strain on already significant port bottlenecks,” warned DnB Nor.

And, as has been seen over the past 12 months, rates waste no time in firming when queues start to lengthen and congestion ties up a substantial number of vessels from the dry bulk fleet.

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

Prodaja je slaba jer potencijalni kupci očekuju daljnji pad cijene nakon dokapitalizacije (koja će, nadam se biti vrlo uskoro).
Mislim da ne bi trebali prečesto gledati kretanje cijene ove dionice jer bespotrebno samo gubimo živce. Bitno je da dionica ima izvrsne pokazatelje (fundamente), da kretanje vozarina signalizira optimizam (hvala Techman-u na podacima) i da se očekuje izvrstan FI za 2007. godinu.
Očekujem, nakon dokapitalizacije, a pogotovo nakon FI značajno povečanje cijene. Ovo je u svakom slučaju dionica za igrače na duge staze.

16.11 Pula ……..Mesic u posjeti opcini Medulin I Uljanik Plovidbi

Ako me nema ,znaci da nisam tu.

New Report
