Baltic Dry-indeksen stiger 1,9 prosent til 2.047 poeng torsdag.
Capesize 37.119 dollar (+ 2,4 prosent)
Panamax 14.932 dollar (+ 2,7 prosent)
Handysize 8.589 dollar (+ 0,5 prosent)
Supramax: 11.512 dollar (+ 0,7 prosent)
Another year of higher demand for product tankers
But the ongoing structural shift that’s negatively affecting crude tankers is making product tankers slightly more favorable. For product tankers, an estimated year-over-year demand growth of 4.6% is expected to outpace supply growth of 3.3% this year. Although the product tanker sub-industry was also negatively affected by large amounts of new ship orders that were placed before 2008, demand growth is more encouraging.
Product tankers on the cusp of revolution as Jubail refinery to open in December 2013.
Saudi Arabia opens its new refinery in
Jubail on the coast of the Middle East Gulf.
The 400,000 barrel per day Jubail refinery is
part of a new wave of Saudi refineries that
the International Energy Agency says will
generate significant repercussions for the
global trade in refined oil products. Gasoline
and diesel will flow from the new Saudi
plants to be shipped to the big consumers in
Europe, Asia and Africa. These long-haul
routes will increasingly squeeze out short-
haul routes, say shipping and energy experts.
Closure of refineries in the Atlantic Basin
will open the door for the longer trades,
increasing tonne-mile demand for product
tankers — the measure that counts in
shipping, as it boosts time spent earning on
the water. The Jubail refinery will be joined
next year by the 400,000 bpd Yasref New
wave of Saudi production sites will reshape
global trade patterns HAL
tanker market is on the cusp of a revolution
that will start in earnest in a matter of months.
BDI +1,8% 2.084
Capesize 37.799 (+ 1,8 )
Panamax 15.350 (+ 2,8 )
Handysize 8.684 (+ 1,1 )
Supramax: 11.643 (+ 0,7 )
Otvaranje novih izvozno orijentiranih rafinerijskih kapaciteta u Indiji i Arapskom poluotoku i istovremeno zatvaranje kapaciteta u Europi i Americi dovesti ce do rasta potraznje prijevoza tj. Tona/milja kod produkt tankera u perioodu od 2014-2017 g.
Par slajdova koji pokazuju zasto ce ULPL uskoro uzlaznom putanjom:
[URL=]Rafinerije – prijevoz – ULPL[/URL] [URL=]Pozitivan spread potraznje i ponude sve vise raste – ULPL[/URL]
Neispravan gornji link pa ponavljam
Neispravan gornji link pa ponavljam
da, pareto je posebno bullish, koliko se sjećam već početkom godine su predviđali značajan spread za 2014 i 2015 ali ipak oko trećine manji nego što sada kažu.
[URL=]Tanka knjiga narudzbi novih produkt tankera[/URL]
[URL=]Tanka knjiga narudzbi novih produkt tankera[/URL]