TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Trebat ce vremena i novaca da se pojede tih 500 komada na 1600…

Maknuti će se on čim mu se približe.

Parche mihi, Domine, quia Dalmata sum!

Neće se on maknuti, jedino ako kupac koji kupuje u zadnje vrijeme nije i vlasnik tih 500-tinjak.
U protivnom to je mogao svatko pokupiti jer je jako blizu 1550 i 1600kn. Strpljen-spašen.

Isaac, mislim da je upravo to i slučaj.

Parche mihi, Domine, quia Dalmata sum!

Đe nestade ?

pad vozarina je bio ( kao što je članak i rekao ) kratkog daha, drugi dio aprila idu gore opet


Frontline vec na 36 USD- tnpl tamo gdje je bio kad je Frontlien bio 20 USD.

Mozda je vrijeme da malo rastemo [undecid]

DUGI OTOK 80 000 26.04.2010 BANIAS MED WS 125 CSS SA

VLCC’s Freight Rates Stable in March, Gains for Suezmax-Aframax
Thursday, 15 April 2010
The tanker market for crude oil showed a mixed pattern in March. Spot freight rates for VLCCs remained flat, while Suezmax and Aframax rates increased by 4% and 17% respectively backed by open arbitrage of crude oil between North West Europe and the US, regulation changes in the Mediterranean, and increasedactivity from Indonesia to East. In the VLCC sector, balanced tonnage supply and demand in different routes in March led to flat average VLCC’s spot freight rates. The Middle East to East route decreased by a modest WS1 point compared to the previous month and Middle East to West as well as West Africa to East increased by a modest WS1 point. The small decline in Middle East to East is backed by the startup of refinery maintenance in Asia, especially India and China.
The small gain in Middle East to West spot freight rates was supported by the reduced tonnage availability as well as increased crude oil imports in the West. Moreover, bullish sentiment affected west-bound shipments where US refineries, coming back onstream and gearing up for the approaching driving season, were competing to secure tonnage to transfer their volumes. However, the bullish sentiment from Middle East to West is tempered by the increasing WTI/Brent differentials posting a more-attractive note making Brent-priced crude more competitive in the US and resulting in more US imports from Northwest Europe (NWE) and West Africa and less from the long-haul Middle East. West Africa to East spot freight rates increased by WS1 over the previous month to stand at WS81, driven by increasing Chinese and South Korean crude oil imports from West Africa.
The Suezmax sector increased by WS4 points in March compared to the previous month. Spot freight rates for voyages from West Africa to the US Gulf Coast (USGC) and North West Europe to USGC and USEC increased by WS4 points compared to the previous month. The increase of the latter was supported by open transatlantic arbitrage as Brent-related crude was more attractive in the US, encouraging higher US imports from Europe. In addition, the increase of WS4 points in West Africa to USGC is also backed by increased tonnage demand as refineries, coming back onstream and gearing up for the approaching driving season, were competing to secure tonnage to transfer their volumes. Additionally, the WTI/Dubai differential drove more West African cargoes to the US.
In March, the Aframax sector displayed a healthy gain of WS19 points. Cross-
Mediterranean freight rates increased by WS42 points compared to last month and
Mediterranean to NWE increased by WS35 points. Support for spot freight rates from the enforcement of regulations concerning sulfur content of bunker fuel led to a drastic decrease of ship supply in the Mediterranean basin and spike of spot freight rates. As vessels moved away from the Mediterranean, this put pressure on other routes.
Accordingly, the Caribbean to US East Coast route observed a decline of WS15 points or 10% compared to last month to stand at WS129 points. In contrast, Indonesia to East routes posted a gain of WS14 points backed by heavy Indonesia area enquiries which bolstered owner’s sentiments.

Makis Theodoratos, Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

Ovo je lijepo

In March, the Aframax sector displayed a healthy gain of WS19 points. Cross-
Mediterranean freight rates increased by WS42 points compared to last month and
Mediterranean to NWE increased by WS35 points. Support for spot freight rates from the enforcement of regulations concerning sulfur content of bunker fuel led to a drastic decrease of ship supply in the Mediterranean basin and spike of spot freight rates. As vessels moved away from the Mediterranean, this put pressure on other routes.

pad vozarina je bio ( kao što je članak i rekao ) kratkog daha, drugi dio aprila idu gore opet


Frontline vec na 36 USD- tnpl tamo gdje je bio kad je Frontlien bio 20 USD.

Mozda je vrijeme da malo rastemo [undecid]

Ma rast čemo mi opet, samo da cijena prvo dođe na 3000, pa neće valjda Az kupovati prejeftino [lol]

Klasika… čim se tržište malo zakuha i probudi interes oko tankerske ask pobigne ća glavom bez obzira…

Teorije koje su 50% vremena u pravu manje su ekonomične od bacanja novčića.

Chinese Oil Imports Increased 58% in Yearly Basis in February
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
According to Chinese official data, China’s crude oil import rose in February 2010 to 4.85 mb/d, which represents a increase of around 20% compared to the sharp decline of crude import last month. On an annual basis, China crude oil imports in February indicates an increase of 58% or 1.7 mb/d. Imports of oil products stood at 0.95 mb/d, 20% higher than the month before but 15% lower compared to the previous year. A major reason for the crude oil import surge could be the fast-growing crude oil throughput during the period, which is creating larger demand for crude oil. Besides this, the economic recovery has also provided momentum for an expansion of imports.
China’s domestic crude oil throughput has kept breaking monthly records as the additional capacity came on stream.
On the export side, China crude and product exports declined in February by 0.2 mb/d or 26% compared to the previous month to average 0.56 mb/d. Crude oil exports experienced a minor increase, while product exports saw a decline of 31% compared to the previous year.
China’s diesel exports in the first two months hit 250,000 b/d, up 113.2% over the same period in 2009, supported by the increase in production. The trend of diesel export growth is likely to continue, despite a resurgence of domestic demand, as the increase in consumption is not keeping up with the even faster supply capacity expansion of refineries.
Due to the high volume of fuel oil imports, China remains net importer of product oil.
However, product oil net imports have declined 46% y-o-y in the first two months, as fuel oil, diesel and jet fuel imports declined sharply, while naphtha, lube oil and base oil all saw considerable surges during the same period. Fuel oil imports, which represent some 60% of total product oil imports, reached 0.32 mb/d in January and 0.31 mb/d in February. Together this represents a decline of 27% compared to the first two months of last year. The majority of fuel oil imports have flowed to local refineries in Shandong province, serving as major feedstock to produce diesel and gasoline. Guangdong province, which used to be the major destination of fuel oil imports, has now reduced its monthly share.
Since China returned to being a naphtha net importer in 2009, the country’s naphtha imports have shown an uphill trend. Naphtha imports registered 75,000 b/d in February which represents a 16% increase compared to the year before.
As a result, China net oil imports increased sharply in February by 1.15 mb/d or 28% compared to the previous month for an average of 5024 mb/d. The increase was supported by the rise in imports and decline in exports.
Saudi Arabia was China’s largest crude oil supplier with 0.95 mb/d or 20% of total imports. Angola represented 14% of the total imports or 0.67 mb/d, a little less than the 0.74 mb/d average for the first two months of last year. Significant volumes from OPEC suppliers came also from Iran 0.38 mb/d and Iraq 0.25 mb/d which represents a share of 8% and 5% respectively. Altogether, OPEC Member Countries supplied China with about 2.88 mb/d or 60% of its crude oil imports in February, up from 2.47 mb/d of the previous month.
On the production front, China’s oil production is estimated to average 3.93 mb/d in 2010, an increase of 80 tb/d over the previous year and an upward revision of 40 tb/d from the previous month. The strong production figures from the first two months required the upward revision, which was the highest in the first quarter compared to other non-OPEC countries’ revisions. The startup of the two small fields at Weizhou and Bozhong is seen to support growth. However, the strong supply figure anticipated in the first quarter is expected to slow in the coming quarters as some aging fields are seen to continue to decline. On a quarterly basis, China’s oil supply is foreseen to average 3.99 mb/d, 3.93 mb/d, 3.92 mb

DUGI OTOK 80 000 26.04.2010 BANIAS MED WS 125 CSS SA

Imaš li link di se vidi koliko dolara iznosi ta WS 125 rata? [shocked]

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