TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

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Jednostavno mi ovo smrdi, iskreno, da imam sad 800k ja bih skinuo ovo s aska pa nek se paca.

100-ka [thumbsup]

Tanker Rates Seen Sinking 35% Amid Refinery Cutbacks

Tanker market looking alive
Tuesday, 06 April 2010
Tanker owners have been getting a boost lately, as trade from the West to East have been picking up and gaining significant momentum, following the trend set during 2009. According to a recent report by Mcquilling Services, this type of trade provided with significant ton-mile demand for the generally speaking oversupplied VLCC market. “In particular, the crude oil/dirty product trades from West Africa and the Americas to India and the Far East have seen year-on-year growth that took off in the 4th quarter and prompted a rally in the spot freight rates that has yet to fizzle out. As these trades continue to consume a greater portion of the fleet, losses on other major trades are largely being offset by this long-haul’s emergence.
With updated data reflecting actual ton-mile demand through 2009, we were able to validate our previous commentary regarding changing VLCC trading patterns. The traditional “front-haul” TD1, moving crude Arab Gulf / US Gulf, lost over 28% of its demand since 2008, slipping from a 16.4% share of total VLCC business to 12.2% in 2009. Furthermore, the TD4 trade from West Africa / US lost almost 28% of its demand year-on-year, emphasizing the detrimental impact of the US recession on domestic liquid fuels imports” said the report.
In contrast to these losses, VLCC’s saw a 39% increase in demand trading West Africa / India, a 35% gain on Americas / Asia trades, and a 12% rise in West Africa / Asia. These traditional “back-haul” West-to-East trades combined to take a 16.8% share of VLCC demand in 2009, up from a 13.3% share the year prior.
“These results lead us to question the industry’s definition of the “front-haul/back-haul”, highlighting that TD1 now commands a lesser share of VLCC demand than the West-to-East trades at 12.2% versus 16.8%. To be fair, most of North America was mired in recession last year while economies in the East continued to grow. While hard demand data for 2010 is not yet available, we can attest to the West-to-East trade’s growing resilience given current spot fixture records. We track VLCC fixtures on these routes up 92% year-to-date from the same period last year. This points to the growing demand for liquid fuels in China and India, along with expansions to Reliance’s refineries whose Jamnagar complex now boasts the world’s largest capacity at 1.24 million barrels per day.
The forecast for economic growth in China and India remains bullish through 2010 and beyond. Concurrently, liquid fuels supply from Colombia and Brazil is forecast to increase by 12% and 9%, respectively. Growing demand in the East, combined with rising output predominantly sourced from West Africa and South America, will likely continue to provide a healthy boost to VLCC demand. But if and when the industry begins referring to the West-to-East trade as the new “front-haul” remains to be seen” concluded Mcquilling.
Meanwhile, crude shipments to Asia from the Middle East are likely to increase to 12.86 million barrels a day, up 390,000 barrels from a month ago, Oil Movements, a Halifax, England-based company that tracks tanker deals, said in a report. As quoted by Bloomberg, the company said that there is a lot of new refining capacity coming on steam in Asia, with refiners seeing this as a time to build stocks.

Nikos Roussanoglou, Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

Supertanker Rates Jump Most in Five Weeks as Cargoes Increase
Friday, 02 April 2010
The cost of delivering Middle East crude oil to Asia, the world’s busiest route for supertankers, jumped the most in more than five weeks as the volume of shipments increased. Charter rates for very large crude carriers, or VLCCs, on the industry’s benchmark Saudi Arabia-to-Japan route gained 8.7 percent to 83.24 Worldscale points, the biggest climb since Feb. 22, according to the London-based Baltic Exchange. Returns from the voyage surged 19 percent to $44,576 a day.
A “flurry of pre-Easter chartering” means the supply of vessels is “tight” before April 21, London-based ICAP Shipping International Ltd. said in an e-mailed report today. It also said “poor” weather in China may further support charter rates.
Crude shipments to Asia from the Middle East are likely to increase to 12.86 million barrels a day, up 390,000 barrels from a month ago, Oil Movements, a Halifax, England-based company that tracks tanker deals, said in a report today. VLCCs haul 2 million-barrel cargoes.
“There is a lot of new refining capacity coming on stream in Asia, and refiners see this as a time to build stocks,” Oil Movements founder Roy Mason said by phone. It’s a “bullish signal” for oil prices, he said.
Port Tariffs
Worldscale points are a percentage of a nominal rate, or flat rate, for more than 320,000 specific routes. Flat rates for every voyage, quoted in U.S. dollars a ton, are revised annually by the Worldscale Association in London to reflect changing fuel costs, port tariffs and exchange rates.
Each flat rate assessment gives owners and oil companies a starting point for negotiating hire rates without having to calculate the value of each deal from scratch.
The supply of vessels competing for cargoes in the Persian Gulf is “balanced” after demand advanced yesterday, Per Mansson, managing director of Nor Ocean Stockholm AB, said by e- mail today. He also cited increased demand for ships to store cargoes at sea.
Daily returns for suezmax tankers that haul 1 million- barrel cargoes added 5.6 percent to $23,293, according to the Baltic Exchange. Returns from aframaxes that carry 650,000 barrels fell for a seventh session, dropping 19 percent to $15,634 a day, for a 62 percent plunge since March 23.

Source: Alaric Nightingale, Bloomberg

vani tankeri i dalje rastu

Grabimo dalje! Sutra se preuzima Obrovac [cool]

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Teorije koje su 50% vremena u pravu manje su ekonomične od bacanja novčića.

Kretanje brodova:


DONAT – u Fujairahu radi bunkera zatim Mina Saud radi ukrcaja
za US Gulf
HRVATSKA – stiže St. Croix 10/4 radi iskrcaja
ALAN VELIKI – u Fosu radi iskrcaja zatim Novorossisk ukrcaj
DUGI OTOK – stiže Mellitah 31/3 radi ukrcaja za Tarragonu
OLIB – u Trstu radi iskrcaja zatim Sidi Kerir ukrcaj za Sarroch
KORNATI – stiže Bejaia 1/4 radi ukrcaja za Fos
PETAR ZRINSKI – stiže Tetney 8/4 radi iskrcaja
DALMACIJA – stiže Fos 2/4 radi iskrcaja zatim Libija ukrcaj
SALI – u Murmansku radi ukrcaja za Rotterdam
FRANKOPAN – stiže Banias 2/4 radi ukrcaja za Trst


VELEBIT – u Karachiju radi iskrcaja zatim Goa 4/4 radi ukrcaja
RAVNI KOTARI – u Calleta Colosu radi ukrcaja
UGLJAN – u Adelaidu radi iskrcaja zatim Melburn iskrcaj
PRIVLAKA – stiže Panama 9/4
NIN – stiže Bandirma 30/4 radi iskrcaja
MOLAT – u Kuala Tanjungu radi ukrcaja
NOVIGRAD – stiže Buena Ventura 7/4 radi iskrcaja
DIKLO – stiže Rijeka 3/4 radi remonta

Teorije koje su 50% vremena u pravu manje su ekonomične od bacanja novčića.

Bulk Carrieri spašavaju Tankersku u krizno doba

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Preuzet Obrovac [thumbsup]

Teorije koje su 50% vremena u pravu manje su ekonomične od bacanja novčića.

Istina je da su tankerske vozarine pale o odnosu na 3 mjesec – još uvijek su znatno više nego na početku godine.

OLIB 80 000 16.04.2010 LIBYA MED WS 97,5 EXXON

čestitamo na bebi(i čekamo blizanca koji malo kasni),73568.html

Počišćeno beba-strašilo, sad treba napast mrcinu [cool]

Trebat ce vremena i novaca da se pojede tih 500 komada na 1600, ali vjerujem da ce se formirati potpora na toj razini jednom kad se prijedje pa da mozemo malo slobodnije disati. Inače, dionica se već tri mjeseca nalazi u horizontali po 1500 kuna. Nekako mi predugo traje ta akumulacija, a ništa bolja situacija nije ni s ostalim HR brodarima. Čini mi se da smo totalno izgubili i korelaciju s vanjskim tržištima, gdje su se brodari koliko toliko (opravdano?) podigli na više razine (Frontline). Valjda će stvari krenuti svojim tokom ubrzo, kad se izbaci izvještaj za 1Q, trebala bi biti pozitiva. Ne treba zaboraviti niti dividende HT-a, pa će se lova valjda počet lagano preljevat na ostale.

Teorije koje su 50% vremena u pravu manje su ekonomične od bacanja novčića.

New Report
