TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Kolega zmrklic, vi ste tu doma, pa vas molim da pojasnjenje: Petar Zrinski je, sudeci po vasim postovima na dobrom (kratkorocnom?) ugovoru. Sto je s brodom Hrvatska? To je 12 mjesecni charter, ali po dosta nizem iznosu. Dal se tu zaradjuje ili gubi, tj. da li je breakeven nizi ako je u TC?

Koliko ja znam, unajmitelj plaća gorivo tako da je breakeven niži.

Koliko ja znam, unajmitelj plaća gorivo tako da je breakeven niži.

Hvala kolega.

Da nažalost npr. Frontline je na 32 USD, a TNPL je na cijeni kad je bio na 20 USD.

Taj 1650 je bio problem i zadnji put , ne znam zašto baš taj nivo, možda tehničari znaju.

MOlim komentar na 620 kom protrgovanih ovo nisam vidio nepantim kad ništa mi nije jasno

MOlim komentar na 620 kom protrgovanih ovo nisam vidio nepantim kad ništa mi nije jasno

Ispao iz Crobexa – prodaju fondovi.

minuteman – ma naravno

MOlim komentar na 620 kom protrgovanih ovo nisam vidio nepantim kad ništa mi nije jasno

Ispao iz Crobexa – prodaju fondovi.

ako još fondovi izadju odavde, onda će stvarno biti crni mrak i mrtvilo godinama

moje pisanje je osobno mišljenje, nije investicijsko savjetovanje niti poziv na kupnju ili prodaju dionica

pIsanje gluposti i drukanje nikada nije imalo utjecaja na ovu dionicu [cool]
Ići će gore kada veliki odluče.

New building cancellations in 2010 to reach up to 40 million dwt
Friday, 19 March 2010
Orders placed with a speculative nature, a lack of financing and a possible delay in recovery of freight rates could lead to a rate of newbuilding cancellations which will range between 20 million dwt and up to 40 million dwt by the end of 2010, said shipbroker and analyst BRS (Barry Rogliano Salles) during its latest annual report. The weakness in freight rates, particularly in the containership and petroleum product sectors, will continue to impact certain ship owners and make it difficult to finance speculative orders placed at high prices out of line with potential revenues.
“Without funding, some owners will be unable to pay their instalments to the yards and take delivery of their orders. By putting themselves in default, they may be forced into bankruptcy and jeopardize the position of the shipyards where they are customers. As for those shipbuilders who have taken on too many orders and are already experiencing delays or problems of quality, they run the risk that clients will “naturally” cancel construction contracts (by invoking cancellation clauses).
Furthermore, it is possible that many decisions have been postponed from 2009 in the hopes of a possible – or impossible – natural resolution later. Thus we believe that cancellations will continue in 2010 at a similarly brisk pace as in 2009” said BRS.
On the other hand, newbuilding prices should continue to decline this year as well, given the ongoing difficulties in securing financing, the continued weakness in freight rates, the number of scheduled deliveries, the downward price-pressure from prospective buyers, and the increase in competition not only between shipyards, but also from the second hand or re-sale markets, where desperate sales are likely to take place.
According to BRS, “the question is just how far newbuilding prices are likely to fall. In the last twenty years, the last “trough” took place in 2002. This coincided with the end of a five-year downward cycle occurring in the aftermath of the Asian financial crisis and the rise of Chinese shipbuilding. Back then, for example, a 55,000 dwt Supramax bulker could be negotiated at around US$18m and even then there were very few orders placed at that price, at least compared to the volumes achieved in the boom years of 2003 to 2008. Faced with such price levels, the South Korean shipyards renounced further construction of this size and type of ship, and were not to return until 2006. By the end of 2009, a 57,000 dwt Supramax was being negotiated at around US$28m in China” the broker said.
But, there are also other forces coming in play, which could act in favor of an increase in prices of newbuildings. For instance, prices for raw materials are expected to rise again, as the world economy rebounds. China’s arrival as a shipbuilding nation in the late 1990s and early 2000s weighed heavily on prices in the past, due to the country’s reservoir of cheap labour and a weak currency, something not valid at present. Standard vessels have also become more expensive to build in recent years with the accumulation of technical regulations, which require ever more steel, care, engineering and hours of work, but also with an increase in the average size of vessels within the same class. “For example, a Supramax has a deadweight capacity of 58,000 dwt to 60,000 dwt and increased performance requirements for onboard equipment (today’s Supramaxes come equipped with 30-35t cranes instead of 25-30t). As a result, we believe that if construction prices should fall further, they will only fall by around 10% to 15% in 2010, which will bring us to a new low in this cycle, albeit 20% to 40% higher than the previous minimum seen in 2002”.

Nikos Roussanoglou, Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

Ovo se dugo nije vidjelo:
SC SARA 80 000 27.03.2010 TARTOUS MED WS 195 STASCO
MARATHON 80 000 26.03.2010 CEYHAN MED WS 160 SOCAR

ws 195 = 55000 USD/DAY

Donat je u TC do 2012 barem, ali svejedno

DONAT 130 000 08.04.2010 AG USG WS 65 CHEVRON

MOlim komentar na 620 kom protrgovanih ovo nisam vidio nepantim kad ništa mi nije jasno

Ispao iz Crobexa – prodaju fondovi.

Nema veze ispadanje iz Crobexa ,crobex -om se i onako diktira sa firmama koji su naj veći gubitaši tako da zdrava firma nemože utjecati na crobex jer u svim gubitničkim firmama naj veći udio ima OMF i to je jasno kao dan da crobexom upravo oni diktiraju kako njima odgovara prekrivajući svoje gubitke i nestručnost a naše pare se samo tope

OTP indeksni je prodao TNPL i kupovao Kraš, jer on mora imati sastavnice crobexa, svašta [bye]
Danas nazad u normalu valjda.

A što bi ih trebali žaliti? Te iste fondove treba kriviti jer je Tankerska uopće ispala iz Crobexa uslijed općeg mrtvila i nezainteresiranosti za ovu dionicu. Da im je imalo interesantna pri ovim cjenovnim razinama valjda bi ju nešto kupovali i akumulirali, a oni dopustili da ispadne iz crobexa uslijed manjka broja trgovinskih dana. Svašta…

Teorije koje su 50% vremena u pravu manje su ekonomične od bacanja novčića.

New Report
