TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

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Tnpl, prosjek plaće – 66.000,00 kn.–prosjecna-placa-66-tisuca-kuna_282225

Uhljebe na ulicu!!!!!

Freight Rates Gains in October for Both Suezmax-Aframax Tankers
Thursday, 19 November 2009
OPEC spot fixtures increased in October by 3% to average 11.8 mb/d, up from 11.46 mb/d in September, according to preliminary data. The increase is attributed to higher fixtures from the Middle East which increased by 0.72 mb/d to average 5.28 mb/d, while fixtures from outside the Middle East declined by 0.38 mb/d or 6% compared to the previous month. On a y-o-y basis, OPEC spot fixtures in October were 2% lower compared to a year earlier. Global spot fixtures in October were steady compared to a month earlier and a year ago, averaging 18.94 mb/d.
Sailings from OPEC were relatively steady in October at 22.65 mb/d, compared to 22.41 mb/d the previous month, but 8% lower than a year earlier. Middle East sailings were 16.48 mb/d compared to 16.25 mb/d the previous month and 7% lower than a year earlier. Crude oil arrivals in North America in October were 8.55 mb/d compared to 8.57 mb/d in the previous month. Crude oil arrivals in Europe and the Far East averaged 12.39 mb/d and 8.04 mb/d, representing an increase of 3% for Europe but steady for the Far East, both compared to the previous month.
Taking the top three vessel sizes into consideration, average spot freight rates for crude oil tankers was 11% higher in October compared to the previous month. However, rates were 42% lower compared to the same month a year ago, taking into consideration the changes in WS flat rates as of January 2009. On average, the VLCC segment gained another 5 WS points in October, the Suezmax segment gained 4 points and the Aframax gained 8 points, all from September rates.
The Suezmax tanker segment gained 7% in October compared to September. Freight rates for both routes to the US from West Africa and Northwest Europe lost some points during the first half of the month but this was offset by the gains made in the second half. From West Africa, freight rates had a slow first week of the month, dipping to WS54 from WS64. This was followed by continuous gains for the remainder of the month on tighter tonnage availability as the strong Middle East market attracted somevessels and a few prompt cargoes were offered to the market. Freight rates on this route ended the month at a monthly average of WS61, compared to WS57 in the previous month. On the Northwest Europe to US Suezmax route, freight rates also gained 4 WS points or 7% in October compared to a month earlier as a result of good performance during the last week of the month. Average Suezmax freight rates in October were 43% lower compared to the same month last year.
The Aframax market was very volatile in October with freight rates moving in different directions on main markets. To the East of Suez, Aframax freight gained a monthly margin of 2% in October compared to the previous month, while in the Caribbean market, Aframax freight rates dropped by a margin of 1% as activities remained slow due to weakening US imports. However, market performance was stronger in the Mediterranean. Freight rates on the cross-Mediterranean route ended the month achieving a 20% gain compared to the previous month, reaching as high as WS90 by the middle of the month, the highest rate during the second half of this year thus far. Freight rates for the Mediterranean to Northwest Europe route followed the same trend, gaining 26% compared to the previous month.

Makis Theodoratos, Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

HRVATSKA 130 000 06.12.2009 WAFR STX WS 71,5 HESS

od 28000-33000 USD/daily

Slow but Supportive Recovery for Oil Demand and Tanker Sector
Monday, 23 November 2009
The global economic recovery appears to be under way as all OECD countries are coming out of recession while growth is accelerating in emerging markets, especially in Asia, according to OPEC’s latest estimates. As markets recover across the globe and optimism spreads, a wide range of views have formed about the strength and sustainability of the global recovery. Some policy makers and many economists remain decidedly cautious, emphasizing that the path back to normality may be long and thorny with possible permanent losses in GDP. Moreover, given the still fragile state of the global financial system, economic growth may remain subdued for some time to come.
In contrast, equity and commodity markets have rallied since March, supported by optimistic growth forecasts mainly from banks, as markets factor in strong economic growth ahead. Equities have staged a strong and rapid recovery. Although still below past peaks, there appears to be limited space in the near-term for a further rally. Indeed, a possible correction cannot be ruled out if the economic recovery takes longer to materialize.
As the global economy turns the corner, global oil demand is bottoming out and growth is set to resume. As the year has progressed, the decline in world oil demand has become smaller. Despite the overall gradual recovery, the demand picture remains mixed regionally. Non-OECD countries are estimated to have returned to positive growth as of 2Q09 with growth in China and India fuelled by government spending. On the other hand, OECD remains in negative territory this year with only North America forecast to return to positive growth in the 4Q09, while other regions continue to fall. No clear trend can be seen in the US as robust positive growth in September of around 1 mb/d was followed by a fall in oil demand of 0.8 mb/d in October. Importantly, distillates – a product strongly linked to economic growth – have declined the most.
A cautious view on economic growth in 2010 would imply a moderate recovery in oil demand. Our forecast for global GDP sees a growth of 2.9% in 2010 with oil demand increasing 0.8 mb/d. This is well below the prerecession demand trend. Next year, all the demand growth is seen to come from non-OECD countries which are projected to grow by 0.9 mb/d, while OECD demand is seen contracting by 0.1 mb/d. It is important to note that the absolute level for OECD oil demand in 2010 is forecast to reach 45.7 mb/d implying a massive drop of 3.5 mb/d from the level witnessed in 2007 and a return to the levels last seen in 1996 (see Graph 2).
Downside risks to the GDP growth forecast exist, especially crucial in the period extending from the current quarter to the second quarter of next year. Unemployment is still to peak in OECD countries, growth in consumer expenditures and private investment will remain modest and talk of exit strategies could trigger market reactions with implications on consumer and business sentiment, interest rates and ultimately on the pace of the economic recovery.
Moreover, even if the expected economic recovery materializes, it remains to be seen whether demand would be able to return to pre-crisis levels. Energy policies and behavioural changes are bound to have some impact on consumption and this will gradually feed into overall demand patterns, especially in key sectors such as transportation. However, it is still premature to assess the full effect of these changes.
In the meantime, oil demand growth over the coming quarters is subject to ongoing risks to the economic outlook.
This is particularly significant as we head towards the traditionally lower demand season in the second quarter of 2010. Lower-than-expected oil demand would add further pressure on weak fundamentals, given that the stock overhang is already high by historical standards.

Makis Theodoratos, Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

Tnpl, prosjek plaće – 66.000,00 kn.–prosjecna-placa-66-tisuca-kuna_282225

ULPL 28 zaposlenih 45.634 k kn

po lobanji 135.815 tj preko 26 .000.
Kako kapetani imaju ispod 10.000 mjesečno ispada da su najlošije plaćeni.
Naravno,to je nemoguće.
Broj zaposlenih je sigurno daleko veći ali oni nisu stalno zaposleni.Većina pomoraca plovi na jednokratne ugovore te ovaj podatak nema veze sa stvarnim primanjima stalno zaposlenih.
šesnaest brodova TNPL traži barem 320 pomoraca,plus god.odmori ,plus bolovanja iziskuje barem
petsto pomoraca i plus ostali zaposlenici.
Dakle,ovaj podatak je dokaz neznanja analitičara.Mili bože ,tko ga plaća.
Vjerovatno država tj.mi svi skupa.

Tnpl, prosjek plaće – 66.000,00 kn.–prosjecna-placa-66-tisuca-kuna_282225

ULPL 28 zaposlenih 45.634 k kn

po lobanji 135.815 tj preko 26 .000.
Kako kapetani imaju ispod 10.000 mjesečno ispada da su najlošije plaćeni.
Naravno,to je nemoguće.
Broj zaposlenih je sigurno daleko veći ali oni nisu stalno zaposleni.Većina pomoraca plovi na jednokratne ugovore te ovaj podatak nema veze sa stvarnim primanjima stalno zaposlenih.
šesnaest brodova TNPL traži barem 320 pomoraca,plus god.odmori ,plus bolovanja iziskuje barem
petsto pomoraca i plus ostali zaposlenici.
Dakle,ovaj podatak je dokaz neznanja analitičara.Mili bože ,tko ga plaća.
Vjerovatno država tj.mi svi skupa.

Gospodine Lopina,

brat mi je pričao da ste nakon fin.izvještaja prvog kvartala na sva zvona pisalli kako je Ledo loša kupnja i kako će cijena pasti te da bi trebalo kupovati TNPL jer je ona izbacila "bolje" izvješće. Da li je istina da ste to pisali?

A kada vam je moj brat argumentirano davao do znanja da lupetate, vi ste navodno i dalje tupili po svom. Da li je to vaša pogreška u procjeni ili je to tržište krivo procjenilo neke stvari?

unaprijed hvala na odgovoru,

srdačno Vaš, guvernerov brat GUBERNATOR

kolega gubernator,

vaš post nema baš apsolutno puno veze sa temom tankerska plovidba.

tržište je prepoznalo ledo kao atraktivnu dionicu sa svojim komparativnim prednostima. situacija je takva da se dionica danas prodaje na 2,5 puta većoj cijeni od knjigovodstvene (prema 3Q), kao i P/E od cca 13 (takodjer 3Q) s tendencijom povecanja buduci da zadnji kvartal nije uracunat koji je tradicionalno u minusu.

s druge strane tankerska je trenutno veliki potencijal sto trziste jos nije prepoznalo, kad ce, hoce li ili nece je problem nas dionicara tnpl. tu je situacija da se dionica prodaje po cijeni 66% booka (prema 3Q) dok P/E u ovom trenu nema smisla puno racunati, buduci da je ovo jako losa godina za brodare, pa bi ga imalo smisla izracunati na nekom trogodisnjem prosjeku te bi tada iznosio cca 6.

radi se o tome da su obe dionice jako veliki potencijal, dok je trziste prepoznalo trenutno samo neke.


Teorije koje su 50% vremena u pravu manje su ekonomične od bacanja novčića.

DUGI OTOK 80 000 01.12.2009 LIBYA MED WS 97,5 CSS SA

ZA drugi tjedan 12-tog dugo nisam vidio ovakve vozarine:

ISABELLA 80 000 07.12.2009 BSEA MED WS 140 CLEARLAKE
CERAM SEA 80 000 10.12.2009 BSEA MED WS 130 LITASCO

DUGI OTOK 80 000 01.12.2009 LIBYA MED WS 97,5 CSS SA

ZA drugi tjedan 12-tog dugo nisam vidio ovakve vozarine:

ISABELLA 80 000 07.12.2009 BSEA MED WS 140 CLEARLAKE
CERAM SEA 80 000 10.12.2009 BSEA MED WS 130 LITASCO

Zmrklić, u kojem rasponu se kreću WS vozarine ?

As of 11/24/09
Baltic Dirty Tanker 701 (+2.79%)

"Only dead fish swim with the stream"

DUGI OTOK 80 000 01.12.2009 LIBYA MED WS 97,5 CSS SA

ZA drugi tjedan 12-tog dugo nisam vidio ovakve vozarine:

ISABELLA 80 000 07.12.2009 BSEA MED WS 140 CLEARLAKE
CERAM SEA 80 000 10.12.2009 BSEA MED WS 130 LITASCO

Zmrklić, u kojem rasponu se kreću WS vozarine ?

Ne znam što si mislio, ova za Dugi otok je za prvi tjedan 12 mjeseca, tu su vozarine ws90-100
Za drugi tjedan 12 mjeseca su već znatno više, kao što se vidi.

A koliko je to – evo još jednom za sve pa sami gledajte

New Report
