TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Mozda se konacno istreso majstor

imaš pravo, bit će da mu se nije dalo čekat na 2000kn,pa je prodo jeftinije. Možda sad budemo lakše prema gore.realno je da smo sada na 1900-2000kn,gledano prema atpl i jdpl.
ajd nek prođu još ova tri naloga danas
8 1.709,99
15 1.748,90
13 1.749,00

idući tjedan će bit bolje...

Nema promjena među prvih 10, ato znači da je dionice prodao fond za privatizaciju jer mu treba gotovine.

BDI opp 133 pkt!
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3748 UP 133
BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 6392 UP 279
BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3787 UP 103
BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 2021 UP 63
BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 918 UP 15

Jučer malo jače skočio i tankerski index:

Baltic Dirty Tanker 614 (+3.54%)

"Only dead fish swim with the stream"

Kretanje brodova Tankerske plovidbe (Telefon: 023/202-202) od 11.11. – 18.11.2009.


DONAT – stiže Singapur 22/11 radi iskrcaja
HRVATSKA – u Lake Charlesu radi iskrcaja
ALAN VELIKI – u Trst radi iskrcaja zatim Novorossisk ukrcaj
DUGI OTOK – u Dongesu radi iskrcaja
OLIB – stiže Mellitah 12/11 radi ukrcaja za Genovu
KORNATI – u Rijeci radi popravka
SALI – u Leixoesu radi iskrcaja zatim Es Sider ukrcaj
PETAR ZRINSKI – stiže Sarroch 13/11 radi iskrcaja
DALMACIJA – u Zueitini radi ukrcaja za Trst
FRANKOPAN – stiže Trst 12/11 radi iskrcaja


VELEBIT – u Conakryu radi ukrcaja
PRIVLAKA – stiže Astoria 19/11 radi ukrcaja
NIN – stiže Walves Bay 12/11 radi ukrcaja
MOLAT – stiže Durban 21/11 radi iskrcaja
NOVIGRAD – u Tampi radi ukrcaja
DIKLO -u Wilmingtonu radi iskrcaja

Tankerska porinula i Biograd
Tankerska plovidba Zadar bogatija je za novi brod "Biograd", porinut u JES brodogradilištu u Kini.

Luka Shiwei, Grad Jingjiang u Jiangsu, provinciji Narodne Republike Kine mjesto je porinuća drugog broda koji je Tankerska plovidba naručila u ovoj zemlji.
Nakon što je u srpnju ove godine porinut prvi brod za rasute terete kapaciteta 37.500 dwt-a "Ugljan", koji je bio jedan od dva naručena broda blizanca, samo nekoliko mjeseci kasnije zaplivao je i "Biograd".
Tankeraši su brodove ugovorili u vrijeme preplavljenosti svjetskih brodogradilišta narudžbama prije nekoliko godina, kada su i hrvatski navozi bili prepuni, mahom ugovorenih tankera. Tankerska plovidba u segmentu tankera s nizom poslova u Brodosplitu obnovila je, odnosno zamijenila stare tankere s jednostrukim dnom i oplatom novima s duplim dnom i oplatom obveznim po međunarodnim konvencijama iz ekoloških razloga.
Osim obnove i zamjene, najveći je hrvatski brodar osigurao i uvećanja i razvoj te je u tonaži suezmaxa i aframaxa najveći u povijesti. "Ugljan" i "Biograd" te brodovi koji će slijediti, iskorak su u obnovi i snaženju flote za suhe, odnosno rasute terete, koje zadarski brodar konstantno održava u floti, iako je većim dijelom okrenut tankerima. Posebno će obradovati potencijalne pomorce, jer uvećavaju potrebu za posadama.

idem nešto do grada,dajte malo popravite situaciju dok se vratim

idući tjedan će bit bolje...

o pa nije loše…
dajte još ova 3 naloga
3 1.744,00
50 1.745,00
13 1.749,00

vjerujte jeftinije neće biti… a i novi brod je stigao.

idući tjedan će bit bolje...

Vani zasad luduju tankeri ap ap

ovo je jedan od razloga

OPEC’s report a boon for tanker owners, predicting higher oil demand for 2010
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Most of the signs are pointing towards higher world oil demand growth in 2010, according to OPEC members’ estimates in the latest Monthly Oil Market Report that covers the month of October. According to the oil producers’ cartel predictions world oil demand is forecast to grow by 0.8 mb/d in 2010 following a 1.4 mb/d contraction in 2009, although the potential weak economic recovery may dampen possible demand growth in the coming year. US oil demand remains the major factor driving 2009 demand growth. Despite the improved performance in late summer, recent data indicates a contraction in demand in October.
Demand for OPEC crude in 2009 was revised up 70 tb/d to reach 28.7 mb/d, representing a decline of 2.3 mb/d from last year. In 2010, demand for OPEC crude is expected to average 28.5 mb/d, following an upward adjustment of 110 tb/d. This indicates a drop of 0.2 mb/d compared to the previous year.
As the global economy turns the corner, global oil demand is bottoming out and growth is set to resume. As the year progressed, the decline in world oil demand has become smaller. Despite the overall gradual recovery, the demand picture remains mixed regionally. Non-OECD countries are estimated to have returned to positive growth as of 2Q09 with growth in China and India fuelled by government spending. On the other hand, OECD remains in negative territory this year with only North America forecast to return to positive growth in the 4Q09, while other regions continue to fall. No clear trend can be seen in the US as robust positive growth in September of around 1 mb/d was followed by a fall in oil demand of 0.8 mb/d in October. Importantly, distillates – a product strongly linked to economic growth – have declined the most.
A cautious view on economic growth in 2010 would imply a moderate recovery in oil demand. Our forecast for global GDP sees a growth of 2.9% in 2010 with oil demand increasing 0.8 mb/d. This is well below the prerecession demand trend. Next year, all the demand growth is seen to come from non-OECD countries which are projected to grow by 0.9 mb/d, while OECD demand is seen contracting by 0.1 mb/d. It is important to note that the absolute level for OECD oil demand in 2010 is forecast to reach 45.7 mb/d implying a massive drop of 3.5 mb/d from the level witnessed in 2007 and a return to the levels last seen in 1996.
Downside risks to the GDP growth forecast exist, especially crucial in the period extending from the current quarter to the second quarter of next year. Unemployment is still to peak in OECD countries, growth in consumer expenditures and private investment will remain modest and talk of exit strategies could trigger market reactions with implications on consumer and business sentiment, interest rates and ultimately on the pace of the economic recovery.
Moreover, even if the expected economic recovery materializes, it remains to be seen whether demand would be able to return to pre-crisis levels. Energy policies and behavioural changes are bound to have some impact on consumption and this will gradually feed into overall demand patterns, especially in key sectors such as transportation. However, it is still premature to assess the full effect of these changes.
In the meantime, oil demand growth over the coming quarters is subject to ongoing risks to the economic outlook.
This is particularly significant as we head towards the traditionally lower demand season in the second quarter of 2010. Lower-than-expected oil demand would add further pressure on weak fundamentals, given that the stock overhang is already high by historical standards.

Makis Theodoratos, Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

opet sam dobre volje,tko zna zašto,eto vam stotke!!!

idući tjedan će bit bolje...

Niš se ne komentira,jeli tnpl dosta narasla? Mislim da nije. Vrijednost firme raste s novim brodom. Al dal treba napomenut da je realna cijena tnpl 2puta cijena atpl,il 10puta cijena jdpl.znaći tnpl bi trebala biti na oko 2000-2200kn
I tako je bilo do sada a novi brod radi još veću razliku.
Tako očekujem da će to shvatiti i netko od večih ulagača.
Pratim malo zadnjih dana prodaju na tnpl. I nisu mi jasni pojedinci koji drže naloge na prodaji i kako jača kupnja.oni se pomiču za istu tu vrijednost na više. Sami sebi koče rast,a dobro shvatit će valjda…
Zar tako malo forumaša ima tnpl kad nitko ništa ne piše?

Bolje zaraditi malo nego izgubiti puno.

nadam se da je to početak uzlaznog trenda, da imam novaca i ja bi dokupio posto je cijena trenutno ispod mog prosjeka kupovanja. s druge strane sam malo skeptican jer su danas svi brodari porasli po 5%, pa sam malo sumnjicav da je cijena porasla jer je tankerska danas dobila jos jedan bulk. Promet od cca 86000 ide tome u prilog. nadam se da se varam 🙂

Teorije koje su 50% vremena u pravu manje su ekonomične od bacanja novčića.

New Report
