TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Bilo kako bilo. Likvidnosti nema. Nitko nije zainteresiran za tnpl. Treba da je već barem na 2100kn.

Bolje zaraditi malo nego izgubiti puno.

Bilo kako bilo. Likvidnosti nema. Nitko nije zainteresiran za tnpl. Treba da je već barem na 2100kn.

Ne treba se zbog toga opterećivati, vjerovatno će uskoro bit kupaca, al’ isto tako je vjerovatno da se neće moći kupiti po 1900. 🙂

sutra je novi dan.

Hellas: Shipowners scrap more ships than ever before
Thursday, 10 September 2009
With the Baltic Dry Index hovering around the 2,500 mark, close to 2009 lows and the tanker freight market suffering from loss-making rates, it seems that ship owners, both from the dry bulk and the tanker market segments should be scrapping as many old vessels as possible. This not only to limit current tonnage supply to normal levels, in order to give freight rates a boost, but also to enable the market to “breathe” ahead of a huge wave of new building deliveries set to flood the industry in the following months.
Ship owners from Hellas have been doing exactly that, leading the demolition market figures, as they are also the holders of the world’s largest fleet, in terms of carrying capacity. But, lately the tide is turning for tanker owners who have stepped up these past few weeks, replacing their dry bulk counterparts. According to broker reports, it’s been the single hull tankers which are currently on their way to scrap yards. Among the latest deals was the scrapping of 20-year old single hull tanker “Malibu”, jointly owned by George Economou, head of Dryships among others and Harris Vafias, President and CEO of StealthGas. The ship, which was part of a private entity of the two shipping magnates, ended up in Bangladesh for a price of $22.4 million.
Earlier, Polys Hatzioannou had sold a pair of VLCCs to the same scrapyard of Bangladesh for a price tag of about $20 million.
According to N. Cotzias latest monthly report, during the period from January until the end of August, Hellenic ship owners have sold for scrapping a total of 139 ships of various types. In second place came the Chinese, who scrapped 103 ships, while the Japanese came in third with 71 ships and Norwegian ship owners followed with 37 ships headed for demolition. In total, ship owners worldwide have scrapped 833 ships, with a carrying capacity of 23.8 million tons. Out of those ships, 300 are dry bulk carriers, 281 are containerships and 107 are tankers, with an additional 117 coming from RO/ROs and passenger ships. Compared to the relative period of 2008, demolition activity has almost quadrupled, since last year the figures stood at a mere 35 ships of just 855,000 tons.
The August Hellenic Shipping News Poll, during which more than 500 readers took part raised the question of what percentage of the dry bulk still needs to be scrapped, considering the global orderbook? The answers were overwhelming with 238 votes or 47% of the total saying that 25% or more of the current world fleet needs to be scrapped in order for the freight market to recover. In fact, readers which include ship owners, shipbrokers and others stressed the need for scrapping activity to pick up even further throughout the rest of the year. A further 20% (101 votes) said that 20% of the current dry bulk fleet should be sold for demolition, while 12.1% voters believe that 10% of the fleet must be scrapped.
Meanwhile, recent reports have been indicating that the number of supertankers sold for demolition may rise to the highest in six years after a plunge in charter rates left owners losing money on voyages. Anil Sharma, chief executive officer of Cumberland, Maryland-based Global Marketing Systems Inc. was quoted saying that five supertankers, together capable of carrying enough oil to supply Japan for two days, were sold for scrapping this year. This year’s tally may be the highest since 2003, when 27 were scrapped, he said. Owners need faster demolition of old ships to lift rental rates that have dropped to a record low.

Nikos Roussanoglou, Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

Kad će isplatit dividendu?

Bolje zaraditi malo nego izgubiti puno.

dividendu će isplatiti 21.10.najbitnije je da ćemo u roku 5 mjeseci imati 4 nova broda .

Jel se zna nešto o tim brodovima.mislim Ima li dogovoreno kakvih poslova za njih?

Koliko bi to trebalo utjecati na cijenu dionice?

idući tjedan će bit bolje...

to su sve brodovi za rasute terete, a ako pratiš indeks BDI vidit ćeš da je jako nisko.s obzirom da recesija lagano pušta ovi brodvi bi mogli doći točno u pravom znam da li će utjecati na cijenu dionice jer se vrijednost tvrtke često ne podudara sa vrijednošću dionice.utjecat će prvenstveno na povećanje zarade Tankerske jer je najveća cijena dionice bila oko 8100kuna ,a tada tankerska nije imala ovoliki broj brodova.
Zarade brodara ovise prvenstveno o vozarinama koje se sklapaju na duže ili kraće (spot) razdoblje.vozarine se dižu i spuštaju ciklički a sad su jako nisko.

ja sam sudjelovao u gradnji 2 zadnja tankera za tankersku u splitkome škveru.

Dal se ovo netko sprema za pražnjenje? Jutros se trgovalo po 2012 sad do te vrijednosti ima 200kom.

Bolje zaraditi malo nego izgubiti puno.

Čelnik Totala upozorava na mogućnost nestašice na naftnim tržištima

Čelnik francuske energetske grupacije Total smatra da bi se svijet mogao suočiti sa nestašicom nafte zbog nedostatnih ulaganja.

Izvršni direktor kompanije Cristophe de Margerie upozorio je da se zbog globalne gospodarske krize premalo potrošilo na pokušaje iskorištavanja novih naftnih rezervi. "Ukoliko se ne pokrenemo, nastat će problem", izjavio je za BBC News. "Za dvije ili tri godine bit će prekasno." On također smatra da je potrebno donijeti odluke o proizvodnji za razdoblje od 2010. do 2015. godine jer bi se u njemu svijet mogao suočiti sa nemogućnošću zadovoljenja potražnje za naftom. Rezerve nafte postoje, ali ako u njih ne ulažete, neće se pojaviti na tržištu, tvrdi Margerie, koji također očekuje da će cijene nafte ponovno premašiti razinu od 100 dolara za barel.

Ima li ko kakav info o brodovima tnpl. Dali ima posla za sve, il koji miruje? I kakvi su im trenutno ugovori.

Usput. Čini mi se da je danas nakon što
se i malo pokazalo volje za kupnjom odmah naslagalo brdo naloga da obrane ovu cijenu. Neznam kome je to u interesu. Al očito da se to već dugo događa na ovoj dionici. Kad je dohvatila 2000kn. Odmah je u blok stigao nalog od 120kom.

Bolje zaraditi malo nego izgubiti puno.

Petar Zrinski od jučer na remontu u Lencu, što bi značilo out bar 3 tjedna.

New Report
