TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Ovaj podatak posebno pada u oči u zadnjih 6 mjeseci, osim što i dalje ne gube novac, –
Novčani izdaci za kupnju dugotrajne materijalne i nematerijalne imovine =359,2 milijuna kuna – iz novčanog toka društva.
U jednoj od najvećih recesija kupuju 8 brodova, je li to pametno ili ne?
U svakom slučaju je poprilični rizik u igri-nisam baš za tu opciju.
No možda se pokaže da je Mustač u pravu?,52119.html

Tankerska plovidba: Dobit potonula gotovo pet puta

ZADAR – Plan zadržati postojeću razinu investicija i do kraja 2012. povećati flotu na 24 broda.

Od događaja koji su obilježili poslovanje Tankerske plovidbe u prvih šest mjeseci u komentaru izvješća se izdvajaju ulaganja u flotu, vrijedna više od 350 milijuna kuna, kao i stjecanje 55 postotnog udjela u zadarskoj tvrtki za hotelijerstvo, ugostiteljstvo i turizam Aenona, po cijeni od 550 tisuća kuna.

Iskreno, ja sam se bojao minusa u ovom kvartalu – ovo je dobro.
Treba uzeti u obzir trenutnu cijenu dionice, koja je 1700 kn, a usporedbe se rade s poršlom godinom koja je bila najbolja u povijesti – da su zadržali prošlogodišnju dobit, cijena je trebala ostati 8000 kn.

Drugi kvartal je imao loše predikcije, već predikcije za 3q i 4q su znatno bolje.

OPEC: World Oil Market Will Improve in 2010
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
The oil market this year has been strongly impacted by the financial crisis, global recession and resulting erosion in world oil demand. These factors have substantially magnified the uncertainties affecting the market and contributed significantly to volatility. They have also made projecting oil market developments very challenging, as the current uncertainties are expected to continue to cast a shadow over the market in 2010. But, according to OPEC’s latest Monthly Oil Market Report, covering the month of June, world oil market will improve during 2010 as the world economy will escape from recession and the demand will be stenghtened. World economic growth in 2010 is forecast at 2.3%, representing a recovery from the 1.4% contraction expected in 2009. In the OECD, growth is expected to remain anemic at 0.7%, below the pace seen after previous recessions, reflecting the depth and complexity of the current downturn. With a 1.2% growth forecast, the US will outperform Japan (+0.9%) and the Euro-zone (-0.4%), with the latter seen to remain mired inrecession well into 2010. Risks remain predominantly on the downside, despite the recent improved sentiment in forward-looking financial and commodity markets. In the US, stretched households will require time to readjust their balance sheets, amidst rising unemployment and sharply diminished wealth, implying modest growth in consumer spending. Japan and Germany are seeking to rebalance their economies away from an overdependence on export-led growth. Continued Euro-zone banking sector problems may limit credit next year.
Developing countries will be the major contributors to global growth next year with a forecasted expansion of 3.5% from 1% this year. Growth in India is expected to accelerate to 6.5% from 5.7% while Chinese growth picks up to 7.5% from 7.0% this year. China and India alone will contribute about 50% of total world growth next year. However, problems still abound as emerging economies remain vulnerable to developments in OECD countries.
The oil market this year has been strongly impacted by the financial crisis, global recession and resulting erosion in world oil demand. These factors have substantially magnified the uncertainties affecting the market and contributed significantly to volatility. They have also made projecting oil market developments very challenging, as the current uncertainties are expected to continue to cast a shadow over the market in 2010.
World economic growth in 2010 is forecast at 2.3%, representing a recovery from the 1.4% contraction expected in 2009. In the OECD, growth is expected to remain anemic at 0.7%, below the pace seen after previous recessions, reflecting the depth and complexity of the current downturn. With a 1.2% growth forecast, the US will outperform Japan (+0.9%) and the Euro-zone (-0.4%), with the latter seen to remain mired in recession well into 2010. Risks remain predominantly on the downside, despite the recent improved sentiment in forward-looking financial and commodity markets. In the US, stretched households will require time to readjust their balance sheets, amidst rising unemployment and sharply diminished wealth, implying modest growth in consumer spending. Japan and Germany are seeking to rebalance their economies away from an overdependence on export-led growth. Continued Euro-zone banking sector problems may limit credit next year.
Developing countries will be the major contributors to global growth next year with a forecasted expansion of 3.5% from 1% this year. Growth in India is expected to accelerate to 6.5% from 5.7% while Chinese growth picks up to 7.5% from 7.0% this year. China and India alone will contribute about 50% of total world growth next year. However, problems still abound as emerging economies remain vulnerable to developments in OECD countries.

Makis Theodoratos, Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

Jedva sam našao ovu temu… jeli došlo vrijeme da i mi krenemo malo gore?? [proud]

idući tjedan će bit bolje...

zar samo ja imam tankersku?? ovdje više nitko ništa ne komentira…

idući tjedan će bit bolje...

Kad šutimo raste, zar si zaboravio [cool]

ja nisam zaboravio, al mi se čini,da ne pali to više,nešto smo se zaglavili na ovih 1900.

idući tjedan će bit bolje...

Hah, nadajmo se boljem danas

Ima li koga na ovom topicu ili su ovdje sve dugoročni investitori koji pale comp svakih 6 mjeseci?
USA brodari su rasli, nafta raste, BDI na početku pozitvinog trenda, puno lipih stvari za TNPL za prokomentirati.

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