TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

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Aframaxes in crisis
Aframaxes in the Mediterranean have slumped to their lowest level for at least five years on a lack of demand and a surplus of ships, brokers said on Friday.

Azeri charterer Socar booked a to-be-nominated Delta Tankers vessel at Worldscale (WS) 75 from Ceyhan cross-Med on 10 February.

This is down from WS80 on Thursday and worth just $17,500 per day.

Brokers said there were too many vessels now available for too few cargoes. Rates have plunged from WS140 last week.

Pih, obraz na forumu je doista u recesiji [bye]


Nordic Tankers board declare company ‘bankrupt’
Craig Eason – ponedjeljak 2 veljača 2009

Klaus Kjaerulf. pic: TORM
THE board of directors and top management at Denmark’s Nordic Tankers have resigned, declaring the company ‘technically bankrupt’ ahead of a shareholder meeting that was aimed at ousting them.

The Danish Commerce and Companies Agency had instructed the existing board, headed by Steen Bryde, to convene an extraordinary general meeting today following a submission by Mogens Buschard, the former chairman of the company until March 2008, to elect a completely new board.

But in an announcement to the Nasdaq OMX in Copenhagen this morning before the forced meeting, the company said that Mr Steen, who was managing director and finance director, and Brian Petersen had stepped down along with the existing board. It also said that the company had been unable to pay salaries, suppliers and other debts because it was stifled by its bank, Nordea.

The statement claimed that Nordea, through the bank’s Danish director Peter Schutze and head of shipping, Lars Kyvsgaard had effectively ‘staged a coup’ against the existing board through forced illegal loan charges, withheld payments, breached loan agreements and violated rules governing banking secrecy as well as insider trading laws.

As a result the company has not been able “to pay wages and salaries, suppliers, domestic and foreign attorneys, etc, and has directly informed suppliers that Nordea does not intend to pay for services rendered to the company.” ……………….

Cijeli clanak na

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

Još jedan bez Crude Oli tankera – lol zar i ti techman [lol]
Pa imate ULPL temu [huh]

VLCCs fall again


"Continuing over-supply of VLCCs in the Persian Gulf led to another fall in rates Monday in a struggling market. Titan Ocean’s 261,000-dwt single-huller Stella Fair (built 1990) was fixed at WS32.5 into South Korea by GSC on 21 February, down about WS9 from the last reported fixture for an older ship.
This is worth about $24,000 per day.
Aframaxes continued to suffer. Delta Tankers was reported last week to have fixed one of their vessels cross-Med at WS75, the lowest rate for five years as tonnage outstripped weak demand."

Bojim se da tankerski market ide prema nuli kao što su i bulkeri otišli.
Mogli bi uskoro tankeri voziti za gorivo i hranu za kapetana.
Posada nek jede kad dođu kući


Capital Product Partners L.P. Announces Strong Fourth Quarter Financial Results

And Exceptional Distribution. Capital Product Partners L.P., an international owner of modern double-hull tankers, Friday released its financial results for the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2008. The Partnership’s net income for the quarter ended December 31, 2008 was $14.3 million

Evo za promjenu jedan koji ima crude oil tankere – i isplatit će dividendu preko 10% po dionici …
I to samo za ćetvrti kvartal


Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

VLCC rates plummeting

Wednesday, 04 February 2009

Average spot VLCC rates lost some 10 Worldscale points in a matter of a few days, as a lull in activity due to extended holidays exacerbated an ample supply of tonnage in the market. “Demand is just not picking up enough to support the tonnage list and rates [for spot VLCC fixtures] are plummeting.
Fearnleys said then that “if we take into consideration the number of cargoes fixed so far for January (about 100) and for February (about 33), and we examine the list of available tonnage, there is little to indicate that the downward trend will not continue."



nevjerojatno… još uvijek nakon toliko vremena kolega ententinis nista nije naučio

Tanker demand to ‘collapse’ from 2009-2013

Analysts at McQuilling Services have reiterated their pessimism for the tanker markets for the next few years, warning of significantly weaker demand relative to supply and slumping freight rates.
McQuilling’s January 2009 Tanker Market Outlook pegged tonnage oversupply to develop during the 2009-2013 period “as a result of several years of unbridled new vessel ordering and a collapse of tanker transportation demand.The analysts at McQuilling have, prior to this latest Outlook, already sounded warnings about the near future of the tanker market in at least two previous reports in January.
In the earlier one, with regards to tonnage availability, McQuilling said that the “2009 supply picture looks quite disturbing."

Dakle, analitičari predviđaju potpuni kolaps tankerskog tržišta od 2009. godine pa sve do 2013.
Jedan od razloga za takvo katastrofalno stanje je osim globalne krize i višak brodova,kojem doprinosi i Tankerska sa svojim novogradnjama.
Bojim se da će Tankerska morati preispitati svoje recentne akvizicije jer je očigledno da je stanje alarmantno.
Ne znam koliko je Uprava spremna se nositi sa ovakvom krizom ali ne piše se dobro.
Mislim da je ovo R&B dok se još može prodati po ovako dobroj cijeni


Da je ovo "dobra cijena", nije sigurno, pogotovo za nas koji smo počeli kupovati na 3000 kn. Što se kolapsa tankerskog tržišta tiče, možda će se dogoditi, a možda i neće, pa će o tome ovisiti i cijena TNPL: možda će na 700 kn, a možda nazad na 3000. Takva je burza.

moje poruke nisu poziv na kupnju ili prodaju dionica niti savjet za ulaganje

Ovo je od MQQuilinga od prije 2 dana:

Mcquilling: Tanker market demand on a standstill
Monday, 02 February 2009
While for the most part, 2008 can be hailed as one of the best year for the tanker shipping market, the effects of the global economic crisis managed to restrict the positives by the end of the year. The international credit paralysis took its toll in the tanker market as well, by freezing sale and purchase activity, dropping asset prices by at least 20 percent and leading spot rates downwards, mainly as a result of OPEC’s cutbacks in production levels, which ended in fewer number of barrels to be transported by sea. These are included in the latest Tanker Market Outlook: 2009 – 2013, compiled by Mcquilling Services, a US-based Marine Transportation Advisors company. The report says “the next five years in the oil markets paints a picture of lackluster crude oil demand growth over this period. The average annual growth from 2009 through 2015 is projected to be a slim 1.5% per year. Demand in 2009 is expected to measure a meager 200,000 per day over 2008 levels”. This means that the tanker market is set for a correction, but investment opportunities in various ship types will emerge. According to Mcquilling, “tanker demand projections yield effectively no ton-mile growth for crude and dirty products in 2009 over 2008. For VLCCs we see a tiny 0.1% ton-mile increase while the Suezmax contracts slightly by 0.2%. We forecast Aframax growth at 0.2% and a contraction for Panamax tankers of 0.4% on a ton-mile basis”.
But, if one factors in the variable of lower bunker costs, then the projected reduction in spot rate levels on TCE revenues in 2009, should still remain above the 10-year average (1998-2007) in each vessel sector. Mcquilling places the average bunker price at about $275 per metric ton in 2009, taking as an assumption that crude prices will average approximately $55 per barrel in 2009. However, by 2013 TCE revenues are expected to fall below this average as rates generally decline throughout the forecast period. The reason for this is attributed mainly in the international economic climate which will have a negative impact during 2009, as well as tonnage oversupply expected to influence the market for the next years until 2013.
The US company counts a total of 1,372 tankers on order from 2009 through 2013. Tanker deliveries scheduled in 2009 are 34% greater than those in 2008, while deliveries in 2008 were already 36% greater than the average for the previous sseven years. Also, the fact that these orders have been placed in established yards, Mcquilling states that the majority of the vessels will be delivered sometime during 2009. Similarly, the company estimates that 116 tankers will exit the fleet, with over half of these coming from the MR sector. The number will be reduced at 130 vessels in 2010, as the majority of the single-hull tonnage will be leaving the market. On average Mcquilling expects about 75 vessels exiting the fleet annually between now and 2015.
Amid this market environment, the company sees opportunities for industry consolidation and fleet expansion that will rise during 2009 as the less experienced, committed and able, exit the sector. “A key feature will be securing either traditional or alternative forms of ship financing to fund the existing orderbook and opportunities as they present themselves” said the report.

New Report
