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Evo i Donata datum 14.5.2008. molim opet komentar jeli rate manje/vise od očekivanja

Vessel LoadQty Layday Lport DPort Rate Charterer
DONAT 130 000 05.06.2008 MUANDA USG WS 207,5 CHEVRON

Suezmax surge breathes life into Atlantic VLCC market
Martyn Wingrove – četvrtak 19 lipanj 2008

CHARTERERS have returned to the Atlantic market to snap up very large crude carriers because the rates offered by suezmax tanker owners have risen to uncompetitive levels, writes Martyn Wingrove.

Refiners and oil traders are doubling up West African cargoes on VLCCs to gain from the economies of scale, instead of booking suezmaxes because these have become more expensive.

Bookings of VLCCs in the Atlantic market have picked up this week from a quiet period seen in the past few weeks, with refiners fixing tankers to load Gulf of Guinea crude in the first week of July and one or two being bold enough to fix for mid-July loading dates.

Charter rates for VLCCs operating out of African terminals have risen to W170 for a voyage to North America and to W160 to transport crude to China.

RS Platou brokers reported Sinochem fixing the 299,095 dwt, 2003-built Australis at a rate of W162 to take an Angolan crude cargo to China.

Indian oil companies have been busy in the market booking tankers for lump sums of around $8.5m. Platou reported IOC fixing 298,306 dwt, 1995-built Camden and 298,033 dwt, 1993-built New Wisdom to transport West African crude to the west coast of India on these rates.

Growing demand for VLCCs in the Atlantic market should result in rising charter rates for the early July loadings.

Charter rates for VLCCs taking Nigerian and Angolan crude to the US are holding around W170, which provides owners with daily earnings of more than $200,000.

The switch to VLCCs is partially due to rates for suezmax tonnage climbing to W217 for a cross-Atlantic voyage and because more of the crude from West Africa is heading towards Asian refineries.

Brokers expect suezmax rates to remain firm in the Atlantic, which will support further rises in VLCC rates.

In the Middle East market, charter rates for VLCCs have climbed back over W200 this week, as brokers were predicting last Thursday. Owners of 2m barrel capacity tonnage are generating daily earnings of around $150,000 from these rates.

Double-hulled VLCCs on eastward voyages are securing rates of more than W200 and single-hulled tonnage is getting rates of W165.

Johan G Olsen brokers reported ZZR paying W202.5 to fix the 300,405 dwt, 2002-built Taizan to take a Middle East cargo to Ningbo, China.

These Norwegian brokers also reported a benchmark rate for a western voyage as ExxonMobil fixed the 300,955 dwt, 1997-built Cosmic Jewel at a rate of W130 to take a Middle East cargo to the US Gulf.

Demand for VLCCs in the Middle East is rising because Saudi Arabia is producing more crude from its onshore and offshore fields in response to calls to calm the red hot oil markets.

Saudi Arabia is raising its production by around 200,000 barrels per day over the next month.

This is on top of the increase of 300,000 bpd reported in May.

@styx hvala, obzirom na prošlu godinu, to su fenomenalne cifre

Evo i Sali-a makar nisam siguran u brojke zbog imena, ali netko tko je siguran mogao bi reci jel ovo odgovara brodu Tankerske
Datum 27.5.2008.
Vessel LoadQty Layday Lport DPort Rate Charterer
SALI 100 000 04.06.2008 SKERIR MED WS 280 EXXONMOBIL
Idem tražiti dalje…

Evo Petra Zrinskog
Datum 14.5.2008

Vessel LoadQty Layday Lport DPort Rate Charterer

Evo i Dalmacije
Datum: 14.5.2008.

Vessel LoadQty Layday Lport DPort Rate Charterer
DALMACIJA 80 000 23.05.2008 LIBYA ITALY WS 300 ENI

Malo stariji report Frankopana (14.2.2008.)

Vessel LoadQty Layday Lport DPort Rate Charterer

Datum: 29.4. za Dikla

Diklo 27,321 2000 Maracaibo 8-10 May Nigeria $55,000 Chart Not Rep 29/4

Nažalost i ja bi volio da se netko iz struke javi. Niš odo sutra ujutro za beč, nemojte rušit [lol]

nazalost to je to.. za druge nisam uspio naci… nadam se da ce ovo pokrenuti raspravu

Datum: 29.4. za Dikla

Diklo 27,321 2000 Maracaibo 8-10 May Nigeria $55,000 Chart Not Rep 29/4

Odličan ugovor. Da bar takve imaju brodovi moje omiljene Lošinjske plovidbe.

Iskreno, sve mi se više sviđa ova vaša Tankerska plovidba. Poprilično novi mali bulkeri i respektabilna flota tankera. Evo ako BDTI indeks pređe preko 2.500 bodova (u ovo doba godine ne znam dal je ikad bio na toj razini, ali sve se više približava) uzet ću i ja nešto dionica, bit će tu lijepe zarade.

Styx, od kud si iščupao tako stari podatak za Diklu?

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