TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

ista stvar i na atpl 2140

ovdje tu i tamo se nadje pametnih postova.
jel moze netko komentirati rast Frontline cija je cijena dionice opet na rekordnim razinama u zadnje tri godine

Kako su se u ovih par dana sve dionice lijepo oporavile jedino naša tankerska….

semper fidelis

Slabo se ovdje čita i piše, ali ako itko zna kolka bi mogla biti dividenda?
Kolika je bila prije?
Hvala unaprijed.

PEYO vizionar slijepac, kolekcionar minusa

Dividenda za 2006 godi iznosila je 55kn po dionici, za ovu godinu…neka netko drugi bolje upucen od mene komentira mogucu dividendu[smiley]

Indexi za danas:

Baltic Dry Index 9,439 (+0.89%)
Baltic Capesize Index 14,392 (+1.55%)
Baltic Panamax Index 9,022 (+0.56%)
Baltic Supramax Index 5,443 (-0.02%)
Baltic Handysize Index 2,802 (+0.47%)
Baltic Dirty Tanker Index 1,651 (+3.25%)
Baltic Clean Tanker Index 1,210 (-0.74%)

A valjda će konačno i tankerska popratit ostale brodare….danas BDT ima najjači rast [thumbsup]

pardon…indexi mog prošlog posta su bili za dan 30.04., a evo i indexa od jučer (01.05.):
Baltic Dry Index 9,439 (+0.89%)
Baltic Capesize Index 14,392 (+1.55%)
Baltic Panamax Index 9,022 (+0.56%)
Baltic Supramax Index 5,443 (-0.02%)
Baltic Handysize Index 2,802 (+0.47%)
Baltic Dirty Tanker Index 1,678 (+1.64%)
Baltic Clean Tanker Index 1,197 (-1.07%)

kamo ćemo danas? nadam se još malo gore….za lijepo otvaranje brodara na ZSE u ponedjeljak [thumbsup]

U ovih par dana citam niz dobrih vijesti sto protecu iz SAD-a, da recesije nece biti, ujedno i snizenje kamatnih stopa….Ponedjeljak bih mogao biti interesantan dan[wink]

Iran Doubles Oil Stored in Tankers, Bolstering Rates (Update2)

By Alaric Nightingale

May 2 (Bloomberg) — Iran, OPEC’s second-largest oil producer, more than doubled the amount stored in tankers idling in the Persian Gulf, sending ship prices higher as demand for some of its crude fell, people familiar with the situation said.

The 10 tankers hold at least 20 million barrels of oil, equal to about 5 days of the country’s output, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the information isn’t public. Rates for tankers have more than tripled since April 8, based on data from the Baltic Exchange and ship-fuel prices.

While oil rose to a record $119.93 a barrel on April 28, Iran has a glut of its sulfur-rich crude as refineries that can process the fuel shut down for maintenance. The discount on Iranian Heavy crude compared with Oman and Dubai petroleum has more than doubled since the start of the year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

“There’s not much demand for heavier crudes such as those from Iran,” said Anthony Nunan, assistant general manager for risk management at Mitsubishi Corp. in Tokyo. “It’s the peak of the refinery maintenance season in Asia, and Iran also sells oil to Europe and the Mediterranean, where some refineries are having turnarounds,” or seasonal shutdowns for repairs, he said.

Freight derivatives that traders use to bet on, or hedge, swings in the benchmark price for shipping oil to Asia climbed 2.5 percent to the equivalent of about $100,500 a day for May cargoes as of 10:08 a.m. in Oslo, according to Justin King, a broker of the contracts at Imarex NOS ASA.

Available Supertankers

Iran’s use of ships for storage cut the supply of available supertankers, owned by companies including Hamilton, Bermuda- based Frontline Ltd. and Euronav NV, based in Antwerp, Belgium. The number of double-hull very large crude carriers, or VLCCs, available to rent within the next 30 days dropped to 28 from 56 a month ago, according to Paris-based broker Barry Rogliano Salles.

Frontline, the world’s biggest operator of VLCCs, climbed 9.5 kroner, or 3.4 percent, to 293 kroner as of 1:01 p.m. in Oslo. The shares earlier rose to a record 294.5 kroner. Euronav, Belgium’s largest tanker owner, advanced 51 cents, or 1.9 percent, to 26.91 euros.

The benchmark tanker rental rate for voyages to Asia from the Middle East is $148,000 a day, compared with $44,300 on April 8, according to prices from the London-based Baltic Exchange and a formula from Oslo-based RS Platou Shipbrokers A/S.

Iran previously stored its Soroush and Nowruz heavy crudes in state-owned tankers because the sulfur content made the fuel too difficult for refiners to process. Previous buyers of the oil include SK Corp., South Korea’s biggest refiner, and Reliance Industries Ltd., India’s biggest company by market value.

Processing Capacity

Limited domestic processing capacity in Iran requires the country to import about 40 percent of its gasoline because national refineries can’t make enough. Lighter crude with less sulfur is costlier as it yields more profitable products such as gasoline.

Iran typically keeps two or three supertankers on standby to deliver crude, Per Mansson, a tanker broker at Nor Ocean Stockholm AB, said by phone. “There’s a lack of on-land storage and this enables quick supply” to buyers in Europe and Asia, he said.

Soroush and Nowruz crudes contain about 3.5 percent sulfur. Syria’s Souedieh, at 3.9 percent, is the only grade in the Middle East with more, according to data from New York-based Energy Intelligence Group.

Crude oil for June delivery rose 69 cents, or 0.6 percent, to $113.21 a barrel as of 7:11 a.m. on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

oko 60% je indeks narasao u 2 mjeseca, e sad, da li ima netko upućeniji kakve su predikcije za dalje ?

UU kakva mrcina

UU kakva mrcina, mocno izgleda

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