TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Bulker boom to continue this year

By Marcus Hand in Singapore – Friday 29 February 2008

The dry bulk shipping boom helped to nearly treble STX Pan Ocean net profits last year.
STX Pan Ocean expects the dry bulk shipping market will continue to boom in 2008.

The Singapore-listed shipowner said that it was confident of the underlying demand and supply fundamentals of the shipping industry, and the dry bulk market would continue its “supercycle” .

Global demand will offset US slump

Demand and single-hull conversions will sustain crude tankers but product tankers may suffer

Jerry Frank – Thursday 28 February 2008

JITTERY tanker markets only just recovering from last year’s prolonged slump can rely on global demand growth and the conversion of single hulls to absorb the affect of an US economic slowdown, according to top Norwegian analysts.

Fears that the gathering problems for the world’s largest economy will take a further toll on crude oil sea transport are off the mark, according to Oslo-based shipping analysts Carnegie Securities Research.

But the analysts added that the Atlantic product tanker markets could be in for a choppy ride.

Carnegie analyst Børge Johansen this week told industry delegates at the Lloyd’s List ship finance conference in Copenhagen that for every 1% decline in US demand for fuel (equivalent to around 200,000 barrels per day), only about 30% of this would hit the crude tanker trades.

“Slowing US petroleum demand will be absorbed mostly by products imports rather than crude imports and refinery runs,” he said.

This, together with other factors, has moulded Carnegie’s forecast for 2008 VLCC rates at $70,000 per day.This is well below the IMAREX FFA curve with spot prices at present in backwardation (higher than for later contracts), encouraging further demand for prompt delivery.

Faced with the vagaries of the US economy, the tanker market is also benefiting from the stampede by very large crude carrier owners to profit from the dry bulk shipping boom and convert single-hull vessels into capesizes.

Carnegie estimates this will boost prospects for at least the next 12 months. Around 16 vessels have already exited the VLCC fleet in the second half of 2007 for conversion into dry bulk and offshore units and a further 26 are expected to leave the fleet over the first six months of this year.

“That amounts to a total of 42 vessels probably taken out of trade during this 12 month period, or 8.5% of total vessels,” Mr Johansen said.

Good news for the tanker markets looks bad for the product tanker market, particularly the medium-range trades serving the US Atlantic coast from continental Europe and LR1 trades from theBaltic.

Both trades have faired better than the product tanker trades east of Suez, but Fearnleys last week reported that LR1s in the Atlantic basin were languishing at around W185 and MRs were recently down to W185.

The US is rebuilding around 50% of its commercial stockdraws from last year, with low inventory levels also reported in other consumer nations such as Japan and South Korea.

Chinese product imports are also expected to decline by around 7%, although demand for oil overall is expected to increase in the world’s fastest- growing economy by 5%.

But figures from the IEA and EIA point to actual growth in global oil demand for the US domestic economy, with a 3.7% rise in crude imports expected this year compared with no growth in 2006.

This anticipated gain has come despite actual oil demand growth remaining at a steady 1% over the past two years, resulting in oil consumers deciding to look for imports predominantly by sea from further afield.

Consequently, the big gain for tanker owners will be the growth in tonne-miles this year, with Carnegie Research suggesting that present signs show that this will grow by as much as 5.6% in 2008, compared with no growth last year.

Conversion work on tankers looks set to take out between 8%-9% of the VLCC fleet, according to Carnegie, and “this will significantly affect the supply of tankers, especially for the first half of 2008”.

* Važeći podaci za uredovni dan 28.02.2008 .


Vlasnik računa Stanje [%] Vrsta računa
1. SILBA PARTICIPATIONS B.V. 519.104 82,87 Osnovni račun
2. FINTRADE D.O.O. 17.081 2,73 Osnovni račun
3. PBZ D.D. 10.530 1,68 Skrb. račun
4. ZAGREBAČKA BANKA D.D. 10.485 1,67 Skrb. račun
5. ZAGREBAČKA BANKA D.D. 3.036 0,48 Skrb. račun
6. ZAGREBAČKA BANKA D.D. 1.734 0,28 Skrb. račun
7. RAIFFEISENBANK AUSTRIA D.D. ZAGREB 1.658 0,26 Skrb. račun
9. HPB D.D. 771 0,12 Skrb. račun
Ukupno: 90,36

(2) je u mjesec dana dokupio 3744 kom

Bez straha, pohlepe i sentimenta.

Mislim da se nije radilo o klasičnoj kupovini nego o preljevanju iz jedne tvrtke u drugu (Paktor-Fintrade)

p.s. vidi post od ličanina od 29.01.2008

Među 120 najboljih hrvatskih menadžera troje Zadrana


Između čak 120 ovogodišnjih dobitnika priznanja za poduzetnike i menadžere našlo se i troje Zadrana – Ivo Mustać, Elvira Sterle i Željko Uzelac. Oni su dobitnici Prve hrvatske kune koje je već peti put dodijelio Zavod za poslovna istraživanja u Zagrebu.

Najbolji zadarski menadžeri dolaze iz tvrtki Tankerska plovidba, Vigens i TCG Metalni lijev.

Vaš link

Suezmax rates surf a tidal wave of west Africa interest

Jamie Dale – Monday 3 March 2008

FREIGHT rates for one-million-barrel tankers firmed in most segments last week, driven by a surge of inquiries in west Africa, writes Jamie Dale.

EA Gibson described the increase in activity as a large wave that had “crashed into the market”.

Owners appeared to be hesitant at first to raise rates and held at W120 levels. “Eventually the sheer weight of interest forced the market to a significantly higher level to end the week at around W150 [for] transatlantic,” said the London brokerage.

Kakva su očekivanja rezulatata za 2007?

Brodogradilište Viktor Lenac proslavilo izlazak iz stečaja

Nakon 53 krizna mjeseca, remontno brodogradilište Viktor Lenac napokon izlazi iz stečaja i već sredinom sljedećeg mjeseca, s novim vlasnicima i novom Upravom, okreće novu stranicu u dugoj povijesti škvera

Razlog za slavlje ponajprije imaju radnici, koji su se okupili na sindikalnoj skupštini, izvijestio je HTV. Izaslanik predsjednika Vlade Ive Sanadera, ministar mora, prometa i infrastrukture Božidar Kalmeta, koji je bio na svečanosti, kazao je da će Vlada i nadalje podupirati to brodogradilište kako bi ono ponovno bilo vodeće remontno brodogradilište. Kazao je kako se u Lencu pokazalo da se naizgled nerješiv problem može riješiti i da bez sindikata stečaj ne bi bio uspješno završen.

Ministar Kalmeta je najavio da će HFP sačuvati svoj dio dionica Viktora Lenca te da će ih, kada se pronađe pravi način privatizacije, ponuditi na kupnju radnicima.

Povjerenik Sindikata meatalaca Hrvatske u brodogradilištu Viktor Lenac, Damir Bačinović poručio je novim vlasnicima da se radnici neće miješati u upravljanje, ali da će u sklopu sindikalnih aktivnosti pratiti i nadzirati stanje u brodogradilištu.

Izvanredna sjednica Glavne skupštine dioničara Viktora Lenca, na kojoj bi trebale biti donesene odluke o preustroju brodogradilišta, sazvana je za 7. travnja.

Od ukupno 487 dioničara Lenca, najveći će dioničari biti zadarska Tankerska plovidba i pulski Uljanik (svaki s po 28,6 posto). Veće će udjele imati i HFP (14 posto) te HBOR (11,1 posto), a manje udjele oko 350 radnika i više od 100 kooperantskih tvrtki. (HTV)

Baš mi je drago vidjeti kako se dobre vijesti pozitivno odražavaju na cijenu dionice[lol] [lol] [lol]

semper fidelis

Bilo bi bolje da nisam nista napisao…..[tongue][tongue][tongue]

eto jos cemo i dozivjeti ispod 5000 kuna


semper fidelis

New Report
