TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

985plavi, 22.02.2008. u 09:43
mornar385, kolika je realna vrijednost tankerske prema fundamentalnim pokazateljima i koliki su fundamnetalni pokazatelji neke slične strane tvrtke?.ako neko zna ,neka napiše da možemo usporediti.hvala

Dragi kolege,
nemam baš puno vremena diskutirati na forumu ali moram se osvrnuti na vaša pitanja.
Ovo je jedna od najperspektivnijih firmi, PE je 13,5, također je ovo jedna od najstabilnijih dionica…
Treba ju držati i vrlo brzo ćete vidjeti kamo će otiči.
Opširnu analizu imate i na portalu poslovni dnevnik.

Puno pozdrava i sretno[smiley]


Handymax rates to rocket in March as cargoes build
Jamie Dale – Friday 22 February 2008

ATLANTIC handymax freight rates are likely to “really rocket” for March loading dates as the prompt ships are almost cleared out, writes Jamie Dale.
The Atlantic market saw healthy volumes of ships available for February cargoes in the last two weeks but many are now employed, opening the door to a firmer looking March.

“The prompt ships are looking softer, I think that you will see a clear out of these at lower levels,” a London broker told Lloyd’s List.

“Then I think you will see March ships looking like they will pick up some bigger levels.”

The broker added that availability of cargoes to soak up the vessels will not be a problem.

“There are plenty of cargoes for US Gulf to Japan, plus there is looking likea real build-up of scrap on the US east coast to Turkey for mid-March,” the broker said.

“In east coast South America and Brazil there is plenty of iron ore, pig iron and grain, so I think you will see [levels for] the March dates really rocket.”

The broker noted that the last “biggie” fixed in east coast South America went for $56,500 per day plus $800,000 ballast bonus for a trip toward the Pacific.

However, the broker added that owners in east coast South America are already claiming to see interest at $70,000 per day plus $1m ballast bonus.

In west Africa rates for a Baltic Exchange tess 52 index type vessel are around the $61,000 per day mark.

“I think you will have to watch thismarket next week, this is when you will really see it go because the February ships in west Africa have almost cleared out with just a few knocking about on the Continent, but once they have gone we will see rates go up,” said the London broker.

“Do not expect too much action on the indices this week, but watch next week and March dates. Be prepared!”

In the Pacific Basin this week many owners appear to have got carried away with the rapidly-rising short period rates and “have priced themselves out of the market”, according to ICAP Hyde.

“Index type tonnage rating in the mid-low $60,000s has scared off charterers who are quite happy to sit back and watch for the time being unless they have spot backhaul requirements to cover with short period tonnage,” added the Londonbrokerage in its daily report.

The report noted that some Far Eastern owners have started to ease their levels slightly after realising that their “over zealous” rates are off the mark in view of the reduced period sentiment.

ICAP Hyde noted that vessels fixed for Pacific round voyages are able to achieve above $50,000 per day, for both shorter nickel ore trips and the longer rounds out of the North Pacific.

The Indian coasts remain firm with a 45,000 dwt vessel open on the west coast reported to be fixing on subjects for a trip to the east in the mid $50,000s.

Tanker forecasts revised upwards
Optimism for second quarter earnings as Opec set to keep output steady
Jamie Dale – Wednesday 27 February 2008

A STRONGER run-in to the second quarter is expected to help prop up tanker earnings as the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries looks unlikely to increase oil output when it meets on March 5.

The second quarter is typically slower for tankers as oil demand falls with the end of the northern hemisphere winter and a spate of refinery maintenance shutdowns.

Demand falls by around 2m barrels per day in the second quarter, according to Opec president Chakib Khelil. In January the 13 members of Opec supplied 32.65m bpd.

DnB NOR Markets, however, noted that tanker rates are heading into the second quarter at a higher pace than previously expected.

The Norwegian shipping analyst said yesterday in a research note that it had now adjusted its rate expectations upwards. It expects very large crude carrier rates to average $57,500 per day in the second quarter, up $7,500 from its previous estimate.

The biggest adjustment is for the fourth quarter when rates are expected to average $65,000 per day, up $22,500 from its previous estimate.

Predmijevam da će nalog od 40 kom po 5200 kn netko dogovorno “preuzeti”.

PEYO vizionar slijepac, kolekcionar minusa

Predmijevam da će nalog od 40 kom po 5200 kn netko dogovorno “preuzeti”.

Neće dogovorno,evo ja ću ga preuzeti u roku od 5min[rolleyes][rolleyes][wink]

Laži izmišljaju ljubomorni i nesposobni šire ih budale a vjeruju idioti!!!

Čestitam na dobroj kupnji[thumbsup]. Čestitam i na tome što si u kešu i to respektabilnom (200k+ kn)Međutim evo ti ponovo prilike sa 41 kom po 50 kn više.
Ajd budi faca….[proud]

PEYO vizionar slijepac, kolekcionar minusa

Čestitam na dobroj kupnji[thumbsup]. Čestitam i na tome što si u kešu i to respektabilnom (200k+ kn)Međutim evo ti ponovo prilike sa 41 kom po 50 kn više. Ajd budi faca….[proud]

Samo ako spusti na 5200,inače nista od biznisa.Keš ima svoju cijenu.[wink][smiley]

Laži izmišljaju ljubomorni i nesposobni šire ih budale a vjeruju idioti!!!

ako sam dobro razumio zarada na vozarinama će u drugom tromjesečju porasti premda je uobičajeno da u tom razdoblju pada zbog kraja zime.potvrdite jesam li dobro skužio

” Samo ako spusti na 5200,inače nista od biznisa.Keš ima svoju cijenu.[wink][smiley]
Evo ti kad biraš. Ko bira….[cool]

PEYO vizionar slijepac, kolekcionar minusa

ako sam dobro razumio zarada na vozarinama će u drugom tromjesečju porasti premda je uobičajeno da u tom razdoblju pada zbog kraja zime.potvrdite jesam li dobro skužio

Dobro si razumio.

Odluka o stečajnom planu V. Lenca pravomoćna.
Valjalo bi malo dokupit po ovoj cijeni…

PEYO vizionar slijepac, kolekcionar minusa

da mi je keša ja bi je bez razmišljanja upovao sve do 6k

semper fidelis

New Report
