TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Malo TA. Dobar BUY.

Alright Dave ?

6.020,50 2
6.007,22 1
5.901,00 2
5.900,00 2
5.600,00 2
5.513,00 6
5.512,00 20
5.510,01 10
5.500,00 9
5.351,00 5
6.199,77 15
6.200,00 243
6.290,00 20
6.298,00 15
6.300,00 2
6.400,00 2
6.550,00 5
6.899,99 5
6.949,00 2
6.950,00 65
6.100,00 40 15:48:36
6.050,00 1 15:37:51
6.050,00 4 15:37:51
6.050,00 1 14:45:10
6.050,00 3 14:38:41
6.050,50 1 14:38:41
6.051,00 2 14:38:41
6.051,50 10 14:38:41
6.200,00 3 12:08:56
6.050,00 1

Kako kolege ovdje komentiraju permanentni ulazak skrbničkih od zabe u top ten,u izvještaju za 3q su bila samo 3,a u međuvremenu je ušao i 4?

Evo napokon nesto dobrih vijesti za Tankersku, odnosno za kompanije koje imaju tankere sa dvostrukom oplatom. Koreja ih vise nece uposljavati (single hull tankere) zbog nedavne polucije u njihovim vodama, tako da vec danas double hull tankeri zaradjuju 3 puta vise od single hull tankera. Mora da je Lican napravio neku diverziju na brodu Hebei Spirit koji je nedavno izazvao poluciju samo da bi zastitio dionicu TNPL. Ovog puta je uspio, ovo je za Tankersku stvarno izvrsna vijest…Falkensteiner @ Punta Skala – cuvaj se, eto Licana s bakljom…[lol]

Doubles do a triple over singles in the VLCC spot market stakes
Michelle Wiese Bockmann – Tuesday 28 January 2008

DOUBLE-HULL very large crude carriers are now earning nearly three times more than their single-hull counterparts on the spot market for the key Middle East Gulf to Asia route, writes Michelle Wiese Bockmann.

A major London broker yesterday reported that a single-hull very large crude carrier was fixed on the route at W70, or about $35,000 per day, while a double-hull vessel is receiving three times the earnings at W150, or about $100,000 per day.

The global fleet of around 150 single hull VLCCs “will have to cut their cloth and take what is on offer this week”, said London broker Galbraith’s, as plunging rates saw Asian charterers prefer cheaper and safer double-hulls.

The earnings discount for single-hull VLCCs is now at its widest-ever levels, said the head of a London broker, who declined to be named.

The gap follows the Hebei Spirit single-hull VLCC oil spill in December, which helped pushed spot tanker rates to their highest level in two years.

But after fetching as much as $200,000 per day in mid-December from the Middle East to Asia, single hull VLCCs have been hardest hit by the slump in the volatile tanker market.

“Whatever happens now there will be quite a considerable disparity [between single and double hull VLCCs], rather than the traditional W10 difference that there’s been in the past,” said the broker.

Greek shipbroker Optima, said the rate decline had impacted single hull and double hulls.

“Irrespective of whether it’s single hull or double hull, the market goes down and all the charterers are basing their fixtures on last done,” said Nikolaos Varvaropoulos.

If South Korea changed its single-hull preference, this would place significant pressure on single hull rates, he said. “Right now we’re not seeing anything to justify this.”

Two South Korean charterers have now indicated they are re-examining and may change their chartering practices to favour double-hulls, ahead of the IMO phase-out deadline in 2010.

Yesterday Korea National Oil joined refinery Hyundai Oilbank, saying it “recommends” double-hull VLCCs. Brokers were unable to confirm the new policy. Earlier this month Hyundai Oilbank told Lloyd’s List it would increase the number of double hull vessels it chartered.

South Korea is one of the world’s biggest charterers of single hull VLCCs, which ship about 60% of the country’s crude oil, and accounted for just under 20% of all single-hull VLCC fixtures in 2007. Younger single-hull vessels had been expected to still continue trading into Asia until 2015 if they met strict assessment deadlines.

Ma Falkensteiner će biti obična planinska straćara za ono što se sprema na Ninskom blatu.Od kad to Austrijanci imaju ukusa raditi hotele,nek se oni drže svog alpskog stila.A čuj ovo za brodove,nisam stručnjak,ali nekako se ne mogu oteti dojmu da se nekako prečesto događaju nesreće s tim brodovima sa dalekog istoka,bić da ih kod nas kvalitetnije rade doduše malo još štekaju s rokovima,ali to je cijena kvalitete.
Nego čovječe što tebi kažu tvoji poslodavci,svaka ti čast izvlačiš podatke niotkuda,definitivno si među top 3 poznavatelja brodarstva,al brate mili treba vremena za to.Pozdrav.

derby, nemoj samo sada izići iz TANKERSKE kao iz JADROPLOVA

[b][/b]You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table

derby, nemoj samo sada izići iz TANKERSKE kao iz JADROPLOVA

Baš me zaintrigiralo pa sam malo išao gledati temu JDPL pa vidim kako su svi napali Derbya i citirali neke postove od 22.01.,a nisu odvrtili post od 18.01. kad je čovjek lijepo rekao da ide po kredit za kupnju dionica,što bi sad trebao čekati da mu se upali margin call.

Slobodna Dalmacija danas piše o ulasku Tankerske u NK Hajduk???
Malo nejasan potez….
Hoće li ‘bijeli brod’ postati trouble-carrier tankerske plovidbe?

Molim Vas da ne ocjenjujete moje glupe komentare jer bi ja sam sebi dao nulu da mogu

Evo nam zanimljive promjene u TOP 10. Nestao je Paktor d.o.o. koji je imao 4.143 dionice, a Fintrade je podebljao s 13.337 na 17.075. Nedostaje 405 komada ako je bila povezana transakcija. Preko burze nije sigurno išlo, u srijedu je bio promet od 127 komada.

Od ostalih promjena što se danas vide, skrbnički broj 6 (ZABA) povećao za još 65 komada.

Na kraju najbolja vijest, na desetom mjestu opet gledamo svima omiljeni HYPO koji još uvijek ima finu količinu (887 komada).

derby, nemoj samo sada izići iz TANKERSKE kao iz JADROPLOVA

Ne znam na osnovu cega zakljucujes da sam usao u TNPL. Samo sam postao cinjenicu koja ide na ruku tankerskim brodarima. Onim naravno koji imaju double hull tankere. Ovo je zasigurno vijest godine u brodarstvu (zasad) jer se ovom odlukom mnoge stvari mijenjaju preko noci. Zabrana za tankere s jednostrukom oplatom na far east-u dosla je dvije godine ranije nego sto je bila ocekivana. Nova konjuktura ocekivala se odlaskom single hull tankera 2010, a ovo je sada svakako novi moment. Biti ce zanimljivo pratiti (rast) vrijednosti double hull tankera narednih dana i mjeseci, kao i stanje na trzistu vozarina. A za one koji nece (ili ne zele) taj nacin analize ostaje da prate rezultate Hajduka [lol]. BTW, citam upravo da zabranu za single hull tankere uvode i Filipini, Tajland i Melezija (i to odmah). Jos da odluku donesu Kina i Indija i eto Modrica u Hajduka…[lol]

Philippines to ban single hulls by April

Aim is to prevent repeat of country’s worst oil spill in 2006 Recent Citigroup Global Markets analysis found southeast Asian countries, which include the Philippines as well as countries such as Malaysia and Thailand, were the destination for 85 of 628 single-hull VLCCs that were fixed in 2007
Michelle Wiese Bockmann – Monday 28 January 2008

THE Philippines has become the latest Asian country to accelerate a ban on single-hull tankers, with phasing out now planned as early as April.

The country’s transportation undersecretary is reported to have said the move will bring forward the plans by two years.

The move comes in the same week that South Korea, the world’s largest charterer of single-hull very large crude carriers, announced a voluntary chartering reduction by oil refiners, potentially cutting its fixtures level by half in 2009.

About 25% bring oil to South Korea, analysts say. Of the 437 VLCCs that entered the ports of South Korea last year, 229 were single-hulled, according to Seoul’s maritime ministry.

The Philippines news came on the same day that SK Energy of South Korea also confirmed it will phase out using single-hulls by the end of 2009, a year earlier than the government’s revised deadline.

Evo nam zanimljive promjene u TOP 10. Nestao je Paktor d.o.o. koji je imao 4.143 dionice, a Fintrade je podebljao s 13.337 na 17.075.

Znaci Fintrade je napravio diverziju na Hebei Spiritu u Koreji…[lol] [lol]

Jos da malo upletu prste u ubrzanje donosenja odluke o zabrani single hull tankera u Kini i Indiji i eto Luke u Hajduku…

Shipbrokers told Lloyd’s List that the impact of these decisions could bring pressure on other major users such as China and India to review their single-hull policies.

Asia charters nearly all the estimated 150 single-hull VLCCs out of the total fleet of just over 500.

Tema zasluzuje pomni monitoring…

Evo nam zanimljive promjene u TOP 10. Nestao je Paktor d.o.o. koji je imao 4.143 dionice, a Fintrade je podebljao s 13.337 na 17.075. Nedostaje 405 komada ako je bila povezana transakcija. Preko burze nije sigurno išlo, u srijedu je bio promet od 127 komada.

To ti je faktički isto i tu stoji iza svega Ivan Lejo,a zna se što se događa kad on počne trgovati.

New Report
