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Shipping News » International News

Charter rates boost for tanker owners
Monday, 10.12.2007, 12:23am (GMT)

Oil tanker owners are celebrating one of the industry’s most remarkable ever turnrounds after charter rates for some vessel classes multiplied around seven times in the space of a few weeks.
Owners of Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCCs), capable of carrying 2m barrels of oil, have been chartering their vessels for as much as $150,000 a day in the past two weeks, against only just over $20,000 in early November.
The spike results mainly from industry fears about the effect on tankers of the strong market for shipping dry bulk cargo, where owners can earn up to $180,000 a day chartering out the largest, Capesize, ships.
Owners of single-hull tankers – due to be phased out for environmental reasons by 2010 – are increasingly converting them into bulk carriers, reducing the supply of tankers.
The concerns have come just as many customers are seeking to ship oil to replenish depleted inventories.
Market conditions are most beneficial for operators that concentrate on the short-term spot market, chartering out their vessels on a voyage-by-voyage basis, instead of agreeing long-term charters with customers such as oil majors.
Two Oslo-based owners – Frontline, operator of the world’s largest tanker fleet, and US-listed Nordic American Tanker Shipping – are heavily exposed to the spot market. Nordic American currently owns 12 Suezmax tankers, carrying 1m barrels of oil each.
“For us, it’s excellent,” said Herbjørn Hansson, Nordic American’s chairman and chief executive. “We have many ships. Except for one, they’re all in the spot market. Only 14 days ago, rates were about $20,000 and now they are over $60,000 a day and even higher.”
Some owners that charter their vessels out on a long-term basis have also benefitted, according to George Saroglu, chief operating officer of Athens-based, New York-listed Tsakos Energy Navigation.
Many of his company’s long-term charter agreements included an element linked to the spot rate.
“The majority of our fleet has these features built into the period arrangement,” Mr Saroglu said.
Rates are now at their highest since a spike in early 2005, although still below the peak reached in late 2004. VLCCs then briefly commanded rates above $200,000 a day as the market soared on rising Chinese demand and the knocking-out of some Gulf of Mexico oil facilities by hurricanes.
“You’ve had earnings go straight through the roof because suddenly the sentiment changed,” said Johnny Plumbe, chief executive of ACM Shipping, a London shipbroker specialising in tankers. “The demand and the shortage of tonnage have meant operators were not able to get a VLCC.”
However, there are questions about how long rates can stay at present levels.
Mr Saroglu said he expected similar market conditions for the next six to eight weeks, while conditions after that would depend on the severity of the northern hemisphere winter.

Fearnleys, an Oslo-based tanker broker, says in its weekly report that conditions have already become more uncertain.

drastično smanjti doprinose na plaće i drastično smanjiti poreze. samo tako možemo dalje !

BDT +6,12 % no, dionica i dalje stoji .
da li je u pitanju bojazan fondova političkog predznaka (sutra bi ipak trebalo biti bolje zbog Friščićeve izjave ), ili neke dr. okolnosti (iako ne vjerujem , jer je sada monenat koji ide na na mlin tankerašima ).


drastično smanjti doprinose na plaće i drastično smanjiti poreze. samo tako možemo dalje !

BDT +6,12 % no, dionica i dalje stoji .
da li je u pitanju bojazan fondova političkog predznaka (sutra bi ipak trebalo biti bolje zbog Friščićeve izjave ), ili neke dr. okolnosti (iako ne vjerujem , jer je sada monenat koji ide na na mlin tankerašima ).


to je skoro 100% rast u zadnja 3 mjeseca! Većina tankeraša vani su procijenjeni kao strong buy ili buy.

e ovo se zove kupovina …

drastično smanjti doprinose na plaće i drastično smanjiti poreze. samo tako možemo dalje !

e ovo se zove kupovina …

Netko je kupio….pitanje je samo tko i zasto je prodao??[huh]

možda mu punq ove naše burze! [rolleyes]

cini se da cijenama prijevoza nema kraja… Baltic Dirty Tanker 1,917 (+10.49%)
ja vec gledam kad ce biti dostignut petogodisnji ATH (2004 u iznosu od 3200)….
imam tri pitanja za eksperte kojih na ovom forumu ne fali:
1. kolko je dry promet zastupljen u ukupnom prometu Tankerske
2. kolko na prihode Tankerske utjece indeks Clean Tanker
3. u kojoj mjeri utjece spot tržiste prijevoza odnosno u kojoj mjeri Tankerska sklapa ugovore u kojima cijena prijevoza ovisi o kretanju rastu Dirty Tanker indeksa

zaboravih i cetvrto pitanje: kaj kazete na onaj nalog za kupnju od 200 komada na 7000, nemogu se sjetiti kad sam zanji puta vidio ovako nesto na TNPL[thumbsup]

nisam ekspert, ali evo nekih info, pomoći će ti.inače, čitaj malo prijašnje postove , biti će ti dosta jasnije .,2,25,brodo_gradnja,64105.jl

4. ne sjećam se ni ja kada je bio jedan ovakav nalog , dobra uvertira za danas.

drastično smanjti doprinose na plaće i drastično smanjiti poreze. samo tako možemo dalje !

tank.indexi su i danas rasli .
šteta što to ne prati i dionicu.

drastično smanjti doprinose na plaće i drastično smanjiti poreze. samo tako možemo dalje !

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