TPNG (Tankerska Next Generation d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska TPNG (Tankerska Next Generation d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

kakvo bježanje, tek smo na cca 50% od dokapa, možda još uplate ovi po 65
ja ostajem i ako glazba krene svirati

BDTI 1,355.00 +97.00(+7.71%)
BCTI 604.00 +52.00(+9.42%)

Oni koji rastu zadnji rastu najviše.

Imate li neki link gdje se svakodnevno može vidjeti stanje BCTI indexa?…ja sam našao da je 01.10. BCTI bio 474 a da je najniža vrijednost u godinu dana bila 448 a najviša 919….za tpng je bitan BCTI ili?…koja je razlika izmađu BCTI i BDTI indexa?…..

Unaprijed zahvaljujem na odgovoru svima koji žele pomoći….

ovaj kasni dan dva ali za prvu ruku

inače najažurniji je bio investing com, ali ne radi više

pitao sam i ja ali neće nitko da uputi gdje je nywajzgodnijec zac očitati

bdti – dirty – prljava sirova nafta

bcti – clean – čiste lrerađevine tj products otud profuct carrier

tpng ima prpoduct carriere

“Product Tankers versus Crude Tankers
Due to their coated tanks, Product Tankers can also trade in the DPP/Crude market, and switching typically occurs if one of the markets yields better than the other. The barrier to switch from CPP to DPP/Crude may vary from owner to owner though. After trading in the DPP/Crude market a product tanker needs to go through tank cleaning, which has a cost, or to carry at least three condensate cargoes, to avoid contamination of the first CPP cargo after switching back. Normally it is the larger owners/pools that switch back and forth as this often achieves economies of scale on the cleaning cost or they may have better access to condensate cargoes, while smaller owners often see higher barriers to switching. Primarily it is the LR sizes that switch, although this also occurs in the MR segment. Although limited in scale, crude tankers may also trade CPP on their very first voyage, typically from Asia to the West, as the newbuildingsare most often delivered out of Asian yards.
Historically crude tanker and product tanker earnings show good correlation. Both segments are driven by some of the same elements such as economic growth, refinery additions and oil prices, but the correlation is strengthened further by the product tankers switching. As about 70% of the total tanker fleet above 35,000 dwt, measured in transportation capacity, are crude tankers and the product tanker fleet accounts for less than 30%, the product tanker outlook can depend on the crude tanker outlook and the spill-over effects from that largest group of transportation capacity. If the crude tanker outlook is strong some of the product tanker fleet can be expected to switch to DPP/Crude trading which reduces the effective fleet growth versus what would otherwise be expected from newbuilding deliveries less scrapping, and vice versa.”

Samo Jako, samo Aljoša, samo Vlahi ...

Prijavite se besplatno na

Imate i ostale indexe


hvala puno – vrlo korisno

Samo Jako, samo Aljoša, samo Vlahi ...

@jasko – thanks!

Link ne radi..trazi membership.
BCTi rastura, vani tankerasi na 1 BV, a ovdje se misli bi li uzimali po 0.48 BV

Meni radi.
Ne znam u čemu ti je problem?
Stranica malo šteka, ali definitivno radi…

#oil #tanker spot rates surges on, w #VLCC at highest levels since the GFC. With increasing earnings comes rising asset prices, which I believe could lift share prices even higher #shipping #OOTT $FRO $ADSCME $DHT $EURN $TNK $OET $HUNT $NAT $STNG $INSW $TNP

Rastimo zajedno...

tpng ima 4 tankera pod ugovorom a 2 na spotu

samo ta 2v mogu uprihoditi extra ako plove na pravim rutama

u qq4 bcti je bio na 900 a tpng je izgubila mkilju i pol

natzsalost, sqm bcti nije dovoljan . nikje to šećer i viro

Samo Jako, samo Aljoša, samo Vlahi ...

BCTI 626 + 22

New Report
