BCTI je na 496, što je više od 10% manje nego u isto vrijeme lani.
Već smo spominjali kako crude novogradnje, zbog stanja na crude marketu, jedu dio kolaca produkt tankerima što za TPNG definitivno nije dobro.
“it’s not unusual for newbuild crude tankers to carry clean cargoes on their maiden voyage. However, with the crude tanker market in a depressed state of late, charterers have sought to take advantage to secure competitive freight costs on product flows from East to West. This activity has had a profound effect on the product tanker market. So far this year at least three VLCCs have loaded East of Suez and sailed into the Atlantic Basin. Not only does loading a VLCC (or Suezmax) take out product tanker demand in the load region, it also impacts on tanker demand in the discharge region.his year when the Maran Aphrodite and New Eminence loaded gasoil in China and Malaysia, they collectively took a potential 11-15 MR cargoes out of the Asian product tanker market, negatively impacting regional tanker demand. However, this was not the only impact, as soon as these vessels started signalling Europe as their destination, the European gasoil market started to react. Eventually, as these vessels moved closer towards discharge, the impact on regional gasoil pricing would have impacted trading activity in the Atlantic and thus product tanker demand, contributing to lower flows from other key supply regions such as the US and Middle East. The result could be another 11-15 MR cargoes also lost in the Atlantic market, doubling up the negative demand factor.”
što je to što tjer crude tankere tako nisko – cjen anafte nije ni ekstremno niska ni ekkstremno visoka – svi kazu da je ovi 70ak dolara fer cijena. otud bi trebalo doci da po fer cijeni i ima i dosta trgovine – zasto ti tankeri nemaju dosta posla onda
Nisam upucen dovoljno, ali mislim da mali dio trgovine crude oil segmentom je spekulacijski (idem kupit sad jer ce posli bit skuplje, ili necu sad jer ce sutra bit jeftinije), ako se tako dijelom i trguje, to na nekoj kratkorocnoj razini malo digne/spusti vozarine, vecinom se to svodi na treba mi crude oil i kupujem ga I onda je to cisto pitanje demanda i supplya, ako supply(novogradnje) raste vise od demanda, vozarine idu dolje.
S druge strane sada imate ovaj moment
“Libyan exports are under threat as instability grips the country. Supply disruptions are critically important right now as the world prepares for further tightening of crude supplies from Venezuela, Iran, and other regional reductions. More than half of these exports move to Italy, Spain, and France, A reduction in exports may reduce refinery utilization rates in Mediterranean refineries, or encourage more light crude shipments from the US to Europe.”
sta opet moze pogurat vozarine gore.
Ali nisam neki strucnjak, ucim i ja jos, pa ako ima tko ko bolje sve to razumije, slobodno nek me ispravi i nadopuni.
usporedujuci dirty i clean grafove – povijesno gledano dirty je uvijek iznad. u travnju dirty se bio pokoopio sa cleanom i odna je odmah odskočio natrag gore – izgleda su dirty tankeri krcajući produkte pogurali nadolje clean tankere
Ali, kako prlajvi tankeri uopće mogu krcati preardecine OSIM NA SVOJOJ PRVOJ PLOVIDBI. Jer krcati sirovu prljavu nafru pa onda krcati preradevine – zar to moze uopće?
Ali, kako prlajvi tankeri uopće mogu krcati preardecine OSIM NA SVOJOJ PRVOJ PLOVIDBI. Jer krcati sirovu prljavu nafru pa onda krcati preradevine – zar to moze uopće?
Možda vam ovo pomogne:
“Product Tankers versus Crude Tankers
Due to their coated tanks, Product Tankers can also trade in the DPP/Crude market, and switching typically occurs if one of the markets yields better than the other. The barrier to switch from CPP to DPP/Crude may vary from owner to owner though. After trading in the DPP/Crude market a product tanker needs to go through tank cleaning, which has a cost, or to carry at least three condensate cargoes, to avoid contamination of the first CPP cargo after switching back. Normally it is the larger owners/pools that switch back and forth as this often achieves economies of scale on the cleaning cost or they may have better access to condensate cargoes, while smaller owners often see higher barriers to switching. Primarily it is the LR sizes that switch, although this also occurs in the MR segment. Although limited in scale, crude tankers may also trade CPP on their very first voyage, typically from Asia to the West, as the newbuildingsare most often delivered out of Asian yards.
Historically crude tanker and product tanker earnings show good correlation. Both segments are driven by some of the same elements such as economic growth, refinery additions and oil prices, but the correlation is strengthened further by the product tankers switching. As about 70% of the total tanker fleet above 35,000 dwt, measured in transportation capacity, are crude tankers and the product tanker fleet accounts for less than 30%, the product tanker outlook can depend on the crude tanker outlook and the spill-over effects from that largest group of transportation capacity. If the crude tanker outlook is strong some of the product tanker fleet can be expected to switch to DPP/Crude trading which reduces the effective fleet growth versus what would otherwise be expected from newbuilding deliveries less scrapping, and vice versa.”
Although limited in scale, crude tankers may also trade CPP on their very first voyage, typically from Asia to the West, as the newbuildingsare most often delivered out of Asian yards.
Znači, kad neko vlcc čudovište od 300 000 ili pola miluna tona zaplovi iz nekoh škvera u kini ili koreji put europe ka svom novom vlasniku, on može usput NA TOM SVOM PRVOM DJEVIČANSKOM PUTOVANJU ukrcati astronomske količine prerađevina i prepeljati ih do europe
e, to se zove nepoštena konkurencija
inače, samo da zahvalim i izrazim svoje zadovokstvo – napokon se ovdje nešto piše i nešto raspravlja.
samo da namamio koju krupniju ribu, iskusniju, i IGRANKA MOŽE POČETI
Ma kakvu veliku ribu. Ovo pametni prodaju. Pa za 15g nitko nece ni koristiti naftu.
opa, mirovinci traze 1, 6 kn. to je vec ozbiljnij adivka. gsopdo , kad ste trazili novac za dokap, u PROSPEKTU ste drugu pjesmu gudili – kontinuirna sipalta divke, a ne jedne godine punoi, jedne godine sića. valjda se moe neka srednja razumna vrijednost utvrditi i onda poštivati
1. Utvrđuje se da je društvo Tankerska Next Generation d.d. u poslovnoj godini koja završava 31 . prosinca 2017.
ostvarilo neto dobit u iznosu od 32.1 32.435,14 kuna.
• Dio neto dobiti u iznosu od 13.952.232,00 kuna upotrijebit će se za isplatu dividende dioničarima,
što daje bruto iznos od 1,60 kuna po dionici.
• Dio neto dobiti od 1 6.573.581,25 kuna raspodijelit će se u zadržanu dobit.
• Dio neto dobiti u iznosu od 1.606.621,76 kuna raspodijelit će se u zakonske rezerve
2. Dividenda iz točke 1. ove Odluke će se isplatiti dioničarima društva koji su upisani u depozitoriju Središnjeg
klirinškog depozitarnog društva d.d. (SKDD) na dan 16. kolovoza 2018. godine. Datum od kojega će se trgovati
dionicom društva Tankerska Next Generation d.d. bez prava na isplatu dividende je 14. kolovoza 2018. godine.
Tražbina za isplatu dividende dospijeva na dan 31 . kolovoza 2018. godine.
Raiffeisen društvo za upravljanje obveznim i dobrovoljnim mirovinskim fondovima d.d. u ime i za račun fondova
pod upravljanjem, smatra da prijedlog dividende u iznosu od 5.232.087,00 kuna nije u skladu Prospektom
definiranom politikom isplate dividendi iz sljedećih razloga:
• Predloženom dividendom od strane društva Tankerska Next Generation d.d. ne osigurava se kontinuitet i
konzistentnost u politici isplate dividende s obzirom da se svake godine mijenja postotak isplate dividende
u odnosu na ostvarenu dobit.
• Društvo ima značajan iznos kapitala za isplatu dividende iz dobiti tekuće godine, zadržane dobiti te
ostalih rezervi. Ovisno o broju brodova na spot tržištu i pod ugovorom na vrijeme, dugoročnim i
kratkoročnim zaduživanjem te ostalim metodama upravljanja likvidnošću, Društvo ima prostora za isplatiti
predloženi iznos dividende.
Mirovinci, kapa dolje. očito je dragi ivica prodrmao mnoge usnule glave – u sukc miroinci traz eextra zastitu od eskapada vecinskog vlasnika, ovdje traze pristojan povrat na ulozeno.
Brodovi su upola kupljeni novcem mirovinskih fondova, ti brodovi voze i zaraduju, red je da nesto kapne ovdje.
dajte neki dogovor, ne mora biti tri put vise, ali obo predlozeno je crkavica, moze to bolje
The increase in fuel costs will definitely increase revenues but not profits.
Therefore small owners with older, less efficient units, not capable of in-
stalling scrubbers, will be forced to either merge with larger companies, who
have the cash flow to support financing, or in some cases will have to sell/
scrap and exit the industry. This filtering process will separate companies
that managed to evolve and endure through the cycle and concurrently will
correct the oversupply of tonnage, which drives rates in some cases well
below their operating expenses today.
Vessels equipped with scrubbers or eco units will have a competitive ad-
vantage and owners will be able to fix periods at levels including a premium,
as charterers will prefer to charter compliant and fuel efficient units. The
market right now for a 1 year time charter, medium range non eco / non
scrubber equipped tanker trading in clean petroleum products is around
USD 13,000 per day. On the other hand, an eco/scrubber equipped unit
would get approximately USD 14,500 -15,000 per day for the same period.
We can identify that the difference of USD 1,500 -2,000 per day is the pre-
mium charterers are paying in order to be 2020 compliant and have efficient
units under their time charter.