TPNG (Tankerska Next Generation d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska TPNG (Tankerska Next Generation d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

I ovaj trend nije loš

Cijene nafte na svjetskim tržištima porasle su i prošloga tjedna, trećega zaredom, pa su dosegnule nove najviše razine u gotovo tri mjeseca, što se zahvaljuje napretku u trgovinskim odnosima između SAD-a i Kine.

Na londonskom je tržištu cijena barela prošloga tjedna porasla 1,4 posto, na 66,14 dolara, dok je na američkom tržištu barel poskupio 0,6 posto, na 60,44 dolara.

Baltički indeks čistih tenkova 23. prosinca 2019. godine 952,00

Baltički indeks čistih tenkova 23. prosinca 2019. godine 952,00

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You can't stop the waves. But you can learn how to surf.

IMO 2020 could hold silver lining for clean tanker market

You can't stop the waves. But you can learn how to surf.

Value Investor’s Edge: Top stock picks for 2020

“Looking back on the past 12 months, Mintzmyer says the year stated out with shipping in a period of “irrational panic”.

Sell side analysts were losing their jobs left and right. This setup offered a unique, perhaps generational, opportunity to invest in shipping stocks due to extreme pessimism which outweighed actual fundamentals,” Mintzmyer reflects.

At the start of 2019 shipping was experiencing rising rates in almost all sectors, coupled with near record-low ship valuations, near record-low stock valuations, and what Minyzmyer describes as a “promising pending regulation” in the form of IMO 2020.

“I expect IMO 2020 to continue to contribute to strong rates both due to increasing off-hire for retrofitting as well as slow steaming due to surging fuel costs,” Mintzmyer predicts.”

You can't stop the waves. But you can learn how to surf.

Significant oil tanker spot rate movements:
VLCC +20% to $126k/d
Aframax +7% to $78k/d
LR2 +14% to $43k/d
LR1 +7% to $31k/d
MR +8% to $24k/d

VLCC +2% to $129k/d
SR +4% to $35k/d

Pa gdje je kraj ovom ludilu…
Sretna Nova svima i nek bude bolja od prosle…

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Analyst: IMO 2020 will lift tank shares even higher this year With new emission rules in place, tanker shipping will be an unquestioned winner on the stock exchange this year, according to analysts. – It’s super profitable so it lasts. Conditions are extremely favorable for tanker shares to continue to rise and earnings to remain good, says shipping analyst Joakim Hannisdahl of Cleaves Securites. On Wednesday, New Year’s Day, the new environmental requirements for the shipping industry, IMO 2020, came into force. Analysts E24 have spoken with points that the tank is now the shipping sector to bet on in light of the major upheavals. – It’s the one to focus on, with winds across the board. It’s super profitable so it holds and great investor interest worldwide, says shipping analyst Eirik Haavaldsen of Pareto Securities about the tanker sector. Hannisdahl of Cleaves Securities also believes the positive consequences of IMO 2020 have not been fully priced into the current tanker share prices, which have already doubled in one year in the wake of record high payments to the vessels in the fall and winter. The analyst therefore predicts an average growth of around 50 percent for the tank stocks over the next six months. We are facing a new wave of repricing of the shares, he says. Now you can also invest as a professional investor These are some of the reasons that are being framed to explain why IMO 2020 will lift tank shares to new heights in 2020:
1. There are still several vessels that need to be taken out of work to get installed treatment plants, so-called scrubbers. Many shipping companies were waiting for this process as the payment to the ships skyrocketed last year, creating a backlog this year.
2. The fuel for the shipping fleet that has chosen to burn oil with a lower content of sulfur and not install scrubbers has become much more expensive. Then it pays to run slower, which takes out the capacity of the fleet. Then there will be a reduction in the capacity of the fleet, which will increase the utilization rate of the fleet and push up the rates.
3. Due to large differences in the refineries, it may be necessary to transport oil between the US and Europe to remove the sulfur and have it sold . It will increase the demand for the tankers.
4. There will be a surplus of high sulfur oil and this must be stored if it is not sold. Then potentially large tankers can be used to store this.
5. More scraping of older vessels with high fuel consumption as the bunker oil becomes more expensive by IMO 2020.
There have been mainly two alternatives for the shipping companies to meet the new emission requirements, where the allowable sulfur content of fuel for ships has been lowered from 3.5 per cent to only 0.5 per cent:
1. Switch to less sulfur fuel
2.Install scrubbers that can clean traditional fuel with a lot of sulfur Several tanker companies on the Oslo Stock Exchange, including Frontline, have made significant investments in scrubbers. Companies such as Hunter Group Okeanis Eco Tankers and ADS Crude Carriers have ordered new ships with scrubbers for a cheap price while the market has been poor. – They hit this market perfectly, Hannisdahl points out. The economic argument behind the investments is that ships with scrubbers will get better paid – a so-called “scrubber premium” – because they can still run on cheap bunker oil with a lot of sulfur. When more and more ships without scrubbers have to switch to low sulfur fuel, it is expected that the prices of bunker oil will fall further, which will give even greater premiums. – Everyone wants to make very good money, but those who have installed scrubbers can become the big winners. The premium for scrubbers you see now is higher than I expected a year ago, says Hannisdahl. He points out that so-called VLCC (very large tankers) with scrubbers now earn $ 24,000 more per day than those without.

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