Tehnička Analiza – grafovi, savjeti i analize

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Tehnička Analiza – grafovi, savjeti i analize

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.


a naravno da će biti i odbijanac.

lipo san ti reka da ne pikaš ledo….

vlad, ne mogu gledati ledo na 6900 i ne kupiti ga.
to se ne radi…
nije u redu ne kupiti ga na toj razini.

kupio sam jos neke druge stvari, hrana i banke…
vidit cemo…


a naravno da će biti i odbijanac.

lipo san ti reka da ne pikaš ledo….

‘ [undecid]


Vlad fali ti vremenski horizont za te targete.


Dečki polako nije baš sve tak jednostavno…..prije dva tjedna su neki papiri bili
i cca 5 do 10% niže a grobi je bio viši a neki papiri su popratili grobija skroz……
neko bi mogo i u ovom sranju dobro zaradit……

Futuresi krenuli u zeleno! [thumbsup]


Futuresi krenuli u zeleno! [thumbsup]

za koju godinu?

Heaven or Las Vegas

Nekak u ovakvim vremenima mislim da mozete zaboraviti na TA jer je beskorisna

Nekak u ovakvim vremenima mislim da mozete zaboraviti na TA jer je beskorisna

meni se čini da je FA trenutno još beskorisnija…
moram isprobat onu deimosovu metodu "čorava kokoš"

Heaven or Las Vegas

Nekak u ovakvim vremenima mislim da mozete zaboraviti na TA jer je beskorisna



I love the Smell of Profits in the Morning

od raspona 1103 do 5448).

Otkud 1103? Što taj broj predstavlja?

I love the Smell of Profits in the Morning

Evo naletio ja na zanimljivu usporedbu između megaciklusa 1932-2000 te našeg novog od 2002.
Čini se da su vremenski i tržišni obrasci zanimljivo podudarni sa onima koji nam se sada događaju…

Vaš link

In 2002 a new Supercycle bull market began. The first Cycle wave lasted five years, just like the first Cycle wave of the previous Supercycle which was from 1932-1937. The much maligned speculative NDX lost many of its high flying companies to bankruptcy, but still managed to retrace 37% of its bear market decline. While the speculative DOW in the 1930’s stayed pretty much intact, and retraced 45% of its decline during the 1932-1937 bull market. Housing prices continued to climb until 2005, similar to their temporary climb in 1935. Commodity prices bottomed in 2001 and started a new bull market, similar to the bottom in 1931 which kicked off a bull market then as well.

When the stock market topped in 1937, ending the first Cycle wave of the new Supercycle bull market. The first leg of a five year bear market was quite intense. Short selling was blamed for the decline, and housing prices were collapsing. In 1938 the government initiated the uptick rule for short selling, and started the national mortgage program known as FNMA, a government guarantee for distressed homeowners. By the late 1930’s twenty percent of homeowners were in default, and FNMA guaranteed most of those loans.

After about twelve months the stock market bottomed in 1938, and had a counter-trend bear market rally for about eight months into 1939, before eventually putting in a double bottom in 1942 to end Cycle wave two.

Our stock market topped in 2007 and has experienced a fairly intense decline for about twelve months. Homeowners are in substantial trouble, and a new government program has replaced FMN/FRE to address the national mortgage problem. Short selling has been banned in some degree or another several times this year, while the SEC works out a plan to address the problem…

Nekak u ovakvim vremenima mislim da mozete zaboraviti na TA jer je beskorisna



Zato jer bas nitko nemre predvidjet kolicinu panike koja je ocigledno enormna

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