Tehnička Analiza – grafovi, savjeti i analize

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pa da nema ine tu bi i bio

sto kazu ewt-ovci na ovakav razvoj situacije ?

Nije to klin već se radi o kanalu. Inače danas sa padom indexa sp 500 ispod 1220 za mene potvrđena nova recesija preko bare in Bear Market. 38 % retrace znači minimalan target 1020 za koji mesec. Vjerujem, da će se zaustaviti barem na 50%

Sutra na kratko idu indexi gore.

sto kazu ewt-ovci na ovakav razvoj situacije ?

Nije to klin već se radi o kanalu. Inače danas sa padom indexa sp 500 ispod 1220 za mene potvrđena nova recesija preko bare in Bear Market. 38 % retrace znači minimalan target 1020 za koji mesec. Vjerujem, da će se zaustaviti barem na 50%

Sutra na kratko idu indexi gore.


Tira tara i pastira u frulicu kad zasvira...

Inače danas sa padom indexa sp 500 ispod 1220 za mene potvrđena nova recesija preko bare in Bear Market. 38 % retrace znači minimalan target 1020 za koji mesec.

Iako se čini da bi moglo biti tako, i vjerojatno i jest tako, to ćemo moći tek potvrditi za koji mjesec. A dotle, opet spominjem kolovoz 1998. i tadašnju korekciju od preko 18% od "vrha" u bull marketu. SPX se dosad korigirao tek preko 11% od vrha)
Za usporedbu 1998 – 2007/08 – 2011 vidi sliku i SMA377.

Dosta njih se tada pitalo isto što i mi sada, a tek je kasnije vrijeme pokazalo da to ipak nije bilo to.
Ovdje ima brdo komentara nakon trgovanja 31.8.1998. i pada indeksa od preko 6%, izdvojit ću samo neke:

shefsale, 05.08.2011. u 01:46
The market sell-off continued on Wall Street as the Dow Jones Industrial Average recorded its second largest point drop in history, losing over 512 points on the day. Since July, the Dow has dropped 19 percent. Has the great bull market finally run its course? Phil Ponce and guests look at the stock market’s recent decline.

PHIL PONCE: Today’s 513-point drop means the Dow Jones Industrial Average has now lost all the gains it’s made this year. It’s now down to where it was last November.

JOE BATTIPAGLIA, Gruntal & Company: Well, what happened today was a follow-on of the events of the last few weeks, and that is there’s great concern about what comes out of Russia; we’re worried about Asia; and of course the President’s own issues in the U.S..

MICHAEL METZ, CIBC Oppenheimer: Well, the market has been declining, I think, because of a deteriorating background for the last few weeks. Today I think it was largely motivated by internal considerations. I think most investors come into this decline with relatively limited amounts of cash, maybe over-leveraged, and now they’re getting very anxious to increase their cash and reduce their exposure, and it takes a very strong emotional tone.

JOE BATTAPAGLIA: I see it as a deep correction of a bull market in a bull market, and the reasons are simply that the largest economies, the industrialized world, will continue to expand going forward. And they’ll enjoy the benefits of low inflation, lower interest rates, and globalization.

The fear factor is that a recession is around the corner. If we avoid a recession, then the market will start to rally very strongly in the face of these events because there will be meaningful progress on one and all of these fronts, and I might add that the policy weapons at the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury are quite significant, and they’ve yet to be deployed.

JAMES GLASSMAN: I think there’s a lot of fear and a lot of anxiety.

You know, the stock market is often a harbinger, very frequently a harbinger of what’s gong to happen in the real economy. When the market goes down 19 percent, that is sometimes a pretty strong indicator that we could be headed toward a slowdown or a recession. We also have an inverted yield curve. In other words, interest rates are higher on the short-term than they are on the long-term. That’s also a bad sign. So we could be headed for bad economic times

PHIL PONCE: Mr. Battipaglia, one of the old rules of thumb is that when the market drops 20 percent, as it has in the past month or so, that’s often an indicator of a bear market.
JOE BATTIPAGLIA: We would have to have a recession in the United States or a significant credit crisis. And I don’t see the conditions evolving for that. Indeed, if you go back over the history of this particular bull market, each and every correction, including the big one in ’87, was sharp, deep, and very short-lived, and we came out of the ’87 crash, for example, saying that the real economy would be adversely affected. And, of course, it wasn’t, and the market went on to higher highs.

sto kazu ewt-ovci na ovakav razvoj situacije ?

Nije to klin već se radi o kanalu. Inače danas sa padom indexa sp 500 ispod 1220 za mene potvrđena nova recesija preko bare in Bear Market. 38 % retrace znači minimalan target 1020 za koji mesec. Vjerujem, da će se zaustaviti barem na 50%

Sutra na kratko idu indexi gore.

preodgovorno tvrdis neke projekcije za market nakon sto si totalno omasio fudbal…
danas naisao na ovo ,momak predvidja previse unaprijed ,ali zasad pogodak

SVI SU SPAMERI IGNORE !!! D,D(dugoročni dokupljivači)bloger predvodnik :-)strucnjak

ATX pao 15% u 4 dana

bit će bolje................

Na brzinu….

DAX mjesečni graf. Ovaj mjesec još nije završio, ali za neku promjenu na bolje trebala bi božanska intervencija.
Također, povukao sam za linije od prošlih početaka bear marketa.

Nakon scalpa lazni proboj na dolje, probamo sad malo ozbiljnije…..

Ovo je za one ziherase,backtest linije i idemo dalje…

Samo da vidite kako to rade spartanci…..
Ne vjerujte nikom tko kaze da je tehnicka sranje………..

Lijepo Vas pozdravlja balkanski debil leonidas primitivac po priznanju….

ja bih molio velikog majstora tehničke i općenito investiranja – Mačetea da da analizu lkpc za ponedjeljak. tnx Mačete

..stoga sam danas ponosan čovjek jer sve što sam izgradio danas sam svojim potpisom predao hrvatskoj državi...

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