Tehnička Analiza – grafovi, savjeti i analize

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Tehnička Analiza – grafovi, savjeti i analize

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.


Heb ga…ti si kralj…evo odbijamo se od 1760 kako si pretpostavio da je to prvi otpor…svaka čast…još jednom…

jel mi moze ko reć za IGH jel stvoren H&S

može analiza za koei?
je …
da utazimo tvoju znatizelju.

(graf – samo za male dionicare)



dobro, nakon sto sam dobio par PM od malih dionicara na kojima me se trazi objasnjenje grafa, odlucio sam pojasniti sto pise na grafu.

dakle, formiran je obrazac "obrnuta glave i ramena" na IGH.
sada se nalazimo na liniji vrata i to je dobra prilika za kupnju.
obicno je potrebno da se proboj linije vrata (crvena linija na grafu) potvrdi sa volumenom.
po mome – to je napravljeno.
imamo gornji target od 5500kn.
ukoliko padnemo recimo na cca 3100 , obrazac je kompromitiran i treba prodati dionicu.

dakle, kad IGH krene gore ide do 5500, sa jednim malim zastojom (po mome na 4000kn).
ako ode dole (ispod 3100) – prodaji ga naglavacke na 3000-3100.

sada bi trebalo biti sve jasno.

jeli ima tko kakav graf od dlkv????

moji postovi nisu poziv na kupnju ili prodaju..odraz su mojeg misljenja......

jel mi moze ko reć za IGH jel stvoren H&S

može analiza za koei?
je …
da utazimo tvoju znatizelju.

(graf – samo za male dionicare)



dobro, nakon sto sam dobio par PM od malih dionicara na kojima me se trazi objasnjenje grafa, odlucio sam pojasniti sto pise na grafu.

dakle, formiran je obrazac "obrnuta glave i ramena" na IGH.
sada se nalazimo na liniji vrata i to je dobra prilika za kupnju.
obicno je potrebno da se proboj linije vrata (crvena linija na grafu) potvrdi sa volumenom.
po mome – to je napravljeno.
imamo gornji target od 5500kn.
ukoliko padnemo recimo na cca 3100 , obrazac je kompromitiran i treba prodati dionicu.

dakle, kad IGH krene gore ide do 5500, sa jednim malim zastojom (po mome na 4000kn).
ako ode dole (ispod 3100) – prodaji ga naglavacke na 3000-3100.

sada bi trebalo biti sve jasno.


ne radim sa KOEI.

jeli ima tko kakav graf od dlkv????

moji postovi nisu poziv na kupnju ili prodaju..odraz su mojeg misljenja......

Don’t Be Fooled by Inflation

Strike up the band, boys, happy days are here again! Recently released short-term economic data, including unemployment claims, non-farm payrolls, home sales, and business spending, which had been so unambiguously horrific in February and March, are now just garden-variety awful. With the Wicked Witch of Depression now apparently crushed under the house of Obamanomics, the Munchkins of Wall Street have sounded the all clear, pushing the Dow Jones up 25% from its lows. But the premature conclusion of their Lollipop Guild economists, that the crash of 2008/2009 is now a fading memory, is just as delusional as their failure to see it coming in the first place.

Once again, the facts do not support the euphoria. Over the past few months, the government has literally blasted the economy with trillions of new dollars conjured from the ether. The fact that this “stimulus” has blown some air back into our deflating consumer-based bubble economy, and given a boost to an oversold stock market, is hardly evidence that the problems have been solved. It is simply an illusion, and not a very good one at that. By throwing money at the problem, all the government is creating is inflation. Although this can often look like growth, it is no more capable of creating wealth than a hall of mirrors is capable of creating people.

We are currently suffering from an overdose of past stimulus. A larger dose now will only worsen the condition. The Greenspan/Bush stimulus of 2001 prevented a much needed recession and bought us seven years of artificial growth. The multi-trillion dollar tab for that episode of federally-engineered economic bullet-dodging came due in 2008. The 2001 stimulus had kicked off a debt-fueled consumption binge that resulted in economic weakness, not strength. So now, even though the recent stimulus administered a much larger dose, we will likely experience a much smaller bounce. One can only speculate as to how much time this stimulus will buy and what it will cost when the bill arrives.

My guess is that, at most, the Bernanke/Obama stimulus will buy two years before the hangover sets in. However, since this dose is so massive, the comedown will be equally horrific. My fear is that when the drug wears off, we will reach for that monetary syringe one last time. At that point, the dosage may be lethal, and the economy will die of hyperinflation.

As always, the bulls fail to understand that investors can lose wealth even as nominal stock prices rise. As a corollary, the bearish case is not discredited by rising stock prices. While there are some bears that mistakenly cling to the idea that deflation will cause the dollar to rise, those of us in the inflation camp understand that the opposite will occur.

It is important to point out that despite an impressive rally, U.S. stocks have substantially underperformed foreign stocks. In the past two months, while the Dow Jones has risen 30%, the Hang Seng and the German DAX have risen by over 50% in U.S. dollars. Commodity prices are also rising, with oil hitting a five-month high. And gold is shining as well, with the HUI index of gold stocks up 30% during the past two months, and 2/3 of those gains occurring in the past month. If this rally really were about improving economic fundamentals, gold stocks would not be among the leaders. Further, during those two months, the U.S. dollar index fell by 7%, with commodity-sensitive currencies such as the Australian and New Zealand dollars surging 20%.

molio bih moderatore da sklone ove dosadne plahte koje nemaju veze sa TA sa ove teme. unaprijed zahvalan.

s poštovanjem,

vaš bizonski tehnolog Guverner


jeli ima tko kakav graf od dlkv????


Eto ti DLKV .. pa se snalazi…. [sealed]

Don’t Be Fooled by Inflation

interesantan tekst i ne treba ga micat zato sto ga je deki(051dejan) s namjerom stavio na ovu (najcitaniju) temu.

ps. deki mogao si izvor zalijepit


Evo što kaže tata EWT-a:

Longtime technical analyst Robert Prechter, who forecast the 1987 stock market crash, predicted this week that U.S. equities may plunge to half their lows hit in March as a deflationary depression bites…

…."It’s not the start of a new bull market," said Prechter….

…."I think the next leg down will be at least as severe if not more severe than what we just experienced. So you want to stay on the side of safety," he said.


U svakom slučaju vrlo zanimljivo a IMO i ne neralno što se amerikanaca tiče. Pitanje je kako će Crobex reagirati ako bude ovakva situacija u USA jer smo IMO fundamentalno u puno povoljnijoj situaciji.

The cure for low price is low price. Demand goes up, supply comes down, the price goes up.

Pitanje je kako će Crobex reagirati ako bude ovakva situacija u USA jer smo IMO fundamentalno u puno povoljnijoj situaciji.

samo nek bude obrnuti šampon … i sve 5 …

I love the Smell of Profits in the Morning

Plutone…šta nisi ti imao neki lijepi kaunt krobija na 1650 pa onda gore? Imaš kakav graf?

1.618 od A dolazi na 1745…mogao bi i dalje figurirati target 1732 , sto je 38,2% retracmenta 3 valica zadnjeg rasta.

Kud ja uđem tu više ni trava ne raste...

ovi tjedni i mjesečni grafovi indexa izgledaju sve briljantnije!

možda se neko jednom sjeti pa i neki od njih stavi! [wink]

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