Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Naslovnica Forum Gospodarstvo i financije IT i ICT industrija Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Ja se nadam s obzirom na ovkve promete na C i AIG da su to nove igračke hedge fondova, samo ovaj put way up!

Dobar dan,
jucer su prosle kupovine DF $17.82, LEAP $16.11 i PCS $8.00. Danas sam postavio kupovne naloge DF $17.90, LEAP $17.19 i PCS $8.48.

U fokusu mi je:
Dean Foods Co dionice izgubile su 16.28% na vrijednosti od pocetka ovoga mjeseca nakon sto je prodaja kompanije pala na $2.68 mld sa $3.1 mld. Profit je porastao na $64.1 mil ($0.38 po dionici), u odnosu na profit od $48.9 mil ($0.31 po dionici) koliko je iznosio u istom periodu prosle godine. Prognozira se da ce distributer mlijeka iskljucujuci ostale stavke, ostvariti najmanje $0.30 po dionici u Q3 i najmanje $1.60 po dionici u ovoj godini. Analiticari predvidjaju da ce Dean Foods ostvariti profit od $0.43 po dionici u Q2, $0.34 po dionici u Q3 i $1.66 po dionici u toku ove godine.

Omnia relinquit servare republicam. AKAM,CAH, CIT, DNB, DF,FPL, ERTS,LEAP,MIL, PCS, PPL, S, SLE

Ovo na C i AIG je živa brutala…

Gledam i ne vjerujem… Danas pišem još +10% na razini portfelja, pa dokle to oni mogu gurati pobogu? Nije da se bunim, samo su me iznenadili.

Prodao točno 4 C opcije i točno 3 AIG opcije… Zaradio za nekih 400 bureka [lol]

Evo otišlo još par komada C opcija, to su one CAA koje su debelo in the money…
Ali još čuvam i CAA i CAP.
Otišlo i malo AIG.

Gledam i blesavo mi dalje kupovati a ne volim se kladiti na pad. Mislim da ću u sačekušu.
Nakon jučerašnjeg dana sam bio samo 25% u cashu, sad je to revidirano natrag na 50%. For the good night sleep

kupio malo volkswagena. možda sam blesav. bumo vidli…

kupio malo volkswagena. možda sam blesav. bumo vidli…

Passat ili Golf? 🙂

Ako je frajer valjda je kupio Scirocco 🙂

Ako je frajer valjda je kupio Scirocco 🙂

ne stanem u njega. 🙂

Ako je frajer valjda je kupio Scirocco 🙂

ne stanem u njega. 🙂

Onda se dobro jede od zarade na dionicama? [cool]

Baš sam gledao da li ima VW na američkom tržištu, postoji OTC ADR imenom VLKAY ili VLKAY.PK
Da li zna netko u kakvom je točno dioničkom odnosu taj ADR sa VOW.DE? S obzirom da je odnos cijene 44$ – 151€?

Neznam jel ovome za vjerovati , kaj vi mislite o tome


Prepare yourself for something incredible. What you are about to witness is a continued stock market melt-up of legendary proportions in our opinions — fueled by a depreciating US dollar. Like we said on Friday: If you are NOT looking at these bases… what the heck are you looking at?!? Until proven inaccurate – i.e., these patterns morph into something else; we think it’s best to continue respecting these major patterns.

Friday we showed you some incredibly bullish bases on key US stocks. Bases, bases … we got all the bases covered right here again.

What we are showing you are the major bases in place on these indexes: $INDU, $RUT, $SPX, and the prettiest… $COMPQ. You can see we are reversing the symmetry of the down moves off the lows. On each of the major indexes you can now see two very clear necklines along with their breakouts. What’s super important is that we have now reached levels where there is very little significant resistance above for awhile.

In particular, notice on hugely bullish setup on the tech index – $COMPQ. You can see how the pattern is morphing from a massive double bottom into a larger head and shoulders formation. It also has two smaller, recent consolidation patterns on top of each other – a very bullish technical setup. Even notice the the reverse symmetry gaps on either side (green circles). Clearly this index is demonstrating its leadership in this cyclical bull market.

Stay focused on how much TOTAL SKEPTICISM is out there. No one believes this move, NO ONE! All we can say is get the hell out of the way – these are very important patterns until proven otherwise. We think the bears have maneuvered themselves onto hemmed-in ground.

You won’t see this technical analysis anywhere else, we think it’s unique to this planet.

Monday EURUSD, dollar and gold will gap … any bets?


The charts already told it friday … and so did AGH – see comments below "Dollar in troubles? – Must Read – Jim Willie".

Now add the next wave south in equities, the flu … and you will have 20 trillions and da buck near 60 or even lower.
Guess what that will do to inflation.
Guess what that will do to foreigners holding US assets.

Joke of the day: GS and da fed will arrange a dollar rally.

Think tomorrow i will add/draw some charts.


Majko mila, prešao C u premarketu 5$… [thumbsup]

New Report
