SWIFT = ABA (američka terminologija)
– pod IBAN se upiše broj računa brokera u nekoj američkoj banci
Dakle, ako oni tebi uplaćuju, pod ABA bi trebao staviti SWIFT tvoje banke, a pod IBAN onda i tvoj osobni IBAN tog računa na koji želiš uplatu.
Za besplatno telefoniranje brokeru u USA:
1/ logirati se na http://www.business.att.com/bt/tollfree.jsp
2/ odabrati državu (Croatia)
3/ dobije se kod koji se utipka u telefon i nakon što se dobije glasovna potvrda unese se 800 te broj tvog brokera
Do sada nisu prihvatali besplatne pozive iz inozemstva (nisam mogao zvati one njihove 1 800 ———) već one sa area code i naravno na svoj račun a dok utipkaš svoj broj računa, pa press 1 then press 3 – if you want this pres 8…i dok dobiješ na kraju onoga koga trebaš već si potrošio barem 100-tinjak kuna.
Nije mnogo ali ipak raduje da nisam diskriminiran u odnosu na USA klijenete.
Hvala na info [thumbsup]
Evo uzeo sada malo CAA po 1.36 kad je C pao ispod 3.60.
Nije puno, cash je još uvjek velika većina portfelja.
Evo objašnjenja cijele situacije jako zanimljivo ljudi moji !
Today there are incredible amounts of money moving around. There are the hedge funds with billions, private investers with billions and the FED with TRILLIONS.
They ALL have their black box programs. These were created by the same NERDS who came up with selling worthless paper to the world rated AAA backed by risk free insurance.
Do we know who AIG was ?
Therefore if you can follow where they are moving the money from and then where to you have a BIG edge as I do.
I will find an earlier post of mine today where I explain it with the opening numbers. According to legend, at least 90% of all currency traders lose. I am in the 10% category that win. Not to toot my own horn, but my point is that since probably 75% of all traders including the BLACK BOXES who are nothing but mindless robot traders, use technical indicators only.
Technical indicators only tell you the pulse of the market at that second in time. They do not and cannot predict the future.
EXAMPLE: Bernake comes out on Wednesday at 2:15 PM and says folks guess what, we think we turned a corner, maybe just maybe next year we might need to raise rates.
You can throw out ALL charts with resistance and support levels since the markets will react !
Do you know what might happen ? If you do not you should ask or learn yourself since there will be action and reaction.
My bottom line point is understand the market. Understand the fundamentals. Understand Human Nature and most IMPORTANT understand yourself and you will join our 10% club if you are not already there.
I will find that earlier post and you can see the differences then in the movements of the fundamentals I use while I trade FX.
Those are the price of Gol. The price of Oil. The direction of the Dow.
What is EUR/JPY doing and where is USD/JPY and what is the US Dollar Index doing and maybe most important what is the Yield on the 2 Year US Bonds and the 10 Year US Bonds. As the US Bonds are bought money need to flow into the US Dollar out of other Asset Classes including the Euro.
They want safety so they get little Yield but at least they think they will not lose their capital. That is why when the Dow goes down usually the EUR/USD goes down. There are exceptions and today could be one of them because the FED might have to buy their own issue of 30 Billion of 3 Year US Bonds today if China and Japan do not.
If you do not understand this then learn. Otherwise the odds are against those that just rade charts
As you can now see the Yield came down quite a bit as things are sold for US Dollars and the money parked short term in the bonds.
I told folks earlier that id the Dow went down 100 or more EUR/USD would go down. US data bad like usual so Dow is down. Now for the afternoon sale of 30 Billion in 3 Year US Bonds. We shall see.
so if the bond sales take up is goooooood,
then we may see USD strengthen right?
Mene poklopio AIG 50$ jan 2010 call na 1.50… kvragu zaboravio sam maknuti nalog.
A imao sam i par kupljenih oko 2$, umjesto da sam prodao ja još dokupio. E jesam tele… [lol]
Kad padne volatilnost biti će toga i po 0.50$ [undecid]
Potencijalno zanimljiva kupnja: PETD
Objavili su izdavanje novih dionica koje će razvodniti postojeće za 11% a cijena dionice pala preko 20%. Ne uzimajući u obzir da će se taj cash za nešto i iskoristiti…
Kupiti ili još čekati?
Inače zanimljiva kupnja bi mogao biti DRYS ako u ovoj BDI panici opet padne prema 5$.
Kao što je vidljivo iz zadnjeg izvješća, više im nije većina brodova na spotu a generirati će i prihode od naftnih bušotina. A ne bi ni trebalo biti novih penala zbog otkazivanja brodova, do sada ih je to masno koštalo.
Ako ne sad odmah onda ću sigurno prije sljedećeg izvješća malo zakockati sa DRYS.
Analysts at RBC Capital Markets downgrade Petroleum Development Corporation (PETD) from "outperform" to "sector perform." The target price has been reduced from $25 to $20.
Stock of the Day: $PETD, Petroleum Dev Corp a Extending Uptrend, Buy Long, Look for 26 to 30. A +60% up, vs a -14% down, 4:1 reward/risk.
Hebat ga, uzeo sam malo PETD po 13.50, stavio stop loss, živi bili pa vidjeli.
I meni se čini da je dobar reward/risk omjer.
A dosta mi je već opcija, one odnose puno živaca, vrijeme je malo za dionice
Hebat ga, uzeo sam malo PETD po 13.50, stavio stop loss, živi bili pa vidjeli.
I meni se čini da je dobar reward/risk omjer.
A dosta mi je već opcija, one odnose puno živaca, vrijeme je malo za dionice
Već vidim da će me sutra opaliti stop loss… [lol]
Možda je najbolje sad malo pauzirati sa kupnjom do 9 mjeseca.