USD/EUR-ISPOD 1.20…MALO CE VARIRATI ALI NAGLI PAD RUSENJA EURA jeste znak pobjede jer se ide u proces deflacije , nakon kratkotrajne faze DEFLACIJE IDE SE U PROCES HIPERINFLACIJE!!!
Za jedan dolar dobijes 1.2 eur? 😉 meni real-time forex kaze da je trenutno 1.4273
@ Rocky, koliko bi ga ispalo 10 callova s provizijom 😉
64,95$ ako su po 0.05$… dakle iznos za par bureka [cool]
Ovo danas je fakat brutalno, a i promet je priličan… [thumbsup]
Što se tiče našeg velepopularnog C, evo objave:
NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Citi today announced that, as planned, it completed the previously announced exchange offers with private holders of convertible preferred securities and the previously announced matching exchange offer with the U.S. Government.
$12.5 billion in aggregate liquidation value of convertible preferred securities held by the private holders were exchanged for interim securities and warrants. The U.S. Government exchanged $12.5 billion in aggregate liquidation value of its non-convertible preferred securities for interim securities and warrants.
The interim securities will convert to common stock, subject to shareholder authorization of the increase in Citi’s authorized common stock. The interim securities are a common stock equivalent. If shareholder authorization of the increase in Citi’s authorized common stock is not received, the interim securities will pay a 9 percent dividend that will increase quarterly up to a cap of 19 percent. The warrants only become exercisable in the event shareholder authorization of the increase in Citi’s authorized common stock is not obtained and will entitle the holders to purchase a total of 790 million shares of Citi common stock at $0.01 per share.
Njegov broker nije bas toliko jeftin, ali nema veze, uzmimo da je cijena dionice porasla i ta call opcija sad vrijedi .50 umjesto .05.
Platio je za njih $64,95, koliko će dobiti ako ih proda za .50? 😉
Da je u Firstrade onda bi dobio 485,05$ a ovako ne znam [cool]
Imam jedno mudro pitanje.
Što su to "when issued" dionice?
Vidim da postoji c.wd dionica koja se trži na 7-8% nižoj cijeni od redovne?
multitasking mi ne radi :), stavio sam CIT call na 0.50, a dionica kosta 0.75.. [tongue] ..ali kod ovih opcija treba bit oprezan s provizijom jer u njegovom slucaju CIT mora prec 1.10 tj. cak 1.30-1.40 da bi bio na nuli. A sad je 0.7, istina da je to volatilna dionica, ali…
Dionice koje ce tek bit izdane, afair C mjenja povlaštene za redovne..
Čudno mi je to za CIT opcije…
Recimo 2$ aug call se trži na 0.05
S obzirom na implied volatility i trenutnu cijenu dionice, ispada da bi vrijednost opcije trebala biti oko 0.018$.
Ako do sljedećeg petka CIT naraste do 1.5$ onda bi ta opcija vrijedila 0.17$.
Ako bi tjedan dana prije OPEX cijena dionice došla na 2$ onda bi opcija vrijedila 0.20$.
Malo C opcija:
Evo danas protrgovano za 8 mjesec preko 300.000 callova i skoro 3 puta manje puteva!??
9 mjesec protrgovano samo 32.000 callova i neznatno više puteva.
12 mjesec 9.000 callova i samo 3.800 puteva.
1 mjesec samo 4.300 callova i 11.000 puteva
3 mjesec 520 callova i 250 puteva. Ali tu postoji apsurdno velik open interest za 1$ put u odnosu na ostale. Niti u jednom drugom mjesecu nema tolikog nesrazmjera!??
1 mjesec 2011 12.000 callova i samo 700 puteva
Zaključak = ništa mi nije jasno [lol]
Ma nisam katastrofičar, ni pesimist ,al slijedim vaše sumnje da se nešto događa , totalno su me zbunili ,sorry .
24 Trillion Reasons to Buy Gold
Further confusion is caused by statements from politicians and foreign central bankers who have, on many occasions, stated their preference for a strong U.S. dollar. We think these statements are political whitewash and that there is an official version and an unofficial version here. All of these players have significant U.S. dollar reserves which they look to lower in coming months. It’s understandable that they do not want the U.S. dollar to weaken before they had a chance to lower their exposure.
Therefore, our view on the U.S. dollar remains negative and we expect a further devaluation in coming weeks and months. This will of course also have a direct impact on the gold price, which would reflect a weakening U.S. dollar and therefore show a higher U.S. dollar price indication
We expect the following for the U.S. dollar and gold:
* U.S. dollar to break out of its current trading pattern and to weaken further
* Increasing selling pressure from strategic investors looking to diversify
* Gold to move towards $1,000 level in coming weeks and months
* Temporary price corrections very likely but long-term uptrend to continue
* Increased demand for gold as a strategic hedge and normalizing trade demand
* Gold to move towards $1,300 level in 2010
* U.S. dollar to move toward 1.50/1.60 versus euro