Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Naslovnica Forum Gospodarstvo i financije IT i ICT industrija Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

što sam bio rekao…bearsi…srijeda vam je zadnja šansa…još uvijek…ništa od vas…bullsi imaju vremena ko u priči
ali vi ne…2074…ništa
2080…gdje ste grizliji lol…ajme što vam radimo…

tocno, sta reci nego da ste vi ostali bili u pravu, a moj call za bear od 2060 ocigledno nije, momentum je jos uvijek jak na strani bullsa, graf jako lijepo izgleda, earningsi vecina bolje od ocekivanih i malo potpore centralnih banaka i to bi bilo to za bear camp kratkorocno, jos uvijek necu eliminirati short poziciju neka stoji.

2090…dakle…svašta sam vidio…ali ovo nadmašuje sve…jesam bik…ali…ovo je…ljudi bullshit…ok

alo bullsi…pa tek je 28.10, a već 2090…ispred ste vremena…alooo…što ćete raditi drugi tjedan…alooo
are you mad lol@Mr.rekoh ti davno…imam graf…malo vjere…treba imati…nećeš vjerovati…gro puta sam napisao

ja još uvijek u aks-u…mogao sam uzeti lijepih 10%…ali pričekat ću još slijedeći tjedan…mislim da bi ga ovaj anti-dumping case mogao gurnuti preko 3$ idući tjedan….

AK Steel and certain other domestic steel producers filed petitions with the ITC and the United States Department of Commerce (Commerce Department) on August 11, 2015, charging that unfairly traded imports of hot-rolled steel from Australia, Brazil, Japan, the Netherlands, South Korea, Turkey, and the United Kingdom were causing material injury to the domestic industry. Anti-dumping cases were filed against all seven countries. Counter-vailing duty cases were filed against Brazil, South Korea, and Turkey. The cases now move to the Commerce Department for determinations as to whether foreign producers are violating U.S. anti-dumping law by selling their products at less than fair value in the United States and U.S. counter-vailing duty law by selling merchandise that benefits from unfair government subsidies.
The Commerce Department will calculate dumping margins, which are designed to offset the amount by which the product is sold at less than fair value, and subsidy rates, which are designed to offset the amount by which the product benefits from unfair government subsidies. Estimated counter-vailing and anti-dumping duties will be collected from importers as of the date of the Commerce Department’s preliminary determinations, which will occur on or about November 4, 2015.

bravo marci…nego kakav je logo volkswagena…nisam li rekao W(malo nečist…ali da je čist rsi bi bio na99) lol
dakle današnji dan zaslužuje pozornost…ovaj val je trebao završiti cca 2105-2110…ali tek drugi tjedan…idemo
dobro proanalizirati ovaj današnji S T A M P E D OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

nema se što analizirati…sve je jasno…bulsi moraju usporiti…dakle po treći puta…camp bearsa je mrtav…
pug…puče ti 2079…što megafon je trebao biti ha…ha…hahahahahahahahahaha.;ili makar 1900 lol…

Ajmo ozbiljno…jučerašnja poruka fed-a…moguće dizanje u Decembru(opet ovisno o econ.data…jasno)
Danas gdp 14,30…najkraće rečeno…oprez…bullsi su ispred vremena s tih 2090 jučer…100% in cash trenutno
Bearish pogled…mora ga biti…jasno(otkriva idući tjedan )…idemo dan po dan

upro…pm 66,50

upro…pm 66,50
…i gasim comp…do pon.

kao što rekoh ranije, solarni sektor počeo s objavom rezultata…prema očekivanjima, više nego dobri…


SunPower stock, meanwhile, jumped more than 11% in Thursday’s regular session, after the company late Wednesday said it expects record-smashing Q4 sales that would more than double its year-earlier revenue. And SunPower was up another 2% after hours Thursday.

For Q3, Tempe, Ariz.-based First Solar reported $1.3 billion in sales, up 46%, and $3.38 earnings per share ex items.

The consensus of 17 analysts polled by Thomson Reuters was $1.1 billion and just $1.55.

First Solar reiterated its $3.5 billion to $3.6 billion 2015 revenue guidance, up 5% at the midpoint, and upped its EPS outlook to $4.30 to $4.50.

First Solar stock was up nearly 12% after hours, after closing up a fraction in the regular session.


New Report
