neznam koji puta mi se smrznuo comp . danas
št…kod vas nije nevrijeme…što je ovo…dvaput želim na 27,1…i zaheb [emo_ljut]
ajmo opet NDX short 4039
vidi JASO…jučer uletio na 9.71 i čeko još na 9.50…nije išlo….bio i na 10.09…nisam profit-taking…čekao danas report…
a vidi reporta…
Second Quarter 2014 Highlights
Total shipments were 681.8 megawatts (“MW”), increases of +47.0% y/y and +6.8% sequentially
Shipments of modules and module tolling were 445.8 MW, increases of +75.6% y/y and +14.9% sequentially
Shipments of cells and cell tolling were 236.0 MW, increases of +12.5% y/y and decreases of 5.7% sequentially
Net revenue was RMB 2.4 billion ($390.5 million), an increase of +52.9% y/y and +6.5% sequentially
Gross margin was 15.2%, an increase of 710 basis points y/y but a decrease of 150 basis points sequentially
Operating profit was RMB 89.7 million ($14.5 million), compared to an operating loss of RMB 33.3 million ($5.4 million) in the second quarter of 2013, and an operating profit of RMB 160.9 million ($25.9 million) in the first quarter of 2014
Net income was RMB 40.1 million ($6.5 million), compared to a net loss of RMB 132.4 million ($21.3 million) in the second quarter of 2013, and a net income of RMB 85.0 million ($13.7 million) in the first quarter of 2014
u pre-marketu od +5%…pa sad na -5%..a sve to jer nemaju 0.21 $ EPS nego 0.10…nisam jučer profit taking…izgleda da neću ni danas…ali ću ga još kupovati…
počeli su nakon dugo vremena poslovati s dobiti…a glavno tržište im Kina i Japan…mora eksplodirati kad-tad…
kupio još jaso u pre-marketu na 9.50…ono što nisam jučer…sudeći po prometu, tu je negdi support…
uletit ću na long u TKMR…za one koji ne znaju…rade na cjepivu za ebolu…
uzet ću T…čisto zbog dividende…