Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Naslovnica Forum Gospodarstvo i financije IT i ICT industrija Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

E da, probilo je i ovu plavu liniju…

Ali ako sad par dana sve bude zeleno onda će se zeleniti i NM.

Počinje sezona izvještaja, od bitnijih su ovaj tjedan Alcoa, Pepsi i Chevron.

Sljedeći tjedan Intel, Goldman Sachs, Johnson & Johnson, Abbott, JPM, BAC, Citigroup, General Electric…

Kolega Kaya, nastavlja se potop na AIG, možda stvarno dođe do 13. [thumbsup]

Prodao PUT-eve GOOGa koje sam nedavno kupio, iako i dalje pada..ali kad nadodam vremensku komponentu mislim da ne treba bit pohlepan. Kupnja $7.80, prodaja $18.70. Trebao bi bit sretan s obzirom na $10900 u tjedan dana, ali tupilo, nikako da uhvatim nit..

Kolega Kaya, nastavlja se potop na AIG, možda stvarno dođe do 13. [thumbsup]

I manje kako je počeo ….. koliko vidim ovi se svi pripremaju za shortanje …. dionica na veliko
i malo ….. vidjet cemo kako ce prića završiti [lol] [angry]

Mislio sam uzeti malo C ali me strah ovih glasina da će i tamo napraviti reverse split… ne bi me to nimalo iznenadilo.
A ako se to desi onda će ju začas otjerati u minus par desetaka %.

I dalje promatram i razmišljam što da napravim.

Btw, papci na Firstrade su mi odobrili trgovanje opcijama ali još 1-2 dana neću moći zadavati naloge. [angry]

Evo krenule glasine o novom paketu poticaja za gospodarstvo i odmah krenula panična rasprodaja… [lol]

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Zanimljiv članak:

BUYINS.NET: AIG, HNSN, TRW, AGO, DDR, FOE. Abnormal Price Friction In Morning Trading Session Today

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"Analysis of the Friction Factor chart above shows that each of the stocks mentioned above had more buying than selling on Tuesday, July 7th, 2009 and their stock prices dropped. The Friction Factor displays how many more shares of buying than selling are required to move a stock higher by one cent or how many more shares of selling than buying moves a stock lower by 1 cent.

For example, the chart above shows AIG with 147,584 greater shares of buying than selling (NetVol) and the stock price is down -$2.15. This means the Market Makers were trading the stock in a way inconsistent with normal supply and demand (Economics 101); more buying than selling should cause prices to rise."

Evo dobar članak o oscilacijama u cijeni sirovina, motivirao ih je ovaj pad cijene nafte.

Regulator to consider limits on commodity speculators
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Ispada da veliku ulogu imaju ETF-ovi.
Samo jedan od njih (USO) je u jednom trenutku imao preko 20% Nymex futures ugovora.

Trenutno USO ima 59,300,000 dionica.
Ovdje se može vidjeti što ima u posjedu:
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Mislim da se indirektno može zaključiti da i ETF-ovi tipa FAS i FAZ također mogu poremetiti cijene dionica od kojih se sastoje. Recimo da postoji ogroman pritisak na prodaju FAS-a. Jedini način da zadrže cijenu jest da "rastave" dio dionica i maknu ih sa tržišta. A to podrazumijeva i prodavanje dionica od kojih se sastoji. Dakle iako FAS službeno slijedi Russell financial indeks, mislim da može imati i negativni utjecaj na isti jer je već narastao do ogromnog floata. No možda to donekle poništi FAZ koji onda mora pokrivati svoje short pozicije. Zanimljivo bi bilo malo bolje vidjeti cijelu matematiku koja stoji iza toga.

Zanimljivo je i primjetiti da se promet sa FAS lagano smanjuje a sa tim se izgleda smanjuje i volatilnost.

Dobro je znati za danas FAZ i FAS rade reverse stock split

On July 8, 2009 – FAS and FAZ will both have reverse splits. FAS stock will have a 1-5 reverse split ( if you have 100 shares of FAS, you will now have only 20 shares at 5 times the price which will be around $40-$42) and FAZ stock will have a 1-10 reverse split ( if you have 100 shares of FAZ, you will now only have 10 at 10 times the price which should be around $50-$52 per share).

Ostalo TA

Citigroup Inc (C:NYSE) – Citigroup stock continue to plummet with no bounce or signs of stabilization. Ciitigroup has support at $2.61 and then $2.40. If you have been wanting to jump into Citigroup but have held off, this might be a good time to take a shot but I would be putting a stop at around $2.59. If the stock market continue to correct, Citigroup will go down harder then most financials.

American Intl Group, Inc. (AIG) – AIG stock continues to plunge as well. AIG broke $15 like a hot knife through butter. There was absolutely no buying support there whatsoever! It might be a good idea to play AIG from the short side if you can borrow shares. The only way i’d buy AIG would be on a break back above $15 for a quick trade. Looking at the charts, the technicals are so bad that there is virtually no support until $10.

General Electric Company (NYSE:GE) – General Electric (GE) stock broke the $11.25 low from two weeks ago and now seems to be headed into the $10’s again. There is minor support at $11 but at $10 there is an even greater interest. I think it would be safe to wait for GE stock to close above the recent $12 resistance and then take a long position.

Dow TA

Dow Jones Industrial Average ($DJI) Support & Resistance Levels – July 8, 2009
Resistance Levels: 8200, 8250, 8375, 8600
Support Levels: 8000

The Dow Jones has broken the neckline of a head and shoulders pattern and the trend is now down. All rallies back to the three major moving averages will now be sold and we will test the 8000 support level in my opinion. If 8000 does not hold, we could see a quick move down to 7800 before the big buyers step in. 7/7/09 was the first time the Dow Jones closed below 8250 since May

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