Koliko lažova na malom portalu….
Stvarno ste pretjerali….
Čestitam FAZ ovcima na upornosti gubljenja vremena i love.Moj respekt.
Koliko lažova na malom portalu….
Stvarno ste pretjerali….
Čestitam FAZ ovcima na upornosti gubljenja vremena i love.Moj respekt.
ne brini se….ovdje ima plafon 2-3 lika sa multinickovima….svaki ih ima najmanje 5 [lol] [lol] [lol]
i svi ufazirani vec mjesec dana….ha jednom ce bit u pravu…. [rolleyes]
Na početku ide malo teže ali uz malo vazelina………
i tako…… [cool] trebat ce brutalne kolicine tog vazelina vidim [rolleyes]
Ne boj se neće, samo malo na početku poslije će ići samo od sebe
Na početku ide malo teže ali uz malo vazelina………
i tako…… [cool] trebat ce brutalne kolicine tog vazelina vidim [rolleyes]
Ne boj se neće, samo malo na početku poslije će ići samo od sebe
dobro dobro….vristite ovdje vec mjesec dana faz faz….pored tisuca drugih tickera,od kojih je nemali broj napravio 50-80% plusa….SMJESNI STE
Ja ništ ne vrištim, samo kažem da je ovo market baziran na _NADI_ a svi dobro znamo što je nada
Uostalom nadu ste tu baš nedavno spominjali
a evo što kažu za nadu;
"This is a market completely based on hope. Throw fundamental investment principles out the window. It’s now all about how the Fed can manage to inflate asset prices now that fiscal policy has tested its limits with the voting public. But where does this renewed faith in the Fed come from? Is this not the same Fed that took the funds rate from 5.5% to near- zero? The same Fed that tripled the size of its balance sheet in QE1? The same Fed that thought the housing and mortgage crisis would stay “contained” back in 2007? The same Fed that confused a credit contraction with a liquidity squeeze? The same Fed that believed, in the summer of 2007 when the crisis first broke that we would see 2.5- 3.0% real GDP growth in 2008?
The same Fed that was contemplating its exit strategy just a short six-months ago and believed it could start to shrink its balance sheet last spring? The same Fed that investors have so much faith in, and is the same Fed that passively tightened policy with a 25 basis point hike in the discount rate to 0.75% back on February 19th. The same Fed that just trimmed its forecast three times in the past four months, and is this not the same Fed that investors now have “faith” in? The question is, the “faith” to do what?"
a i ovo se isplazti procitati;
indeksi opet rastu, zašto?
indeksi opet rastu, zašto?
doslovno – nevideni rast.
grade se kule od karata.
ili mozda oporavak slijedi…
nikad nije bilo ovako jezovito na burzi..
ušao sa ostatkom love u faz na 12.35..gotovo je sa cashom..
sada sve gasim i čekam potop…lp i sretno svima
vidiš [thumbsup]