Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Naslovnica Forum Gospodarstvo i financije IT i ICT industrija Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Rocky, šta kažeš za NM? [wink]


Rocky, šta kažeš za NM? [wink]

Nije mi sve baš jasno, prvo je u par dana pao 30% i onda je danas narastao 13%!??? Koja je to burza, stvarno su ludi.

Počni malo pratiti dionicu FEED, to je definitivno nešto najbolesnije što sam vidio na njihovoj burzi [lol]

Game start ….

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed below the 50 day moving average for the second straight day but managed to hold the 8250 support level. If the Dow closes below 8250 I feel it will retest 8000 or below. If things get much worse from here, the 10 day moving average could break down below the 50 day moving average which would cause a Dow sell signal. 8600 now becomes strong resistance.

Par ideja …. kako sam se ukeširao sinoć …. ostalo mi vrlo malo portfelja u dionicama čekav razvoj kakav god bio …. pa gledam sta bi bilo zanimljivo ubosti u slučaju da bude slučaj [pray] [lol] [lol]

Direxion Daily Financial Bear 3X Shares (FAZ)
Daily Finan. Bull 3X Shs(ETF)(FAS) – FAS stock broke $8 on Tuesday morning and quickly snapped back hard into the $8.40’s in the afternoon hours. There is a lot of resistance in the $8.40’s from Monday afternoon and Tuesday. When FAS break above $8.50 I think it could make an attempt to retest $9. I continue to buy the huge dips and sell the 4-6% bounce back rips higher. Banks will start reporting earnings in about three weeks and I expect some better then expected earnings reports due the borrowing at zero factor. As for FAZ, if FAS can get back near $10, I would be buying FAZ for a trade.

Citigroup Inc (C:NYSE) – Citigroup stock broke down through $3 on Tuesday for the first time since the start of May 2009. $2.90 ended up being the low before the snap back rally back to $3. This could have been the capitulation selling investors were looking for and C stock could be gearing up for a run back to $3.25-$3.50 before earnings. If I were buying Citigroup here, i’d be placing a stop loss order at $2.89.

Bank of America Corp ( BAC ) – Bank of America Corporation was very strong on Tuesday and traded back above $12 for most of the day. BAC has strong support at the 50 day moving average around $11.16 but a close below this would be the first sign of severe weakness. The stock has resistance at $12.75 ( 10 day moving average ) and $13.84 ( 200 day moving average ).

Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:WFC) – Wells Fargo stock traded near Guy Adami’s $22 price target on Tuesday and quickly bounced back up to $23. I am expecting another great earnings quarter out of WFC in the coming month. In my opinion, anything below $22 is a strong buy.

Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan (NYSE: POT) , Mosaic Co. (MOS) – POT and MOS snapped back Tuesday after a huge pullback as reports of weakening Potash demand were released last week. POT stock could be headed back to the $98-$100 resistance area in the short term which I would then sell. The 10 day moving average is getting ready to break down through the 50 day moving average….this is a bearish signal. If POT would retrace to the $80 support level, I will be buying!

Research In Motion Ltd. (RIMM) – RIMM was strong on Tuesday and traded back above $70 once again. The low was $67.53 so this is where i’d be putting my stop loss order if I were trading RIMM stock. I am neutral right now on shares of RIMM at $70, i’d be a buyer below $60, a seller in the $80’s.

Ford Motor Company (F) – Ford traded down to $5.21 on Tuesday, almost near my buy price of $5. Each time we get these big dips, Ford stock always snaps back….very bullish. If the stock market rolls over one more time in the next few weeks I think you will be able to pick up shares around $5. This is what I am waiting for right now.

Hemispherx Biopharma, Inc. (HEB) – Shares of HEB were crushed on Tuesday morning as another big investor sold shares. The lack of an FDA decision or company press release explaining the situation has really unnerved investors who are holding the shares. Keep in mind, HEB stock is still up 100% from when all of this started back in May. I continue to have no position in the stock but am eagerly awaiting the FDA decision on Ampligen. If you are trading HEB, a break above $2.15 would probably get the stock moving higher again and you might be able to get $2.50 out of it in the short term.

i jos malo

Buy the Dip – Below is a list of stocks I would be buying on any strong pullback.

Visa Inc. (NYSE: V)
MasterCard (MA)
Apple (AAPL)
First Solar (FSLR)
McDonald’s Corporation (MCD)
Continental Resources Inc. (CLR)
Hess Corp ( HES )
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. (FCX)
Pyramid Oil Company ( PDO )
AgFeed Industries ( FEED )
Fuel Systems Solutions, Inc. (FSYS)
Huntington Bancshares Inc. (HBAN)

Other Stocks to Watch – June 24, 2009

Agilysys Inc. (AGYS)
Republic Airways Holdings Inc. (RJET)
La-Z-Boy Inc. (LZB)
GreenHunter Energy, Inc. (GRH)
America’s Car-Mart Inc. (CRMT)
Lloyds Banking Group plc (LYG)
Hudson Highland Group Inc. (HHGP)
CB Richard Ellis Group, Inc. (CBG)
Navios Maritime Holdings Inc. (NM)
SIGA Technologies Inc. (SIGA)
Owens Corning (OC)

Penny Stocks to Watch – 6/24/09

Compugen Ltd. (CGEN)
Anchor BanCorp Wisconsin, Inc. (ABCW)
Active Power Inc. (ACPW)
Altus Pharmaceuticals Inc. (ALTU)
Cell Therapeutics, Inc. (CTIC)
Beazer Homes USA Inc. (BZH)

Ovaj tjedan je FED zasjedanje i sutra ćemo čuti što imaju za reći.
Tko zna kako će burza reagirati na to…


June 24 FOMC Meeting
Two-day meeting, June 23 – 24

June 25 Testimony–Chairman Ben S. Bernanke
Acquisition of Merrill Lynch by Bank of America
Before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives
10 a.m. EDT

Ameri su fakat likovi za poluditi, par minuta nakon FED obavijesti se nije znalo tko pije a tko plaća… A onda je krenula totalna tarpana. [lol]

Graf u prilogu govori kakvo je stanje tamo. Živo me zanima kako će završiti dan.

Evo mi CAEI +36% u aftermarketu, tko čeka, dočeka.
Samo da se do sutra ne vrati natrag ispod 1.40 [pray]

Prodao sada pola CAEI po 1.90, bolje vrabac, to jest +30-ak% u ruci nego golub na grani.

Prodao odmah ujutro ostatak CAEI po 2.20, kupio kasnije malo po 1.95.
Nadam se da će ga opet spustiti ispod 1.60-1.70 da kupim i više a ako ne onda nek mu je sa srećom, sad ću ga držati do 2.50 pa makar čekao mjesecima.

I sjelo malo mog starog prijatelja PVA po 16.30. Ako su ga nedavno dokapitalizirali po 19 onda nema rezona da dugo ostane na ovim razinama. Ne tako davno se tržio i po 22-23. Makar se kod njih nikad ne zna što sutra nosi.

Našao još par potencijalnih real-estate kandidata za budućnost: HRP, DDR i PVX.

Ali ipak sa ostatkom love ću još sačekati da vidim kamo ide tržište. Možda uzmem C sad dok je oko 3.
Bliži se 17.7., datum izvješća. Bez obzira kako izvješće bilo loše, sumnjam da će opet srušiti cijenu ispod 2$. A ako bude iznenađujuće dobro onda bi začas moglo skočiti za priličan postotak. Hmm…

Koliko vidim danas je vrlo zanimljiva igra u amera …. drže dionice Dow-a gore ali ostalo sve pritišću na dole ili sam možda subjektivan [angry] [lol]

Vidjet ćemo kraj ….

Kod amera je uvijek veselo, zanimljivije je gledati njihovu burzu nego naš tv program… [lol]

Miško pazi se NM, primjetio sam moguću H&S formaciju, nedostaje joj još samo malo da se formira do kraja.

New Report
