Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Naslovnica Forum Gospodarstvo i financije IT i ICT industrija Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Pa naravno da je krah neizbježan, uvijek do njega dođe u određenim vremenskim intervalima.
Nego, nas ovdje većinu zanima kamo će S&P idućih dana?

Možda da probaš kod vidovitog Milana? Čovjek zna, barem je to javno pokazao. [thumbsup]

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

Dajte kolege Dax na Bloobergu je u minusu i na Yahoo..isto oko -0,50, a na jednoj njemačkojkoja je uživo 2,21 +, šta je s tim Bloombijem ili sam ja umoran…dakle koliki je Dax….bez jedinica molim. [embarass]

Uhljebe na ulicu!!!!!


Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!


Zahvaljujem, sad i meni radi. pardon svima.

Uhljebe na ulicu!!!!!

Šta je muk danas ovdje …… neobično …. ajde ovo stresanje na dole je samo dobar znak … neki kapitaliziraju dobit pa "valetinov PC" spusta dole ….dobar znak da ga nema …. treso bi se …. ( još više … ) [lol] [proud]

Ajde malo ja sam kad niko neće ….

The stock market was down slightly Tuesday as investors took profits from the late day surge on Monday. The Dow Jones is struggling with 8500 and the S&P 500 is trying to hold 900.

What’s in store for the stock market Wednesday, May 6th?

Stock Market May 6, 2009

Economic Date: The following economic data will be released on Wednesday and this data has the potential to really move markets. Of coarse, traders will be focused on what comes out of the stress test on Thursday, 5/7/09.

ADP Employment – 8:15am Est – Market Expects a loss of 643,000
Crude Inventories – 10:35am Est

Earnings Reports Expected – 5/6/09

Alpha Natural Resources ANR 5/06 8am .49EPS
Boyd Gaming BYD 5/06 8am .08EPS
Diana Shipping DSX 5/06 8am .46EPS
Foster Wheeler FWLT 5/06 8am .68EPS
Garmin GRMN 5/06 8am .41EPS
Transocean RIG 5/06 8am 3.50EPS
Cisco Systems CSCO 5/06 4pm .25EPS
Eagle Bulk Shipping EGLE 5/06 4pm .37EPS
Mercadolibre MELI 5/06 4pm .10EPS

Ohooo …. sad se plaše vrane ….. 20:31

[thumbsup] [thumbsup] Ovdje sve same ocjene 1 … ( pa nisam ja Rocky5 …. Rocky pozdrav [wink]) .. a, možda i jesam ajde ipak bolje nego na ZSE tamo sve 0 ….

Ajde još koju 1 prikupljam … pa cu uložiti

Ljubomornih li ljudi ….

APWR sjajno radi svoj posao.. izuzetno je pametno i u budućnosti vrijedno to što ne samo da potpisuju ugovore za supply chain dijelova za wind turbine, već to rade kao Joint Venture.. prvo sa GE za gearboxove, a evo sad i sa Jiangsu Miracle
Jiangsu Miracle to Supply Wind Components to A-Power
A-Power, Jiangsu Miracle partner for turbine components

[thumbsup] [thumbsup] Ovdje sve same ocjene 1 … ( pa nisam ja Rocky5 …. Rocky pozdrav [wink]) .. a, možda i jesam ajde ipak bolje nego na ZSE tamo sve 0 ….

Ajde još koju 1 prikupljam … pa cu uložiti

Ljubomornih li ljudi ….

Eto nije me par dana baš bilo uz komp pa nisam ni puno trgovao a ni pisao, pogledam sinoć i sve same jedinice… Nije tako bilo ni u školi [lol]

Ovi ameri nenormalni kao i uvijek, bar sam lijepo zaradio na C i AIG kojeg sam imao malo baš radi ovakvih situacija. Dobro da sam imao stop loss na BGZ. Plačem što sam prodao UCO prijevremeno. Veselim se što sam relativno blizu stavio stop loss na onu short avanturu sa DRYS.
Čekam danas izvješće od PVA, bio sam ih pronašao nakon podužeg screeninga poduzeća malog mcap-a i djelovali su prilično ok.

Čitao sam malo o prirodnom plinu u USA i izgleda da da bi sad oko brojke od 700 bušotina trebalo doći do stabilnije situacije. A prije par godina ih je bilo 1600 i ponuda je bila daleko veća od potražnje. Možda bi UNG mogao biti dobar izbor. Prije ili kasnije će doći do rasta samo je moguće da će proći još više mjeseci do tog trenutka.

Btw, zazelenili se futuresi a evo i razloga:

Vaš link

Zanimljiv članak o potrebnom kapitalu za neke banke:

Vaš link

The reports varied on the amounts they said the bank will need to raise. The New York Times, citing a Bank of America executive, pegged the number at $33.9 billion.
The federal government has already invested $45 billion in Bank of America (BAC: 10.84, +0.46, +4.4%) , but that investment was in preferred shares and doesn’t count toward the type of capital regulators are testing major U.S. institutions for.

According to the reports, the bank could convert the preferred into common shares, and the new common would count toward the required capital. That would, according to the reports, preclude the need for a new investment from the government.
Bank of America’s shares, part of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, initially fell 10% in the pre-market, but recovered to trade unchanged closer to the U.S. open of trading.
"It is conceivable that Bank Of America could convert its existing preferred stock, and put the capital issue behind it assuming the economy does not take another significant leg down," Citigroup analysts said in a research report Wednesday.
However, such a conversion would create its own new problem — namely, making the U.S. government one of the bank’s largest shareholders and diluting existing shareholders.
"Our analysis shows dilution could range from as low as 20% to as high as 35%," the Citigroup analysts said of Bank of America.

Citigroup Inc. (C: 3.33, +0.13, +4.1%) already made a similar deal,
agreeing earlier this year to convert preferred shares owned by the government, as well as private shareholders, into common stock.
That move will give the government a 36% stake in Citi, making it the bank’s largest shareholder.

New Report
