Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Naslovnica Forum Gospodarstvo i financije IT i ICT industrija Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?


Ma daj sad ti hoćeš da se mi prijavimo i gledamo …ma daj zaje++ imamo takvih koliko hoceš bar 100 siteova ili postaj ili šuti ….ako hočeš nešto pametno reći sa tog site-a kopiraj pa postaj kao drugi ne se++ s linkovima na bezvezne stvari. Ako sam u krivu sorry ….

Dobro je počelo, nadam se samo da neće završiti na 900 [lol]

Neka, stop lossovi čekaju, nadam se da ih nisam preblizu postavio.

Shortao sam malo DRYS na 8.35… Ne velik iznos, čisto iz zezancije… [lol]

$DRYS and $PCX are finally having a decent week
Citigroup to Get $2.5 Billion Equity Boost From Japanese Sale
U.S. Delays Results of Stress Tests. Cynic: To give banks time to raise capital http://tinyurl.com/dx6dsb

Ovdje je i popis svih banaka koje su u stress testu, pa kome je do lutrije može se baciti na trgovinu [cool]

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DRYS se bliži stop lossu, nadam se da ga neće dosegnuti jer ću onda ispucati daytrade.

$GLD For example, China has been urging IMF to dump ALL of its gold onto the market (at the same time China is accumulating gold) hmmm.

da li netko ima kakvih informacija o CDE
iako je vec narastao pet puta od 11. mjeseca
ocito hedge fondovi koji su morali iznenada zdumpat dionice imaju nos da se tu nesto moze desavati

Ovdje je i popis svih banaka koje su u stress testu, pa kome je do lutrije može se baciti na trgovinu [cool]

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DRYS se bliži stop lossu, nadam se da ga neće dosegnuti jer ću onda ispucati daytrade.

Stress test ide u sljedeći četvrtak? 07.05.2009.?

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

A true testing would show that six of the nation’s 19 largest banks—the pool being used for the stress tests—are in real danger of failing, Weiss said, listing those as JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Sun Trust and HSBC.JPM
Even banks that won’t fold also will be pressured and could see their stocks hit.

JPMorgan Chase issued a warning about several large institutions involved with the tests, cutting profit estimates for Bank of America [BAC 8.70 -0.23 (-2.58%) ], Citi, Sun Trust, US Bancorp [USB 17.96 -0.26 (-1.43%) ] and Wells Fargo.

However, JPMorgan added that BofA and US Bancorp ought to be OK for the long run.

Budući će ove dane …. banke biti više ili manje zanimljive [lol] [wink] ,
kako vidim i svima nama popularni FAS – FAZ – ovi …. evo malo TA za njih

…. možda ko nađe šta pametno dok čekamo ( po meni 100% namještene rezultate ) stress testa, nebi li koji $$$$$ uhvatili …. u gužvi

Evo malo novosti ,
Put Buying On Index ETFs, Plunge Protection? (XRT, XLY, XLI, KRE, FAZ)
Bearish put strategies or hedges are popping up on a variety of Index ETFs. First here’s what Jim Fitzgibbons of Susquehanna Intl. Group had to say on the floor at the CBOE. He saw people buying protection on the Retail and Industrial ETFs as well as the S&P 500.
Now a look visually at each option chain with activity skewed toward out-of-the-money puts (except FAZ which is upside down w/ calls). The first chains are the retail and consumer sector and the other chains show activity on the industrials, FAZ (3x Bearish Financials call buying) and regional banks (hat tip ONN.tv/OptionMonster for that one). So something is definitely up. All snapshots are from Yahoo Finance on May 1, 2009. The volume and open interest will change next week.

Correction – Chasing $FAS or $FAZ is like trying to tackle Barry Sanders in the open field.
Instituted an OCA order for $FAZ with stop near Thursday low and limit near Friday high. Happy Monday everyone. Good trading today

New Report
