Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Naslovnica Forum Gospodarstvo i financije IT i ICT industrija Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Hm, dobra izvješća, a pad se nastavlja,pitanje do kada ?

Hm, dobra izvješća, a pad se nastavlja,pitanje do kada ?

do utorka ili srijede po mom mišljenju, ali ne tako rapidno kao što je bilo jučer…Zašto utorak? Zbok Kineske nove godine, i mislim da će nakon toga početi burza opet rast, jer je trend i dalje uzlazan!

Skype: zg-margincall

Da nije možda ovo duplo dno samo uvjetovano s Obamom i Kinezima?

GE 4Q profit falls 19 percent, beats Wall Street
GE 4th-qtr net income falls 19 pct on real estate, jet engine drop; beats Wall St. forecasts

AP – In this photo made Oct. 14, 2009, a General Electric (GE) microwave is shown at Best Buy in …
By Stephen Manning, AP Business Writer , On Friday January 22, 2010, 8:05 am

General Electric Co.’s fourth-quarter net income fell 19 percent, hurt by lower profits on products like jet engines and continuing troubles in commercial real estate lending.

Still, GE showed some signs of stability in the final months of the year. The drop in profit was smaller than previous quarters because of gains in areas like power plant turbines and oil field equipment. And results surpassed Wall Street forecasts for the conglomerate, which is coming off one of its worst years in its 117-year history.

Company shares rose slightly in pre-market trading, up 3 cents to $16.05.

"We saw some encouraging signs at year-end," GE Chairman and CEO Jeff Immelt said, pointing to improving orders for big equipment.

But some familiar problems that hampered GE in 2009 persisted. Profits for engines used in commercial and military jets fell, along with demand for GE’s train locomotives, a likely sign that businesses remain hesitant to buy expensive equipment after a painful recession. Overall revenue fell 10 percent in the quarter to $41 billion.

The big finance unit — the source of most of GE’s problems in 2009 — squeezed out a modest profit in the fourth quarter. But it was still dogged by problems in its holdings and lending in commercial real estate.

Profits fell 30 percent at NBC Universal, which has struggled with much lower advertising income and other problems. GE is selling its majority stake in the ailing entertainment unit.

For the quarter, GE posted net income of $2.94 billion, or 28 cents per share. That compared with $3.65 billion, or 35 cents, a year earlier. Analysts expected 26 cents per share in earnings.

One of world’s largest companies, GE is considered a barometer of the nation’s economic health since it is involved in sectors ranging from energy to finance. Homeowners buy GE kitchen appliances, power plants use GE gas turbines and hospitals buy GE MRI machines. Consumers use credit cards backed by GE money and businesses turn to the company for loans to buy expensive equipment.

GE’s results for 2009 — a 37 percent drop in annual earnings — indicate just how deeply the recession affected the company.

It lost its top credit rating, cut its dividend by 68 percent, and saw its stock retreat to depths not hit since the early 1990s. GE’s quarterly profits were down substantially as the recession gouged its industrial businesses and the financial crisis battered its GE Capital lending arm.

In an effort to achieve stability, GE is trying to rely much less on GE Capital’s profits, which once made up half of the conglomerate’s earnings. GE says that some segments, like consumer credit cards, are in better shape after GE Capital took steps like scaling back on lending and tightening credit.

But GE Capital will remain a sore point for GE in 2010. The company expects that losses from soured loans won’t peak until this year. And the unit remains broadly exposed to commercial real estate, a market that is still in decline.

That unit posted a $593 million quarterly loss and lost a whopping $1.5 billion on the year.

GE expects to amass $26 billion in cash by the end of this year, much of it from its deal to sell its majority stake in NBC Universal to cable operator Comcast. GE has said little about how it plans to use that money.


prošao nalog na dsx na 14.61
full u dsx

ako sp500 ne zatvori iznad 1115-1117 prodajem cijeli dsx bez obzira na cijenu

Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

Mogla bi danas USA burza još završiti oko nule ili malo plusu, šok je valjda prošao već traje tri dana a još nije ništa konkretno dogovoreno u vezi daljnjeg poslovanja banaka.

aa je pala za više od 20 % !Samo što čekam bankrot !

Mogla bi danas USA burza još završiti oko nule ili malo plusu, šok je valjda prošao već traje tri dana a još nije ništa konkretno dogovoreno u vezi daljnjeg poslovanja banaka.

pa nema se kaj dogovoriti…ako senat ne usvoji Obama si može gurnut prst u oko…

meni se nakako čini da je to jadni pokušaj nigera da natjera banke da počnu posuđivati, a ne svaća da nije u komunizmu…
plus nema više većinu stoga ne vjerujem da će to proći..
i na kraju – ako će banke imati manje novaca manje će i posuđivati…tako da ga ne razumijem..ali oke to je Obama Husein

Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

Rekao bih da će idućih dana lagano rast do S&P 1125-1130 a onda vjerojatno odbijanac dolje.


– dsx cijeli od16,02-16,04

baš gledam htio sam i njeg malo nadokupiti, ali mislim da će potegnuti up jer ga možda možda netko akumulira…
pričekaj još sutra…
treba vidjeti dolazi kineska nova godina…bdi bi mogao dole…

treba ga kupiti ali krajem tjedna…ne zaboravi da kod njih ako bdi ide dole idu i brodari…nije to crobex
ovo je bila dobra procjena..kaj je je..morao sam se malo pohvaliti…tražim gdje je kaya savjetovao da kupimo te dioncie, da li netko zna?

Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

S obzirom na ekstreman pad indeksa jučer i danas, DSX i DRYS se iznenađujuće dobro drže.

Općenito je cijeli brodarski sektor ok osim par iznimki, što reći?

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