Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Naslovnica Forum Gospodarstvo i financije IT i ICT industrija Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Ekipa kakvo je vaše viđenje glede BDI za slijedečih nekoliko dana.
Neš se nemrem odlučiti da li da prodam dsx ili ne.

Vidim da nije tako strašno, u plusu sam još nekih 4% a opet ..

Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

Iran GAINS 5 BILLION by Dumping the Dollar….
Iran gains $5b on dollar to euro shift

24 November 2009

TEHRAN – Iran has gained $5 billion through its policy of shifting away from the U.S. currency in favor of the euro, Central Bank Governor Mahmoud Bahmani was quoted as saying on Monday.

"Iran has considerably reduced the amount of U.S. dollars in its currency basket," said Mahmoud Bahmani in Tehran at the 3rd Seminar on Banking Services and Export, Press TV reported.

Since October 2007, Iran has received 85 percent of its oil revenues in currencies other than the U.S. dollar, and "the country expresses determination to substitute the greenback for the remaining 15 percent of its oil revenues."

The Iranian government began preparing the ground for the dollar’s replacement by the euro and other foreign exchanges in 2005.


RATINGS agency Standard & Poor’s has warned that nearly all the world’s big banks have insufficient funds to cover their lending exposures and risk a ratings downgrade unless they move to bolster their balance sheets over the next 18 months.
The warning follows the release of a tougher global measure of bank capital by Standard & Poor’s, which has found that most large banks do not meet the minimum 8 per cent threshold under the credit ratings agency’s new risk-adjusted capital ratio.

GS is also a bank………

Izgleda da je više puta spominjani UNG konačno došao na svoje.

WOW, Futures look downright ugly. World Markets look ugly.

Dubai is scaring the hell out of everyone.
CNBC just talked about how the markets are going to soar on Friday (Thanksgiving week seasonals). Judging by the action overseas, they are going to get it dead wrong again. Reminds me of when Cramer on CNBC announced to everyone that stocks hit their highs for the year back in September (that selloff phase). He told everyone to get out back then. What a joke financial news has become.

Čini mi se, da če svejedno bit korekcije barem 8 , 10 % !

Dubai failure will effect every bank in europe/london and ultimately the taxpayers of those countrys,as the banks will need to cover cause of the sovern failure of Dubai.4.3 billion due in 1 Q 2010 and another 4 billion due in four months from now..8 billion plus total due short term..lol…whats Dubai in total 80 billion debt ???

hebate vrag koji potop vanka

Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

Ekipa kakvi su planovi do kraja godine ili recimo malo dulje do kraja zime, planira li netko jači ulaz u nešto?
Osim brodara nisam baš nešto jak u analizi drugih dionica pa bih volio pročitati od upućenijih na šta možda obratiti veću pažnju, a i vjerojatno nisam jedini. [thumbsup]

da u zemlju u hrvatskoj i pokretanje proizvodnje..

lagano mi je pun kurac burze i dionica

Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

Što učini Dubai… sutra bi moglo biti KRVAVO!

Sva sreća da sam dobrim dijelom u cashu, nažalost ne skroz zbog !!#$%%#$#%%# brokera koji još nisu sve prebacili. [angry]

Ekipa kakvi su planovi do kraja godine ili recimo malo dulje do kraja zime, planira li netko jači ulaz u nešto?
Osim brodara nisam baš nešto jak u analizi drugih dionica pa bih volio pročitati od upućenijih na šta možda obratiti veću pažnju, a i vjerojatno nisam jedini. [thumbsup]

This could be a start of a temporary dollar rally. I know suspect the dollar will slip futher before rebounding. If it does go up, it would be an excellent opportunity to buy gold.

Currency will flee worldwide to the" safe haven" of the dollar and the stock market will collapse 1000 pts. in a day.

New Report
