Crude oil to track dollar, will hit Rs 3,450 if fall persists
The markets witnessed a lower turnover week inspite of a lower base effect as the turnover on the Multi-Commodity Exchange (MCX) declined 2% on a week-on-week basis. Traders preferred a buy-and-hold strategy instead as the outlook was relatively volatile. The market-wide open interest on the MCX rose 10%. Base metals continued to remain under pressure as the flight to safety (of bullion) extended and the US dollar stabilised against the global basket.
The turnover gainers last week were cardamom, chana, crude oil, crude palm oil, gold, mentha oil, natural gas, nickel, platinum, refined soya oil and tin. Open interest gainers were almonds, cardamom, chana, crude palm oil, crude oil, gold, mentha oil, natural gas, nickel, platinum and zinc. The US non-strategic crude inventory rose by 1.80 million barrels to the 337.7 million barrels mark, thereby triggering profit sales on the counter. The US pushed 23 more oil rigs this week to hunt for oil, triggering a profit-taking bias on forward contracts.
Brodari u premarketu u finom plusu, BDI nastavio put prema gore…
Današnji makro podaci mixed bag.
Moglo bi biti svega, od završetka dana na +2% do -2%. [thumbsup]
Brodari u premarketu u finom plusu, BDI nastavio put prema gore…
Današnji makro podaci mixed bag.
Moglo bi biti svega, od završetka dana na +2% do -2%. [thumbsup]
ne drukati dole, samo gore…
Pazi, sada će sljedeći post biti od Golluma i to klasična varijanta copy / paste da sve ide vrit 😉
čekam da se prodari katapultiraju da mogu vanka ali nikako da se dogodi…fini plus ali čekam i dalje..
a ovaj faz nikako dočekati..
hmm da li prodati ili ne pitanje je sada…
mislim da da
Što je ovo danas, ameri rastu a EURUSD se opet ne da preko 1.50…?
Ne znam baš da li prodati, pogotovo brodare, ali oprez je definitivno potreban.
Ne zaboravite da je ovo OPEX tjedan i da su manipulacije vjerojatne i moguće. Preporučujem provjeriti Max Option Pain za sve dionice koje imate, dobro možda ne sve ali one likvidnije svakako.
crko mi web and walk..hihi
premda su u afteru u minusu vidjet ćemo…nisam stigao doći mado do 22 pa stoga nisam niš niti prodao…
e sada nadam se da se nisam zahebao…premda ja za bdi očekujem isto kao i za indexe…prije glavnog pada mora potegnuti gore do 400-500 bodova…e na taj dan treba sve prodat
ovo je BDI razina na kojoj većina brodara može poslovati tako dobro da su trenutne cijene dionica brodara redom podcjenjene… ako se zadrži još par tjedana ili mjeseci na 4000+ onda bi tek mogao krenuti pravi rast brodara
a čuj s obzirom da je Kina jedan od največih pokretaća BDI očekujem i daljnji rast…te čekam katapult…
no ne mora značiti da će ga biti…jer katapult će biti jedino ako je ovo bear market relly
Evo jedan potencijalni short kandidat po TA, a ni današnje izvješće nije ispalo baš zvjezdano.
Evo još jedan moj meni zanimljiv copy-paste ,nadam se i vama .
The big money players have figured a way to use the dollar and S&P for an arbitrage. Watch the Euro and SPY and they move in mirror tandem. The market is not moving on fundamentals at all.
I saw this movie in 1987 while a stockbroker at the old Shearson Lehman Bros. Portfolio insurance they called it, but is was just a computer generated arbitrage between the S&P futures and the cash market. It made for some wild rides when these buy and sell programs kicked in. Of course it ended badly when the market crashed 500 pts in one day.
This market is like little boys playing sword-fight with tree branches. Its all fun till someone loses an eye. When all these dollar short positions try to unwind at once, it could be one for the record books. Protect yourself with puts if you are long. Your profits could disappear in minutes.