Evo našao sam ticker za Russel Financial index kojeg FAS kakti prati. Prati ga ali samo na dnevnoj bazi. Evo što nastane u duljem periodu:
Znači najbolje…nakon ovog rasta kojeg ja očekujem…FAZ bi trebao biti na 17-16-15 onda ga se nakrcati i prodati na max 30 i ne čekati čuda…hehehe
Ne bih se složio, FAS i FAZ i dalje gube vrijednost kako vrijeme prolazi. Samo što sada sporije gube vrijednost jer je manja volatilnost indeksa kojeg prate.
Inače dok god je izražen trend isplati se imati FAS ili FAZ. A čim trend prestane i krene zig-zag onda treba bježati van.
Činjenica ostaje da ako držiš recimo 2 godine FAS onda ćeš dobro popušiti pa makar financijski indeks narastao još 50%.
Recimo onaj koji je kupio FAS prije godinu dana po 160$, sada ima niti 50% od uloženog a financijski Russel indeks je čak mrvicu više nego onda.
FNM ima problema ali je stanje “better than expected”
“Fannie Mae asks for $15 billion in US aid after posting $19.8 billion third-quarter loss”
Markets will rally up + 100 points today
This news is “better than expected” as analysts were expecting Fannie will be asking $ 50 billion but it asked only $ 15 billion, $ 35 billion saved, rally time LOL
Fannie Mae: "Deed For Lease" Program Will Let Thousands Rent Out Homes To Avoid Foreclosure
WASHINGTON — Can’t pay the mortgage? You still might be able to stay in your home. Government-controlled mortgage company Fannie Mae is going to give borrowers on the verge of foreclosure the option of renting their homes for a year. The change announced Thursday could give a temporary break to thousands of homeowners, but critics question whether it will only add to the mushrooming losses at the company, which has received billions in taxpayer money.
FNM ima problema ali je stanje "better than expected"
“Fannie Mae asks for $15 billion in US aid after posting $19.8 billion third-quarter loss”
Kako to ležerno opisuju, kao da je 20 milijardi $ neka sića… [lol]
Danas bi moglo biti belaja, važna su makro izvješća na rasporedu a tu je i AIG izvješće. Mogao bi to biti + ili – 2% dan bez problema.
Točno tako .
If the Job new is positive from the US today eg decrease in numbers singing on. Will that news made the Dollar stronger against the EURO
Unemployment rate:
Measures Percentage of total work force that is unemployed and actively seeking employment during the previous month;
Usual Effect Actual < Forecast = Good for currency;
Why Traders Care
Although it’s generally viewed as a lagging indicator, the number of unemployed people is an important signal of overall economic health because consumer spending is highly correlated with labor conditions;
EU se vraća u red
bac, fnm i c, imaju loše izvješće. AIG mi je 4. dionica u portfelju, pa šta će i on usratno izvješće dati? Pa sve šta ja imam ne valja…hheeee
FNM mi iskreno mogao najprije dolje pa jako gore… scenarij poznat od prije 3 mjeseca…
FNM u pre – 9 prodaju ju i kupuje ju GS
Lets add insult to injury! Bloomberg just reported that Fannie has over 5 billion dollars in tax losses that they are in the process of selling. The likely buyer Goldman Sach.
This would help GS with its huge tax bill coming up because of massize profits. Bloomberg noted there is "of course" some politics involved in getting the approval. I consider in a done deal!