Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Naslovnica Forum Gospodarstvo i financije IT i ICT industrija Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Treći ask na DSX je 100 komada po 999.999,99 USD [lol]


Zameo nas snijeg [lol]

Panika na forexu ,svi u $
on the wires large swiss bank puts sell recommendation on eur/usd target 1.4200..
sell everybody! sell!!!!
banks in england are in trouble again… they were the canary last year. before bear sterns

Commenting further on the latest EC growth and inflation forecasts, [EC’S ALMUNIA] says there is no significant risk of the Eurozone enduring deflation, echoing recent comments made by various ECB officials as well as Pres Trichet. Almunia adds credit flows will not return to normal without further repair of banks’ balance sheets with the Commission estimating that bank losses could be around Eur 200-400bn in 2009/10 (note 5-yr CDS blew out on this remark). He also suggests potential growth in the EU economy will be around 1% in the next two years, and significantly below its potential GDP of 2.25%. All said and done, we think the new forecasts suggesting growth of 0.7%/1.5% in 2010/2011 resp will lead to little inflation risk to trouble the ECB in the medium term. Furthermore, for the UK as well as the EU, we believe for a sustainable recovery to take hold a return to ‘normal’ credit flows will be essential.

[EUROPEAN FX MORNING ROUNDUP] US factory orders data to come. A 0.8%% m/m rebound is forecast in Sep but after yest’s stellar data there is no guarantee that the numbers would be a spur for broader market risk.

Opa, ovo je prilično velika akvizicija za krizna vremena, hoće li opet Buffet ispasti pametniji od drugih?

Vaš link

Berkshire Hathaway Inc. agreed to acquire the 77.4% of Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corp. it doesn’t already own for $26 billion in cash and stock. The deal would mark Berkshire’s largest acquisition ever.

The transaction values all of Burlington Northern at $34 billion. The $100 a share Berkshire is paying is a 31% premium to the railroad’s closing price Monday. Berkshire also will assume $10 billion of outstanding Burlington Northern debt.

$WTIC $OIL taking a dump as $USDX $DXY strengths
$BRKB 50-1 split is meaningless IMO because it has no voting power and was already "baby berkshire"
massive deflation on the horizon and ppl want to buy $GLD at the top? Why? cuz India’s a buyer? Spare me the "why’s it going down?"
Johnson & Johnson $JNJ plans to slash up to 7% of its workforce as part of a restructuring.
EURUSD – last time Euro topped it took 4 month process to create …without total meltdown news …wkly 5 20 not even close to crossing

jebote Gollum pa ti samo drukaš na dole

Pa kad dvije najveće C i BAC padaju već 3 tjedna u komadu teško je biti optimist. Tko zna možda je CIT samo počezak serije… jer ovakog padanja u ovako dugom kontinuitetu nije bilo još od početka godine.
A kao privreda se oporavlja. Ako ove dvije riknu kreće sve iz početka. [bye]

Da, sjecam se prijatelja koji je dokupljivao IGH po 13.000, urlao "odlična prilika za dokup, hvala ti Bože na ovoj prilici", zatim to opet vikao na 10.000kn, pa slavio presretan zbog dokupa, a onda potop. Čak sam i ja bio u nedoumici, u trenucima povremenog rasta mi bilo žao što nisam kupovao. Možda je i ovo samo stepenica do novog, pravog dna, a cijeli ovaj rast bio samo predah, mala crtica na grafu velike depresije kojeg će gledat naši unuci.

S druge strane, kupovina na ovim razinama bi mogla biti vrlo isplativa, call C strike 3 za prosinac 0.90, 10 calova za 900njak usd daje sigurnih $100 profita ako do tad C sano dotakne $4, preko $600 ako do tad dotakne $4,50. A $4 je (samo) 10tak centi daleko.

jebote Gollum pa ti samo drukaš na dole

Ti si hrabriji od mene šteta što nemaš više za dokup neznam zašto mene osuđuješ ,a ne sebe kad si tako smart

jebote Gollum pa ti samo drukaš na dole

Ti si hrabriji od mene šteta što nemaš više za dokup neznam zašto mene osuđuješ ,a ne sebe kad si tako smart
ne smatram se "smart" i ne osuđujem Tebe već kažem čemu takav pesimizam kada je vrlo vjerojatno ovo žešća korekcija, a trend je bull. Koliko sam naučio i zaključio nikada ni rast niti pad nisu bili ravna linija. Što se tiće činjenice da nemam za nadokup, to je bila uistinu moja greška ne poričem, ali niti ne paničarim jer kako sam i ranije napisalo kako je palo tako će se i dići.
Nema zamjerke, pa ciljevi su nam isti…zaraditi pare… 🙂

sjedni 5 [lol]

New Report
