Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Naslovnica Forum Gospodarstvo i financije IT i ICT industrija Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Daj Cartmanne, pa ti si jednu vijest postaš 10 puta, neka vidi se da si profesionalac.

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

Evo čitam komentare ovih padova (korekcija) i željene razine za ulaze… Pa čisto da pitam zar zaista vjerujete da će američki indexi poništiti sav ovogodišnji rast ili…?
Pročitao na posljednjim stranicama kako je moguće AIG na 10$, C na 1$, DRYS na 5$…
Gledam grafove i vidim da su i u najvećoj depresiji proljetos te dionice svega nekoliko dana bile tako nisko ili niže…
Mislite da su samo spomenute dionice prenapuhane ili očekujete opet i Nasdaq na 15xx i DOW na 8xxx??
Po izvješćima do sada teško mi je povjerovati da će sve opet tako jako u rikverc pogotovo ako Fed počne dizati kamate.

Dizanje kamata FED-a negativno utjece na burzu jer ako podignu kamate novac ce biti skuplji, odnosno krediti jos skuplji i nedostupniji a to će uzrokovati još više banktrota i zatvorenih radnih mjesta.

Može i na 4000 odnosno 500, a ne 1500. 1500 izgleda nisko samo zato što je nekad bio 6000, kao da ti netko proda cipele koje su koštale 1800kn za 900kn. Bit će sretan jer si dobro prošao, a onda otići u London i tamo vidjeti iste takve za 400kn.

Nebi se kladio u tvoju tvrdnju.
Ako fed digne kamate ode sp500 preko 1100.
Kolega dizanje kamata znači USA je van sranja i van krize a ako to ruši dionice onda oke.
Sao dizanje kamata je vrlo korisno u ovakvim situacijama

Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

p.s. easy money je nešto što ih je dovelo ovdje…kad smo već kod skupog novca

Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

Be Prepared for the Worst by Ron Paul November 1, 2009

The large-scale government intervention in the economy is going to end badly. I am reminded of the outlook in 1930, when the experts were certain that the worst of the Depression was over and that recovery was just around the corner.

The entire article is available at Forbes.com. He goes on to say essentially that he believes that we are in for a repeat of the Great Depression and that at most we have one more year of tepid growth right above stagnation followed by a drop in growth worse than we have seen in the past two years.

My gut instinct is that this thing is not over by a long-shot and I don’t buy any of the flowery reports of economic growth and recovery that this administration, government, and the media has been spoon-feeding the public since March. If economic recovery of the substantial sort were occurring in our country, the media wouldn’t be banging the better-than-expected drums every other day and the government officials wouldn’t be blowing their own horns announcing how they "saved" us all. If the recovery was truly occurring, no one would have to tell the public that the recession was "over".

What’s really weird is that as early as Wednesday (28th), CIT told Icahn to go kiss a fat lady’s ass.

But here’s the link to atleast one source about the "deal" – more like an investor fleecing:

The relevant part re: Carl Icahn went something like this here:

On Friday, it (CIT) reached an agreement under which Carl Icahn, a prominent investor
who had opposed the company’s efforts to reorganize will now support the firm’s restructuring.
Icahn’s hedge fund firm, Icahn Capital LP, will provide CIT with a $1 billion credit line.
The credit line can be used as debtor-in-possession financing as part of the bankruptcy proce

Vidim stvara se panika…..,pa nije to naša burza.
Mnogi od Vas nemaju pojma šta je to Chapter 11?To nije bankrot po našem,oni ce napraviti poboljšanje poslovanja i taj CIT će otići jako gore.Ja ga nemam i baš me briga za njega, samo nemojte pisati gluposti.
Pogledajte GRA , oni su otišli u CH 11 još neke 2003 i pali su na 1 $, pa su se digli u 2-3 godine na 30 $ ( 2007 ), pa su u ovoj krizi pali na 3 $ ( 2009/03 ) i sad su 24 $!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A i dalje su u Ch 11 i imaju normalno poslovanje.Jedna od najboljih firmi na svijetu u kemikalijama za ceste….
Inače su futuresi dobro u plusu,cc 0.50 %.

Ma kakva panika ,ako je skretanje pozornosti na neke stvari panika onda je to primitivizam ,sve objave vijesti su samo posjedovanje informacija i pročiščavanje istih da bi mogli objasniti neke stvari koje se događaju ,tako da bi mogli nazrijeti istinu koja se skriva ,a zajedničkim radom dolazimo do nje kao što i objava posjedovanih dionica nije nagovor na kupnju , a malo opreza nije na odmet .

Opet netko dijeli jedinice, valjda ga smeta što postoji jedna normalna tema bez zlonamjernog drukanja… [rolleyes]

Gledajući rastove i padove prošli tjedan uočava se prilično izražena pravilnost, neuobičajena čak i za njih, mislim da to nije nastalo iz prirodnog trgovanja. Opet će kao krajnji rezultat većina završiti bez gaća.

Svakog dana se protrguje 4 milijarde kuna dionica C, na njenu cijenu sigurno utjecu ulagaci iz hr. [rolleyes]

: ne radi ti browser, postana je jednom.

: CH11 ima svoje prednosti i mane, da ima samo prednosti (zaštitu od vjerovnika) svi bi proglasili ch11 protection. Radi se o sličnoj situaciji kao što je trenutno s Pevecom, dugovi dobavljača/vjerovnika se pretvaraju u udio u vlasništvu slučaju da firma ima dovoljno (realnog) vlasništva i jasne pokazatelje da bi u budućnosti mogla poslovati uspješno. U slučaju da nema zatvara se kao i u slučaju našeg bankrota, a dioničari gube sve.

The 5 largest holders of derivatives (commercial banks) hold 97% of the notional amount of derivatives. Those commercial banks are JP Morgan (JPM), Goldman Sachs (GS), Bank of America (BAC), Citi (C) and Wells Fargo (WFC). The table below shows the total amounts of assets (in $billions), total amount of derivatives (in $billions), the percentage increase/decrease in assets from the previous quarter, the percentage increase/decrease in derivatives from the previous quarter, and the ratio of assets to derivatives holdings (A/D Ratio).

…………..Assets………..Derivatives..…Assets inc/dec …Deriv. inc/dec… A/D ratio

Not sure, but I assume WFC purchased another company in the 2nd quarter to have a jump in assets like that. Note the increase/decrease in assets, derivatives and the ratio of assets to derivatives. Generally, if assets increase, so do derivatives – if assets decline, so do derivative – with one exception. Goldman’s assets DECLINED by almost 26% but derivatives INCREASED by 1.4%. Note also the extremely low ratio of assets to derivatives. It would seem this should set off alarms with the regulators. Where are the regulators?

Now, the interesting part – all of the “commercial banks” above are part of a larger holding company. When you strip out the assets of the commercial banking operations, the remaining assets of the holding company are uniformly lower than the assets in their respective commercial banking operations….with the exception of one – Goldman Sachs. JPM for example has $1,663.998 ($billions) in assets in their commercial banking operation with the remaining components of the holding company having assets of $391.024. Below are the figures for Goldman Sachs the holding company, excluding commercial banking operations, showing quarter-over-quarter increases/decreases.

…………..Assets………..Derivatives..…Assets inc/dec …Deriv. inc/dec…A/D Ratio

While the commercial banking operations of Goldman are showing a significant decrease in assets with an increase in derivatives, the holding company did the opposite. Assets increased while derivatives decreased.

Conclusion….Goldman is taking on more and more risk through their commercial banking operations while reducing exposure at their holding company. Where are the regulators? The ratio of assets to derivatives is just 0.3%! Note also the relatively huge decline in assets at their commercial banking operations (-25.9%). Is Goldman setting up their “commercial bank” for another bailout while at the same time reducing risk at their much larger parent holding company to protect the holding company?

Hello….regulators…..is there anybody out there?
……………………..China bla bla is on CNBC ongoing : Not only in China the GDP is FAKE,the economic numbers BOGUS and the high crude and copper price Bloomberg/CNBC PROMOTION and GS MANIPULATION.Plenty crude,copper ww available ! Further are the green O,B,G and S shoots big LIES.

Only important for the O/banksters team is the DOW on a fantasy level(P/E’s in sky) .The manipulated high energy prices are more than criminal,right now in the cold saison…

Evo nešto za promjenu i na hrvatskom, kad je već osvanulo i na google finance (CIT) dobro je valjda i za ovaj forum, iako nije ništa što se već nezna ipak je našeg portala list [wink]


Ovo gore je negdje 20 puta postano istu vijest,19 puta na engl. 1 puta na hrv. Pitanje je čemu sve to?

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

New Report
