gledam cnbc..
ma tu ekipu ne brine ovaj pad…govore da će još pasti…a do kraja godine ili do 11k ili 12k
Kakav raspašoj… Ali ne živciram se, prodao na zatvaranju zadnji SPY put, sutra i ja očekujem preokret. Dakle slijedi pad [lol]
Asia is 100% in the red this morning with a number of markets now closed:
Asian Market Indices
Index Quote Change Change% Local
New Zealand 3195.62 -7.16 -0.22% 17:31
Australia 4575.20 -112.10 -2.39% 16:47
Nikkei 225 9891.10 -183.95 -1.83% 10/29
TOPIX 882.00 -6.80 -0.77% 14:54
TSE 2nd Sec 2159.47 -9.24 -0.43% 14:54
JASDAQ 48.03 -0.24 -0.50% 14:54
Korea 1586.14 -23.57 -1.46% 14:55
Taiwan 7355.69 -178.26 -2.37% 13:46
Taiwan OTC 121.42 -4.04 -3.22% 13:46
Shanghai 2977.88 -53.45 -1.76% 14:08
Shanghai A 3125.05 -56.22 -1.77% 14:08
Shanghai B 206.30 -1.77 -0.85% 14:08
Shenzhen A 1100.23 -20.63 -1.84% 14:00
Shenzhen B 532.49 -9.05 -1.67% 14:00
SHSZ 300 3254.59 -74.74 -2.25% 13:59
Shenzhen comp 12225.54 -279.79 -2.24% 14:00
Hong Kong 21235.88 -525.70 -2.42% 14:14
HK CN Ent 12436.50 -394.68 -3.08% 14:14
HK Aff Crp 3956.00 -89.60 -2.21% 14:14
Singapore 2626.25 -22.73 -0.86% 14:00
FTSE ST China 284.36 -2.59 -0.90% 14:00
Vietnam 581.49 -18.37 -3.06% 11:01
Thailand 689.04 -14.91 -2.12% 12:31
Philippines 2862.33 -45.88 -1.58% 12:11
Malaysia 1238.70 -10.35 -0.83% 14:00
Indonesia 2285.32 -69.99 -2.97% 11:59
India 16107.88 -175.61 -1.08% 11:45
Pakistan 6496.95 -76.80 -1.17% 09:55
napisao sam neki dan da ako dolar krene gore da ce biti tarapana
to treba onda iskoristiti
no dugorocno stanje se u amera pa i ostatku galaksije smiruje i privodi kriza kraju
gmazovi su se natrpali i sad svima nama a najvise ovima koji misle da znaju trgovati hoce dici jos para
dobro je rekao ludlum2 da mi tesko mozemo znati sto je u americi kad ne znamo ni sto je kod nas
jediga ja sam vjecni oportunist i optimist pa se nadam da ce stvari vrlo brzo doci na svoje
osim toga ovaj rast kod amera s dna od 666 do danas je bio zestok pa je normalno mala korekcija
trebalo je samo dionice drzati pa bi se sada vidjeli plodovi rada
najveci pozdrav ludlumu i ludlumu2 (nije ironija)
gledam cnbc..
ma tu ekipu ne brine ovaj pad…govore da će još pasti…a do kraja godine ili do 11k ili 12k
Samo da moji živci izdrže do kraja godine [thumbsup]
Indeed – and the monetization game of QE is coming to an end. Even the Fed admits that it is now tightening and withdrawing liquidity from the system. That is a sure sign that the next move is an increase in interest rates by the markets and then by the Federal Reserve. An increase in interest rates will be a great booster for the dollar on the DX.
The dollar has fluctuated substantially in relative value since it was first allowed to float in 1971. As recently as this winter, the dollar was quite strong. In fact, the US dollar was up to 89.624 on the DX in March 2009 before falling all the way down to 74.40 last week. Now the dollar is at 76.50 and rising. Whenever currencies are allows to float against each other there will always be substantial volatility with ups and downs. The way to avoid that is to go back to a FIXED RATE EXCHANGE SYSTEM like Bretton Woods which was abandoned in 1971 and then LET PRICES FLUCTUATE DIRECTLY in perception to currencies rather than having the actual currency exchange rates fluctuate.
From the US Dollar perspective, it has benefited from the rise of US bond yields that have accelerated after the publication employment statistics for May on Friday. The greenback also benefits from the consolidation of the US labor market in May for the first time in 16 months. According to the trends in the labor market calculated by the Conference Board, which increased to 89.9 in May compared to 89.7 in April.
The US Dollar also benefits from market expectations that an increase in official interest rates in the United States is more likely; an overall increase of 50 basis points is expected by the end of the year, an increase in the rate by 0.25 % is expected on 4th November, followed by a further increase of 0.25% on 16th December.
Evo današnji makro podaci su ok, dakle očekujemo blago zelenilo na početku i do kraja dana pad indeksa od bar 1% [lol]
Izgleda da to svi čekaju jer je već dow počeo klizat prema dole usprkost rallyju na startu i GDP vjestima da je USA izašla iz recesije. [undecid]
Mislim da će biti još malo pumpinga ali je to na staklenim nogama. Sad sam se iskrcao iz par pozicija, cash preko 50%, da se ne bih našao na krivoj strani, vidjet ćemo kako će završiti tjedan.
Na S&P 1060-1070 mislim opet početi uzimati puteve.
Evo gledam i sve sam bliže da se poigram s CIT. Kupnja na 1$ ili niže već je u nekoliko navrata zadnjih tjedana značila expresnu zaradu od 10-15-20%. Nevjerojatna dionica za extra cool tipove s viškom para, šteta što još ne ispunjavam uvjete [smiley]
Evo gledam i sve sam bliže da se poigram s CIT. Kupnja na 1$ ili niže već je u nekoliko navrata zadnjih tjedana značila expresnu zaradu od 10-15-20%. Nevjerojatna dionica za extra cool tipove s viškom para, šteta što još ne ispunjavam uvjete [smiley]
čekaj prvo izvješće…ja se vračam nakon izvješća