Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Naslovnica Forum Gospodarstvo i financije IT i ICT industrija Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Kupio CHBT,objavili da je CFO dao ostavku i rokačina -11.50%
Jedino mi se ne sviđa veliki promet pri padu,ali vjerujem da je panika u pitanju,margini…itd

"Only dead fish swim with the stream"

Kupio CHBT,objavili da je CFO dao ostavku i rokačina -11.50%
Jedino mi se ne sviđa veliki promet pri padu,ali vjerujem da je panika u pitanju,margini…itd

ma to u ovakvim slučajvima nema veze…neki dan su rekli da fre i fnm ne vrijedi ništa pa je recimo fnm pao na 0,95 sa ogromnim prometom…a dan kasnije je bio na 1,23…

treba imati čukicu i kupiti…samo treba prodati na vrijeme

Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

Possible Credit Dislocation: Be Warned
I have reason to suspect that the "monetary transmission mechanism" is full of rocks (again), and we are about to have another instance of what could colloquially be called "fun." (Yes, that’s sarcasm.)

Here’s what we know and what I can deduce from it:

* JP Morgan’s "cash position" was analyzed by a writer who published on SCRIBD, which showed that actual cash held has deteriorated radically. By more than half in the last year. The deterioration is continuing, not slowing.

* I am hearing repeated anecdotes from multiple areas that foreclosed property held by banks with multiple full-price offers that include a financing requirement are being sold instead to people with actual cash at radical reductions from that price. This implies that these financing contingencies are regarded as not only potentially no good but factually no good, as if the banks know for a fact that the credit pipeline will (not might), within weeks or months (in the time required to close), disappear. There is no other rational explanation for this behavior.

Kupio CHBT,objavili da je CFO dao ostavku i rokačina -11.50%
Jedino mi se ne sviđa veliki promet pri padu,ali vjerujem da je panika u pitanju,margini…itd

Baš nesretan tajming si imao 🙁
Kad im je izvješće?

Zanimljiv ovaj DRYS, opet je završio iznad 7$, malo je falilo da me pogodi stop loss. Da li ću biti sretan ili žaliti, vidjeti ćemo u ponedjeljak.

Sljedeći tjedan ću lagano povećavati cash poziciju i nastaviti trgovati više sa dionicama nego sa opcijama, mogao bi nas čekati zig-zag indeksa par mjeseci a ne bih se htio naći na krivoj strani tržišta sa opcijama u posjedu. (ne samo zbog leverage faktora nego i zbog manje likvidnosti i nedostatka stop-loss naloga)

Ostaje vidjeti što će se sljedećih par tjedana desiti sa:


– ostatkom izvješća

– možebitno povećanje FED kamata

– posustajanje FED-ovih POMO injekcija i još uz to zatvaranje državne pipe?
"Another $185 B could soon hit the markets as US approaches debt ceiling
The US debt ceiling currently rests at $12.104 Trillion, of which $11.792 Trillion is outstanding as of September 14, 2009. The debt ceiling is the maximum debt allowed by statute (not including future liabilities, such as Social Security and Medicare). Any change must be enacted by Congress, and as we quickly approach the ceiling this fall, such a debate would be easily politicized. In anticipation of such friction, Treasury will be cutting corners wherever it can to continue to issue debt at a record pace, preferably on the long end of the yield curve. One such corner is the Treasury’s Supplementary Financing Program, which was created in September 2008."

Possible Credit Dislocation: Be Warned
I have reason to suspect that the "monetary transmission mechanism" is full of rocks (again), and we are about to have another instance of what could colloquially be called "fun." (Yes, that’s sarcasm.)

Here’s what we know and what I can deduce from it:

* JP Morgan’s "cash position" was analyzed by a writer who published on SCRIBD, which showed that actual cash held has deteriorated radically. By more than half in the last year. The deterioration is continuing, not slowing.

* I am hearing repeated anecdotes from multiple areas that foreclosed property held by banks with multiple full-price offers that include a financing requirement are being sold instead to people with actual cash at radical reductions from that price. This implies that these financing contingencies are regarded as not only potentially no good but factually no good, as if the banks know for a fact that the credit pipeline will (not might), within weeks or months (in the time required to close), disappear. There is no other rational explanation for this behavior.

Fnm niti će proasti niti ništa, sjeti se CIT-a prije 3 tjedna…pao je 50% na 0,83$, a drugi dan se vratio na 1,15 i onda na 1,25. FNM ista stvar, digli g na 2,20, pa spustili na 0,85 i sada je oko 1,20, a vratiti će se na 2$ samo treba čekati ga….niti jedna banka ove godine nije bankrotirala, stoga vjerujem da je sve ovo igra psihičke izdržljivosti.

ma nama treba samo jedna stvar da bi se relly nastavio do 1200 a to je povečanje kamata.
Barem minimalno, jer to bi bio znak da je pravi oporavak krenuo (u kojeg ja ne vjerujem niti 1%)…

samo neznam kada to FED obično raspravlja…

Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

Possible Credit Dislocation: Be Warned
I have reason to suspect that the "monetary transmission mechanism" is full of rocks (again), and we are about to have another instance of what could colloquially be called "fun." (Yes, that’s sarcasm.)

Here’s what we know and what I can deduce from it:

* JP Morgan’s "cash position" was analyzed by a writer who published on SCRIBD, which showed that actual cash held has deteriorated radically. By more than half in the last year. The deterioration is continuing, not slowing.

* I am hearing repeated anecdotes from multiple areas that foreclosed property held by banks with multiple full-price offers that include a financing requirement are being sold instead to people with actual cash at radical reductions from that price. This implies that these financing contingencies are regarded as not only potentially no good but factually no good, as if the banks know for a fact that the credit pipeline will (not might), within weeks or months (in the time required to close), disappear. There is no other rational explanation for this behavior.

Fnm niti će proasti niti ništa, sjeti se CIT-a prije 3 tjedna…pao je 50% na 0,83$, a drugi dan se vratio na 1,15 i onda na 1,25. FNM ista stvar, digli g na 2,20, pa spustili na 0,85 i sada je oko 1,20, a vratiti će se na 2$ samo treba čekati ga….niti jedna banka ove godine nije bankrotirala, stoga vjerujem da je sve ovo igra psihičke izdržljivosti.


Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

Options Trading Shows ‘No Hint’ of U.S. Dollar Crisis, RBS Says
Oct. 23 (Bloomberg) — Options trading suggests the euro is nearing the end of its advance against the U.S. dollar and there is “no hint of a crisis” in the world’s main reserve currency, according to Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc.

“There are surprisingly few signs of real fears of an outsized euro-U.S. dollar move to the upside,” Alan Ruskin, head of international currency strategy in North America at RBS Securities Inc. in Stamford, Connecticut, wrote in a note today. “The market appears to be taking an appropriate view that we are sucking the last juice out of the short U.S. dollar trade that probably has a maximum of 10 big figures left in it to $1.60 versus the euro.” A short position is a bet that a currency will depreciate.

Measures of short-term volatility, volatility curves and risk reversals not only suggest that there is no U.S. dollar crisis looming, “on the contrary, at least when it comes to the bellwether euro-U.S. dollar currency pair, they are signaling quite the opposite,” Ruskin wrote.

The euro has appreciated 7.1 percent this year and climbed above $1.50 two days ago for the first time since August 2008. It was little changed today at $1.5001. The euro touched $1.6038 on July 15, 2008, the strongest level for the 16-nation currency since its 1999 debut……………….



Ne mislim da je loši tajming,kupio sam po 14.60,u biti vjerujem u ovu kompaniju i imam long poziciju, već sam ulazio po 10.50 i 12.20,ako drugi tjedan opet značajnije padne možda još dokupim…dionica je inače jako volatilna.
Izvješće je negdje između 9-19.11
Evo i prospekt ako koga zanima:Vaš link
Btw.Rocky čestitke za tvoje trejdove,pratim tvoje trgovanje na USA tržištu koliko stignem i vidim da si se izvrsno snašao. [thumbsup]

"Only dead fish swim with the stream"

Zaraženi milijuni
U SAD-u zbog svinjske gripe stanje nacionalne opasnosti
Američki predsjednik Barack Obama potpisao je uredbu kojom se zbog gripe H1N1 proglašava nacionalna opasnost
Zbog podbačaja u proizvodnji cjepiva, umjesto očekivanih 40 milijuna doza do kraja listopada, do petka je isporučeno samo 16.1 milijuna doza, pa se uglavnom cijepe samo rizične skupine, a ostali građani satima čekaju na cijepljenje u dugim redovima pred klinikama.
"Od početka pandemije imamo više od 1000 mrtvih i 20,000 hospitaliziranih. Očekujemo da će zaraza ići u valovima, ali ne možemo predvidjeti kada će se ti valovi dogoditi", rekao je direktor CDC-a Dr. Thomas Frieden.

Koga zanima postoje opcije za valute ,nudim zanimljiv pogled opcija dolara u nadolazećim danim i mjesecima ,uživajte

….niti jedna banka ove godine nije bankrotirala, stoga vjerujem da je sve ovo igra psihičke izdržljivosti.

Niti jedna nama poznata, inace..

Bank failures hit 106 for year
9:50p ET October 23, 2009 (MarketWatch)

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — Seven more banks failed Friday, pushing the 2009 total to 106 and marking the first year since 1992 that at least 100 have gone under.

Experts suggest we could be no more than 10% of the way through this cycle of bank collapses, which is sure to be the worst run of closures since the Great Depression.

The parade of failures continued on Friday with closures of three banks in Florida, one each in Wisconsin, Georgia, Minnesota and Illinois. .

So far 106 banks have failed in 2009.

CreditSights, which tracks the dismal data, predicts that in the current cycle, from 2008 through 2011, as many as 1,100 banks will fail. That would wipe out 13.4% of all U.S. banks, representing 7% of U.S. banking assets.

The last year in which the FDIC had that many banks to deal with was in 1992, at the tail end of the last real estate crisis. The FDIC rescued 122 in 1992, according to Keefe, Bruyette & Woods researchers.

The increasing stream of bank failures is likely to run through 2011 according to some industry experts, as the fallout from the credit crisis continues.

The panic that started in 2007 as a credit crisis quickly morphed into a full blown residential real estate collapse. The problems blossomed as prices on mortgage securities backed by ill-conceived loans then collapsed, triggering capital destruction at banks and a fear among firms to lend to each other.

The crisis worsened as tighter credit forced firms to lay off millions of workers, hitting retailers hard and triggering further spikes in credit card and mortgage defaults.

Most of the high profile large banks likely to fail already have, and the backlog of troubled banks now is concentrated at the regional and community level, and is weighed down by commercial real estate and construction loans.

Many smaller banks gorged on commercial real estate lending in the go-go 2000s, amid low interest rates and rising property values.

The fallout has been fast, and furious.

CreditSights’ data show that commercial real estate loans made up almost half of all loans at most (80%) of the banks the research firm identified as troubled.

"Another wave of prolonged losses driven by weakness in commercial real estate could prove catastrophic to many of these weakened banks," CreditSights said.

FDIC-insured institutions have set aside just over $338 billion in provisions for loan losses during the past six quarters, an amount that is about four times larger than their provisions during the prior six quarter period, FDIC data show.

"While banks and thrifts are now well along in the process of loss recognition and balance sheet repair, the process will continue well into next year, especially for commercial real estate," FDIC chief Sheila Bair told Congress last week.

As a result, she said, the number of problem institutions increased significantly, to more than 400 during the second quarter.

Now, with unemployment near 10% and credit card default rates about the same, prime mortgage delinquencies are rising, stoking worries among the nation’s banks that despite rising stock markets, fundamental banking industry health remains elusive.

Hundreds of billions of dollars of government support is helping to keep the biggest banks afloat, but many of the nation’s smaller regional and community banks face failure.

"We expect the numbers of problem institutions to increase and bank failures to remain high for the next several quarters," Bair said.

That’s created a devilishly vexing issue for the FDIC, the federal agency charged with making depositors whole.

10% of U.S. banks could fail

Before Friday’s bank failures, the year-to-date total

New Report
